You're like an Atomic Bomb Baby, Tick Tock

Look Alive Sunshine

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I ran through the never ending hallways of one of the Better Living Industries buildings. It was always like this whenever we did one of these missions, the place were raiding would be a maze of hallways and I would end up risking my life trying to find my way out before something bad happened. In this case, it was trying to get out before the bombs I had set detonated. I didn't have much time as it was and getting stopped by a few Draculiods every now and again definitely wasn't helping my situation. Let's just hope I didn't run out of ammo.

“Atomic Baby, status,” A deep voice cut me from my thoughts, but my feet never stopped moving as I lifted up my watch to my lips, my watch also doubling as a walkie-talkie.

“I'm making my way out-”

“You have 1 minute,” I let my arm drop and I kicked it into over gear, booking it down the hallways. I came to the entrance and blew the locked doors open with my ray gun, running for my dear life where my comrades waited for me in the distance. I heard an explosion from behind and than screaming. I jumped to the ground, my stomach slamming against it, my arms going to cover my head as the cloud of fire flew over my head, debris landing all around me. I could feel the small shards from the windows hitting my skin and breaking it open, but it was the least of my worries, I just needed to make sure I didn't start on fire. I was at least safe from the explosion.

When I was sure that I was safe from the fire, I lifted my head, sliding myself into a sitting position and turning back to look at the building practically bursting with flames. No one left inside was alive anymore, that was a promise. I was lucky enough to get out in time. I was pretty lucky in situation's such as these.

“Macy,” I turned my head to see my brother, Bryce or better known by his codename as 'Space Diamond.' He looked extremely worried but he was obviously happy I was alright. It almost seemed cliché doesn't it? Like a silly apocalypse movie with that super happy ending. But trust me doll, there is no happy endings in this story, in this world, it was either kill or be killed. The fact that I wasn't killed today was not a miracle but my own skills of survival that had done it. That's just the way things were here.

Those things won't matter for long, I guess you'll just have to wait and see for that.

I couldn't help but start to laugh at myself as my brother and I stared at the building that was dancing with flames. Maybe it was my near death experience getting to me, but I just found this whole situation funny. I guess you could say I was the type of girl who laughed in the face of danger.

I pushed myself up and brushed the sand off of me, giving Bryce a smile. “Mission complete,” I said, giving him a thumbs up and a wink. He only joined me with a small laugh and pulling me into a tight embrace.

“I thought you were a goner,” I pushed him away and shook my head.

“You know me better than that, I'm too stubborn to die. Now...let's get outa here, I'd prefer not getting burned alive,” he nodded and we started our walk back to where our few other comrades were waiting with the getaway car.

“Korse is going to be so pissed,” Bryce laughed, I looked at him and smirked.

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Sorry that it's kinda short, just wanted to introduce you to the new characters and such. It's supposed to be a little preview I guess. :)
Let me know what you think so far though, leave me a comment please :D