Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


~Day 95 (3 months and 5 days)~
Stefanie could feel the excitement raising in her chest as she watched the dark-haired man being took down by the policemen. They had him handcuffed and in the back of the car within ten minutes. She rushed past the other two cops and went into the house, when she opened the first door, she couldnt believe her eyes. Her stomach lurched and she puked on the floor.
"Amber?" she cried.
Amber was laying on the ground in a pool of blood. Her eyes were swollen shut and blood was coming out of her left leg. Stefanie could tell that the wound hadn't been covered or tooken care of, Amber let out a little noise. Stefanie felt her heart pound even harder with relief, "Amber, it's me Steff, Im right here for you," tears started leaking down her cheeks.
She pulled out her cellphone and called 911. Even though four cops were there, she knew they couldnt do it all theirselves. She didnt even hear one of them making a call into the CB for help. She told the operator her whereabouts and continued to hold on to Amber and cry.
"Charlie!" a terrible scream zapped Stefanie's ears. It sounded like Sammi.
She went out into the hallway, slowly putting Amber back on the ground. A police man was carrying her, she was crying hysterically and pounding into the man as hard as she could, "Sammi, they took him!" she cried, thrashing around, "Sammi, how could you let this happen!" The left side of her face was wrapped in gauze.
Her feet were large and purple, so was her left hand. Stefanie could see track-marks in her arms. There were also scars up and down her arms and legs. Her hair was greasy and tangled, "Amber, I'm going to go look for Adam," Stefanie said.
A few minutes later, Adam's door opened and he tensed up with fear. Then, he saw Stefanie. He started to get full of fear again, Does he have her now, too? he wondered.
"Adam," she exhaled in relief, she ran over to him and took the gag out of his mouth.
His mouth was sore from being opened and gagged for three days and he was really hungry, "How-"
"Oh my God, what the fuck?" she had noticed his arm, "Did he cut your fucking arm off?"
Adam nodded, "Yeah. At least I'm a righty."
Flashing lights pulled into the driveway along with sirens and the sound of people running through the house. They found Amber first and put her into an ambulance. Then, they put Adam and Sammi into an ambulance. The whole time, Sammi screamed and cried out for Charlie and herself. Adam tried to calm her down.
"It's alright, Sammi, he's going to be away for a long time, now," he said.
"Why isnt anybody talking to me!" she screamed, "They dont care that Charlie's gone. They just care about you, Sammi! They are my friends too."
After a while, the EMTs knocked her out with medicine. She drifted into a deep sleep. When they arrived at the hospital a large amount of people were there. Josh and Justin was following behind Stefanie, trying to keep up with Amber, Adam and Sammi, along with everyone, except Sammi's, parents.
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