Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


~Day three~
Sammi's stomach growled, waking her up. She had fallen asleep on the small cot he had supplied for her. Her thoughts drifted to Adam. Would he be worried about her? Did he care? Then, shed think about the man. His pale face, striking eyes. She couldnt help but think about how gentle he was with her when he helped place her into the wheelchair. She sat up in the little cot and reached for her wheelchair. Then, walking on the sides of her feet she got into the wheelchair and started to roll towards the bathroom. She tried to stay away from the kitchen. She still had one more day of no eating left.
She tried not to cry out in pain when the cold linoleum floors touched her severely burnt feet. After she was done the agonizing process was started over. He walked by the bathroom as she was trying to get back into her chair, "You need any help?" he asked.
"Yeah, please."
He was trembling with excitement another chance to touch her delicate body. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he picked her up bridal-style and placed her in the chair. She sighed in relief and leaned back into the chair.
"If you are good today, I think I may let you walk around without the chains being attached to the walls," he said, thoughtfully, as he walked beside her.
"Okay," she smiled at his kindness and continued to follow him.
"You wanna see something?" he asked, she nodded, "Okay, well follow me."
He lead her to a small room, it was just like her room. He picked her up out of the wheelchair and sat her on the bed next to him, "What is it?" she asked.
"Let me get it," he fished under the bed, then brought out a metal lunchbox, he opened it, revealing some syringes and other paraphenelia, "This is the best thing that will ever happen to you, I promise."
She trusted him and shook her head, "Are you going to share with me?"
"Yeah," he pulled out a liter of distilled water and a spoon. Then he choppd a small peice of dried-maple syrup looking stuff off of a larger chunk and put it in the spoon. Then he put a couple of drops of the distilled water with it. Then he lit a candle. He grabbed her arm and found a good vein, "Keep your arm still," he said, softly.
He let the mixture boil and then he sucked it up with the needle and tapped the bubbles out, "You are about to feel so good, baby," he said, then he put the needle into her vein and pushed it through.
She felt something electric enter her blood stream and then she felt completely relaxed. She felt loose. She wasnt nervous. She had been nervous her whole life. And from that little injection of heroine, she felt herself calm completely down. He shivered watching her float away. Then, he injected himself much faster and watched her as she melted away.
Sammi looked over at the man, Im in love, she thought. Then, she reached over and kissed him. He pulled her tighter against him and knotted his hands in her hair. She was trembling just like he always did when he touched her. She pulled his shirt off, she could see his muscles, perfectly shaped, all she wanted to do was have her touch him. And that is all he wanted to do.
Then they grinded together perfectly until they passed out, naked, lying next to eachother.
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