Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Mom is screaming, that's strange. She is always so quiet, Sammi pats her face one last time with her makeup brush and stands up. Maybe she saw a mouse . She felt herself smirk as she thought of the last time, her mother had seen a mouse. The last time, she found her mother on top of the table in the kitchen, screaming wildly. As a result, Sammi was the one who had to chase the mouse away. Sammi took her time, going down the stairs, she counted in her head each step she took, she liked to go down the stairs without the lights on. When she got to the last five she heard a low voice.
"Where's your daughter?" the man demanded, gritting his teeth.
"I am not going to tell you where my daughter is," her mother spat.
She had never heard her mother being so vicious. So, she peeked around the corner of the bottom of the stairs. Her mother was in a chair, tied up. Sammi tried not to gasp and she sunk back into the corner, biting her hand, breathing in and out, in and out.
"See your pathetic little husband?" there was a pause, "Look at him God Dammit, it's the last time, you'll ever be able to see him."
Sammi could hear her mother sobbing, so she peeked around the corner to look at her father. She was begging for him to be okay. He wasn't. In the middle of the kitchen floor he was flat on his stomach and blood surrounded him on the floor. Her mother was begging now.
"Please, I'll give you whatever you want. Just leave my daughter alone."
There was a silence and then an angry growl from the man, "You have to the count of three, then I go looking for her. I know all of her favorite places," Sammi heard a click, "One....two...three."
There was a gun-shot and Sammi couldnt stop herself from gasping aloud. She could no longer hear her mother's frantic breathing and sobs. She made her way back up the steps as quickly as she could and quietly.
She ran to her room and picked up her cell phone. She pressed nine and then her bedroom door slammed open, "Sammi, I have been looking everywhere for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I will regularly post on this story. Enjoy.