Two Sides of a Coin

Standing on the Cusp

I never have, I never will
Pledge allegiance to their flag
You're getting used, you'll end up dead!
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!

You've Got To Die For The Government, Anti-Flag


The Auckland Harbor sparkled merrily in the pale morning sunlight. The weather really didn’t match the feeling of dread jumping around in Fraser's stomach.
‘So now the weather even feels a need to mock me? What the hell did I ever do to it?’ yet another bitter thought jumping to the forefront of his brain.

As he stepped on to the dock where he was to meet Trigger the impossibility of what he was about to do came back and hit him hard.
He would be truly alone. He had no backup, no method of communication if he was to be captured.

All in all, he was screwed.

“Ah Fraser, my boy! You’re early!” the exuberant booming voice of Commander Trigger rang out.

‘How the bloody friggin’ hell is he so happy? Oh, right. He’s not the one being sent to die like a sheep to the slaughter.’ He thought bitterly; ‘You promised you wouldn’t die. Or was that a lie?’ A voice in his head rang out. ‘Trust my conscience to sound like Tess.’ He thought with a sigh before turning around to face Trigger.

“Well Sir, my calendar’s not exactly fit to bursting, and I didn’t have anything else to do. So… here I am.” The attempt at humor was rather lackluster, a fact not lost on Trigger.

“My boy;”
‘There he goes with the bloody “My Boy” line again. Since when have I been his boy?’ ‘Since you scored a 159 on your combat test.’ Tess’ voice stated.
“It’s perfectly natural to be a little shaken, but it’s perfectly understandable.” Trigger’s voice cut through his thoughts; “I want you to know, my boy, that I have the utmost confidence in you. I know you will succeed.”

“Thank you sir, that means a lot.” Actually, it meant nothing. At least not coming from the aging soldier. Now when Tess had said it, it truly made him believe he was going to make it out alive. He wasn’t about to tell Trigger that though. Even if it would get him to cut the ‘My Boy’ crap.

‘Hmm no ship in sight, that means I’m not getting there by boat. I wonder…’

“Sir?” With a nod from Trigger he continued; “How exactly am I going to be getting to Sydney? I don’t see a boat or a sub anywhere so I’m a little curious.”

“Perfectly understandable my boy;” ‘Friggin’ bloody hell’; “tell me, have you ever performed a Halo Jump?”

“A Halo Jump Sir? How exactly is that going to go un-noticed? Surely, a man falling through the air and directly into Sydney won’t go un-noticed by them . So how am I supposed to pull that off?” Fraser asked skeptically.

“Ah, now see, that’s the thing my boy,” ‘STOP IT WITH THE BLOODY MY BOYS!’ “You’re not jumping into Sydney. No, no, no. You’d be dead before you hit the ground.” He replied, humor incredibly evident in his voice.

“Well then sir where exactly am I jumping into?” He was starting to become annoyed with the man now.

“My boy’” ‘I WILL PUT A BULLET IN YOUR HEAD IF YOU DON”T STOP THAT!’ “You will be dropped into the Sydney harbor.” His smile widening with that.

“Sir, no disrespect meant, but that’s insane. Mental. Raving. Ludicrous in-fact, Sir.”

“I can understand your skepticism my..”

“Skepticism?” Fraser interrupted before he Trigger could say it; “Of course I’m skeptic. You expect me to jump from a plane and land in the harbor completely undetected, and you say I’m skeptic? Give me one good reason this will work. Sir.”

“Well for one you aren’t expected to land in the water my boy,” ‘Maybe I’ll cut of your arms and legs as well’ “you will be equipped with a glider.”

“And what of my parachute? How is that going to go undetected Sir?”

“The chute as well as you and your glider will have cloaking devices on them.” ‘No “My Boy’s”? Well that’s good I guess. Don’t get to mentally curse and threaten him of course.’ “Did you really expect us to not at least give you a fighting chance?”

“Well Sir, you’ve been making it sound impossible over the last few days, and I completely agree with that, so I really didn’t expect this, but I am curious, why not just use the glider to get onto one of the buildings instead of the docks? Wouldn’t it work just as well?”

“My boy,” ‘Maybe a DIY castration is in order.’ “It would yes, if not for one small fact.”

“And that fact is?”

“Without the proper security card, landing on one of the many high rises in Sydney would have you incinerated within seconds. My boy.”


“Bloody damnation what Fraser?” Trigger asked with a piercing gaze.

“Uh… well… it’s just the world seems to have it in for me lately and I just can’t seem to catch a break is all.” He finished lamely. Knowing full well that’s not why he had screamed it.
Trigger seemed to know as well.

“Are you sure that’s all Fraser?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Well if you are sure…”

“I am.”

“Very good then. You have all your weaponry?” With a nod from Fraser he continued. “Your ride should be here any minute now. Up until the time comes for your dive I will be available for contact on the horn. After your jump, it’s radio silence from then on in. Is that understood?”

“Understood Sir.” ‘I’m off to my death and I can’t even have a friendly voice along for the ride. Just great.’ All further thoughts were cut off as the sound of jet engines blazed into existence.

“Your ride’s here my boy, you ready for this?” with a nod from Fraser Trigger continued.

“I’m counting on you Adams. This could mean the end of this bloody war. Oh and if you happen to get captured we aren’t going to listen to any deals from them.” His voice was grave.

“I wouldn’t expect any less sir.”

“Now let’s get you on your way soldier. And God speed to you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright we're really getting into it. So far I've written ten chapters but hit a writers block with eleven so things are going to start slowing down soon, just thought I'd worn you before it happens and you start pelting me with rotten food.