Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Cupcake was awoken by the annoying feeling that something was climbing down her face, she wiped it and realized that her hand came back wet, "It's blood," Sammi told her, "From your eye."
Cupcake tried to ignore her, "He only did it because I misbehaved," her whole body was aching, especially her left-side of her body. She wanted some heroin to relieve the pain.
"We are going to have to get away from this," Sammi announced, "He's going to kill us."
"He loves me, so maybe he'll just kill you."
Sammi laughed, "Cupcake, if I die, you die."
"He doesnt love you. He just loves me, youre jealous."
"Really, then why does he fuck us every night, Cupcake?"
"He only has sex with me," Cupcake crossed her arms, and felt a flash of pain go through her wrist, she let out a little whimper.
Sammi laughed, "Believe what you want Cupcake," she opened the door and left the room.
A few minutes later, Charlie came in, his clothes were covered in blood and he was humming, "Hey Cupcake, you want some medicine, you look like you are hurting."
By medicine he meant heroin. And was he ever right. They injected eachother with the sweet venom and floated away together.
"You dont seem to understand," Stefanie growled, "The longer we wait, the more likely Sammi, Amber and Adam are going to die!"
"Little miss, you need to calm down," he told her, "Im doing everything I can."
"Fuck you, you fucking bastard, I know you can do a hell lot more than this!" Josh yelled.
"Josh," Justin said.
"Shut up Justin!" Stefanie and Josh said at the same time.
"Okay, fine, Ill break the law and when this turns out to be a wild goose chase, Im putting all three of you behind bars. You got that?" the police man demanded,
"Yeah Fuckwad, I got it." Stefanie replied, coldly, crossing her arms.
The man left and returned with three other policemen, "Let's go," he looked at Josh and Justin, "You two stay here."
Josh and Justin sat back down angrily and watched as they left.
Stefanie followed the main policeman into the car and set up front. There was no way she was going to get locked in the back. She gave simple directions and then directed them to the dirt road.
"Dont pull in park off the side," she said.
The cop listened to her, starting to believe her and then motioned for the other three to do the same. They all sneaked through the wooded area next to the drive-way.
Im coming guys.
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I am very pissed...I wrote a whole chapter that was much better than this and when I hit submit the login page popped up and I lost everything. I was trying to post earlier, so I could get more audience...but obviously Mibba doesnt want that!
Did you really think I was going to end it now? I have to keep you guys guessing. mwuhahaha