I Don’t Care How I Met You... All That Matters is That I Did. Ya Heard?

Toast and Banana's

-Do you wanna know what I think of you?
'Cause you're not the way I thought you should be
Do take back what you said
It's time to fix, it's time to fix your head-

I groaned, who in their right mind would call me at this time in the morning. I patted around my night stand for my phone.

"hello?" I answered sleepily.

"Lana!! When were you gonna tell us you were moving!?!?!!" my "friend" Cassandra cried through the phone. Honestly... I wasn't planning on telling her or anyone else i was leaving.

"how did you find out?" I asked.

"There are moving trucks in your driveway, I'm just going to pick up chase and we'll be right over." she said.

I groaned in my head. "No Sandra.... My mom doesn't want anyone over while were packing and stuff," I said saying the first excuse that came to my head.

I could tell she just rolled her eyes. "Well we need to hang out before you leave!! we're going to miss you so much!" She squealed. I cringed.
"Yeah of coarse we do... Hey I gotta go, I'll call you before I leave." I said hanging up.

I got out of bed and slipped my slippers on. I went downstairs and went to the fridge, grabbing an apple and going to find my mom. There was a note on the coffee table from her:

I went to get more boxes. There are three empty ones in the hall closet. I would like for you to finish packing up your things.
Love you lots,

I set the note down, finished my apple and then walked to the hall closet and grabbed one of the boxes so I could finish packing the things in my room.

When I was done put all the boxes in a pile marking them with an AR for Alandra's room, obviously.

There was a knock on the front door, I crossed my fingers and prayed for it not to be Cassandra. I opened the door and let out the breath of relief.

"Hi are you Mrs. Mason?" the guy asked.

"No I'm her daughter Alandra." I said politely.

"I'm Brad, I'm here to help you guys move." he said. I nodded and let him in.

"The living room, mine and my moms rooms are all packed." I told him, he nodded and walked into the living room grabbing boxes and taking them to the moving van.

I left him to do his job and went upstairs to get ready for the day. I pulled on a random shirt, and grabbed a pair of dark washed shorts. I slipped on some purple toms and walked over to my vanity and grabbed some body spray, spraying it all over. I sat down and applied eyeliner and lip gloss. I tied my hair in a bun at the top of my head and dubbed myself presentable.

Then I went back downstairs Brad had gotten all the living room boxes into the moving truck and was bringing down boxes from my mom's room.

"what can I do to help?" I asked him.

"If you would bring down the boxes from your room that would be great" he said smiling politely.

I walked up to my room and started bringing boxes down.

By the time we were all done it was dinner time and my mom still wasn't home from where ever she went.

"Do you want me to order Chinese?" I asked.

"sure," he replied.

I picked up the phone and called the place ordering enough for the two of us and leftovers for my mom...

"yeah, sure mom it takes all day to get boxes." I said under my breath.

when food came we ate in an awkward silence.

"well I should be going... I'll be back tomorrow to help finish." he said.

"bye." I said watching him walk out the door.
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Title credit:: Blink 182 <3
Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/alandra/set?id=34878118

Sorry it took so long to update guys!!! but here it is!! I promise it will get better once she meets jack!!!((: