Status: Active

The Girl in the Rain.

Get Out.

"Get out of here you slut!"

Matt screamed at me, literally throwing me and my only bag of belongs out of our apartment. This isn't the first time this has happened. It actually happens almost regurlary. Whenever Matt finds a girl at the club, willing to have sex with him, he brings her home and forces me to be the entertainment. He slaps me around a little and then throws me out. Its all a big part of his act to make the drunk girls he brings home more attracted to him and it actually works.

"You heard me! Go!" Matt boomed as I picked up my things, nodding, and ran down the stairs into the dark, chilly, night.

I walked to the park that was just a few blocks away. It was old. I never saw kids here anymore. The occasional teenage group would come and drink but, that was about it. I sighed and sat down on the only bench under a street light. A couple walked by walking their dog.

'Who walks their dog this late?'

Seeing the couple, so loving to eachother reminded me of how Matt used to be. Matt was kind, gentle, and smart. He had short, sandy blond, hair, piercing blue eyes, and a beautiful build. When I met Matt he instantly swooped me off my feet. He knew all the right things to say. He took me out to dinner, movies, and pretty soon, we were dating. We dated for a year and a half until he changed. He became moody and dark. He started lashing out at me if I made his coffee wrong. He asked me to move in with him and I was to afraid to say no. Not long after the move, he brought home a girl. I was furious and when I objected he slapped me across the face. After that, he hit me all the time and brought girls home all the time. I guess I just got used to it. I snapped out of my thoughts when i felt it begin to rain.

"Shit!" I yelled digging a hoodie out of my bag and throwing it on, zipping it up and putting the hood on. I sighed and layed down on the bench. I began to cry as the rain came down harder and harder. It seemed like it'd never stop, until a car stopped and a dark baggy clothed figure stepped out and ran towards me.
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Just as my other story I'm redoing this one. This was always one of my favorite stories I wrote and I feel like I've grown up from my previous writing habbits. The chapters are going to be very short because I'll be splitting them up into point of views, so bare with me. Comments would be nice!