Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


The air was thick and everything was blurry. Sammi's head was throbbing above her right eye and she could feel something tight around her wrists. She was on a bed but it was unfamilar it didnt smell like her bed did. She tried to touch her face but she couldnt move her hands. She started jerking them. Then, she remembered. Her mother screaming, her father in a pool of blood, darkness and Him. Her eyes began to fill with tears. Her mother was gone, her father was gone. She was alone with a murderer, no one would be able to find her. The tears began to fall and hysteria welled up in her throat. Who am I now? What will happen to me? She cried herself asleep and when she woke up again, a beam of light was coming from below the door and she could hear Him walking around outside of it.
"Hello?" she called out hoarsely.
The footsteps on the otherside of the door stopped and then started walking towards Sammi. The door swung open and a man with coal-black hair and sparkling aquamarine eyes came in. This was not the man, that had tooken Sammi. She felt herself well up with joy at the sight of him. He smiled at her kindly and then sat on the edge of the bed she was tied to.
"Good morning, Sammi," the voice was familiar, "Sorry about these chains. I didnt want you running away."
Sammi was so filled with joy, that it didnt connect properly in her mind, "So what happen to the guy who killed my parents, did they get him?"
The man's head filled with worry, is she a bit off? he wondered, "Whose they?"
"The police?" it dawned on her what he said about the chains and made her hope sink.
He chuckled to himself, he had forgotten about the costume, "Sammi, dear, that was me," he moved a strand of hair out of her face, slowly, letting his finger linger against her skin, "I was wearing a disguise. You wouldnt want me to go to jail, would you?"
Sammi felt all thoughts of hope sink, "Oh," she felt herself cracking up and she felt it deep inside of her, "Help! Help me! He's got me tied up! My name is Sammi Parkins!" She was screaming as loud as she could.
He watched her with an amused expression, "Oh dear, Sammi, that makes me upset. I thought we could at least be friends," he shook his head, "No one can hear you Sammi, shout as much as you want. But for every hour you shout, thats a day you will go without food."
Sammi stared at him in disbelief then continued to shout. He nodded sadly, just let her learn , then he stood up and walked out of the room, shutting it behind himself. Sammi screamed and screamed for what seemed hours, then when her throat was hurting and she felt like she was going to puke, she stopped. She really had to use the bathroom. He didnt come in for a while. So, she rocked back and forth wanting to pee so badly. The door opened and she felt herself almost sigh in relief.
"Bathroom time?" he asked.
She nodded, refusing to talk to him. He walked over and put hand cuffs on her than undid the chains, "No running, or you will just get lost," he warned her, helping her up. They walked down a long hallway for what seemed like forever then they came to a bathroom. He waited outside while she used it.
"Ill come check on you every three hours. If you need anything tell me," he was tying her back up to the bed, she was still refusing to talk to him, "Oh and you cant eat for three days." With that he left.
Sammi laid there staring at the ceiling and she went back to sleep and dreamed about tight-rope walking right into her captors mouth. What surprised her about him, was how nice he looked. He was about 5 foot 10 and he was pretty good-looking. It was strange, she was expecting a creepy guy with a handle bar mustache.
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