Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Sammi woke up to the feeling of someone watching her. She shut her windows and went to her closet, walking backwards the whole way. I am going crazy . She shook her head and started to change although the hairs on the back of her neck was raised the whole time. The man, having a good angle of view from under Sammi's bed, watched greedily, as Sammi undressed, I want to feel her against me . As if he was caught, she turned around and looked directly at her bed. He sunk back farther from the edge. She had just realized how early it was. It was three in the morning, she didnt have to get ready for school until six. Stupid brain, with that, she rolled over and went back to sleep.
The man laid on his back for an hour, waiting for her to snore again and he got out from under her bed and creeped to the door. He turned for one second, absorbing the sight of her slumbering face and left. He tip-toed down the hallway and straight out of the back door.
The alarm clock woke Sammi three hours later. The feeling of being watched was gone. She went back to her closet and put on her clothes, a pair of red and white striped panty-hose, a black fluffy skirt that was almost like a tutu, and a Korn shirt that Amber had given her. When she was done, she ran downstairs to catch her parents before they left for their new job at the parks and rec. She had been doing that since the first day she felt like she was being followed.
After they left she turned on the news and ate a bowl of cereal. Then, Adam pulled up and honked. She picked up her backpack and locked the door and ran out to meet him. He had started to drive her to school every day since she had gotten scared. He was a really nice guy and she was starting to grow feelings for him, kind of.
"So, Sam, I wanted to talk to you about something," he said, kind of shyly.
"What's up Adam?"
"Do you know how I feel about you?"
"I guess I have an idea," she felt herself blush.
"Well how do you feel?"
"I dont know Adam, I think I like you alot, if that is what you mean."
"Yeah, so, tonight, there is a concert, would you like to go with me?" his eyes were almost pleading for the half-second he looked at her.
"That would be cool, what time?"
He practically jumped for joy and they set it up. Then they parted ways and went to their first classes of the day.Everyone in their friend-circle knew by second period and they all teased her about it.
"So, I get Josh, You get Adam," Amber looked at Stefanie, "Your turn."
Stefanie fake-gagged, "Fuck you man, Jason's pretty cool and all but no."
Amber and Sammi began to sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song for the rest of the class, much to Stefanie's displeasure.
When Sammi got home, her parents were pleased to hear that she had a date and insisted on her getting ready. They were acting kind of strange and she could hear them whispering as soon as she got up the stairs. She tried not to think of it as she got ready. Then she hears her mother scream Mom is screaming, that's strange. She is always so quiet, Sammi pats her face one last time with her makeup brush and stands up. Maybe she saw a mouse . She felt herself smirk as she thought of the last time, her mother had seen a mouse. The last time, she found her mother on top of the table in the kitchen, screaming wildly. As a result, Sammi was the one who had to chase the mouse away. Sammi took her time, going down the stairs, she counted in her head each step she took, she liked to go down the stairs without the lights on. When she got to the last five she heard a low voice.
"Where's your daughter?" the man demanded, gritting his teeth.
"I am not going to tell you where my daughter is," her mother spat.
She had never heard her mother being so vicious. So, she peeked around the corner of the bottom of the stairs. Her mother was in a chair, tied up. Sammi tried not to gasp and she sunk back into the corner, biting her hand, breathing in and out, in and out.
"See your pathetic little husband?" there was a pause, "Look at him God Dammit, it's the last time, you'll ever be able to see him."
Sammi could hear her mother sobbing, so she peeked around the corner to look at her father. She was begging for him to be okay. He wasn't. In the middle of the kitchen floor he was flat on his stomach and blood surrounded him on the floor. Her mother was begging now.
"Please, I'll give you whatever you want. Just leave my daughter alone."
There was a silence and then an angry growl from the man, "You have to the count of three, then I go looking for her. I know all of her favorite places," Sammi heard a click, "One....two...three."
There was a gun-shot and Sammi couldnt stop herself from gasping aloud. She could no longer hear her mother's frantic breathing and sobs. She made her way back up the steps as quickly as she could and quietly.
She ran to her room and picked up her cell phone. She pressed nine and then her bedroom door slammed open, "Sammi, I have been looking everywhere for you."
A tall man, with shaggy black hair, silver blue eyes and a five-aclock shadow was staring down at her wild-eyed.
"Im calling the police," she pressed a one, then she felt her wrists crack and she realized that her cell phone was smacked out of her hands.
"No, no none of that Sammi," he was shivering with excitement, he pulled in a breath, "I am saving you."
"You killed my parents," she shreiked, holding her left wrist. It was throbbing like it had been broken.
"I did you a favor," he was slightly hurt by the tone of her voice, "Its time for you to go to sleep."
She felt a sharp pain and then she felt herself disappear.
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