Status: Good and fast

Why Me?

Letter One

A/N: Ok so this is my first Mystery so please comment nicely:)

The t.v was on. The news has just begun. Tragedy was on over drive for Mr. and Mrs. Davis. The news anchor began to speak.

" A new Amber Alert. Priya Davis Sixteen has been missing for the last six months. If you see or hear anything please connect Thomas Davis at 333-4278."

Not able to bear the news about their missing daughter they turn of the t.v. only to see Mrs. Davis come inside in tears.

" What is it Beth?"

" Pri...Priya." She was speechless

" What about Priya?"

" Here." Beth hands her husband the letter addressed to them. Only to find the hand writing of their daughter. Their missing daughter. Tom begins to read the unexpected letter.

Dear mum and dad,

This is so hard to explain this but it's for the best. This was for the best. I loved you guys. But it was my time. To explain well their are six letters coming your way to say what I needed to say. Their will also be letter for you to give but not to read. Those letters are for the people that had aways stuck by me. I Priya Davis promised that my life being taking away was the best thing that happened not a tragedy. To start off with please don't call the police or anything. This is going to be an adventure for all of us. It's going to fun. So remember don't read the letter that are meant for someone else because their may be consequences. Well have fun. The game starts NOW!


Priya Davis

"NO! No,no,no,no! My baby, my baby is dead!" Beth Davis screams in terror from the letter that was just read. Tom tries to calm his wife.

" Beth, Beth calm down. We'll call the police and every thing will be cleared up. It's probably just some kid fucking with us." Beth starts to cry harder.

" You can't! You can't call the police you read it. She said you can't or their will be consequences."

" Then what do we do?"

" We wait. We wait for the next letter."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hoped you guys liked it. :)