Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Adam felt heavy when he woke up. Like he had been swimming for many hours. He vaguely remembered standing in front of Sammi's house being questioned by a investigator. He looked around the room, it wasn't his room. The walls were bare and there was only a bed in the room. He was chained to the wall. Something was in his mouth, keeping him from calling out. He could feel the gag in his mouth. Slowly, things were clearing. What am I doing here?
Charlie came in then. His heart was racing. He had only intended on taking Sammi but he needed to get this kid off his back. "Good Morning, Adam," he said, smiling, "Yes, I am the one who took Sammi and desposed of her parents. Kill is such a bad word. I am going to take that gag out only with one condition. Don't scream."
Sammi was passed out due to the heroin, downstairs, so if Adam screamed she wouldn't wake up, "Do you promise you wont scream?" Charlie asked.
Adam nodded, Charlie undid the gag and counted in his head to three and then Adam screamed, "Sammi!"
Charlie shook his head, "I thought we would be friends," He put the gag back in Adam's mouth as Adam shook his head back and forth. Small shouts would come out every now and then but Charlie finally got it on, without having to knock him out. Then he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.
"Charlie?" his cupcake called, opening her eyes.
"Yes, darling, I'm here."
"Why am I chained up again?" she pulled on the chains.
"I have to keep you that way for a little bit," he replied, neutrally.
She closed her eyes and rolled to her side, trying to fight back the tears, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, you didn't do anything, its part of your surprise," he replied, without waiting for an answer he said, "I have to leave for a while today. You can walk around the whole house, just do not go to the room next to the dining room."
"Okay," she had no desire to go in there, it was the first room he had her in and she hated it.
He left soon after and she got up to go to the bathroom. Although she was not her old self she couldn't help but be curious about the room next to the dining room. So, she opened it. Then she saw a familiar face. Adam?
"Adam?" she gasped, he grumbled in his gag. She didn't know what to do except stare.
Then she turned and ran from the room, not bothering to shut the door.
Adam, what's he doing here? Charlie wouldn't be the jealous-type. He isn't going to kill Adam? Hes not like that. He killed your parents.
"Whose there?" she asked.
A girl with long blonde hair and green eyes walked in, she looked familiar, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a Korn t-shirt, "It's me Sammi, Cupcake."
"I don't know you," she backed away from the girl.
"You know me well," Sammi replied, "I know everything about me. I cant believe you forgot who I was," the Sammi-girl shook her head in disappointment, "My own... Well, we'll get to that at a different time," with that she walked out of the room.
His cupcake heard a door open and shut. Then, she remembered that she forgot to shut the forbidden room. She heard his footsteps stop, a door shirt, then quick footsteps coming towards her. The door flew open and Charlie came in glaring at her, "I told you to stay away from that room," he knocked her down, "Fine since you cant listen to me," he took her off her chains and hooked her to the short ones that only went to the bathroom that was across the hall, "You are on restrictions."
He punched her as hard as he could causing her to go unconscious. When she woke up, Sammi was setting in front of her on the ground, "Man, Cupcake, did you fuck up."
"What do you want?" she asked.
"I just want to be able to be myself again."
"That doesn't make sense."
Sammi rolled her eyes, "He's coming Cupcake. He was probably just torturing Adam."
Sure enough she could hear the footsteps.
"Why are trying to take away my cupcake?" Charlie demanded.
Adam couldn't say anything he was still gagged, the image of a skin and bones Sammi still lingered in his head. Charlie paced back and forth in front of him, "I know what to do," he smirked and then left the room.
Adam tried to relax in the bed, not knowing what to expect as he heard the footsteps coming back for him.
"I'm, going to remove your hand, so you will never be able to touch my cupcake with your filthy hands," he had came back with a cart-load of stuff. He picked up a tourniquet and started attaching it to Adam's arm, above the wrist.
He hummed while he worked. Then Adam began to feel him sawing away at his wrist. He began screaming and choking against the gag. A pool of blood began to surround him and he passed out.
When Charlie was done cleaning up the mess and properly sterilizing and stabilizing the arm where he had removed Adam's hand. He left the room.
When Charlie opened the door his short was full of blood. His cupcake couldn't help but to gasp. "I didn't kill him," Charlie assured her.
Let's just say I gave him a new way of life.
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Questions/Comments? Thanks to all my subscribers I love all 18 of you!
~Everything has been spell-checked~