I Don’t Care How I Met You... All That Matters is That I Did. Ya Heard?


"ALANDRA PAIGE MASON GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!!!" My mother yelled through the house.

I groaned and rolled out of bed slipping on my glasses. I groggily walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was.

"Yes mother?" I asked yawning.

She gave me a look at me "where were you last night?" She asked.

"Ma I was at a concert... I told you that!" I exclaimed.

She sighed "I know I'm sorry, its just.... after what happened with your father... I worry about you driving at night." she said softly.

I walked over and gave her a hug. "I love you mommy." I said softly. "I love you to baby." she said kissing the top of my head.

Let me explain, last month my father was in a car wreck, he was driving home from work late at night when a drunk driver hit him, he wasn't wearing a seat belt and was thrown from the car, he died on the way to the hospital. The guy in the other car got away with a few scratches. I am happy that he got out alive, now every day for the rest of his life he has to live with the guilt and pain of knowing he killed an innocent man and destroyed a family.

My parents and I were close, my dad used to call us the "Three Musketeers" we did everything together. Now... we were missing our third Musketeer, the one that kept us together who tucked me in at night even though I was 17 I couldn't sleep without him to tuck me in.. I haven't had a decent nights sleep in over a month.

"I miss him" I breathed letting a few tears fall.

"I know baby, I do to." she said softly holding me tightly as I broke down.
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Title Credit: "Circles."- All Time Low
Alrighty!! First story!! Woot Woot!!! not really sure whats gonna happen... so any ideas are greatly appreciated!!((:
Hope you enjoy!!((:
