Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Adam pulled up to Sammi's house. He was a couple minutes early but not so early that it was dorky. When he knocked on the door, it fell open. He was unsure of what to do. Do I go in? Or do I just knock again? He decided to knock again. After waiting for a while, he decided just to walk in. He was greeted by a lopsided couch along with a tv that had curvy-sides. There was something off about the house though. Not just because of the awkward furniture but something didnt feel right. So, being worried and slightly curious, he walked through the living room and to the bottom of the stairs. Then, he saw a man. The man was laying face-first on the kitchen floor and the floor looked wet. His pace quickened. Before he could reach the kitchen, a knocked over chair stopped him. He looked to where the chair had been and he could see a woman laying on the ground, blood was dripping out of the whole left side of her face. Her hair was covered with dry blood and her pants and underwear had been cut off. Not able to control his self, he puked. Then he ran out of the house as fast as he could, pulling out his cellphone and dialing 911.
"There's been a murder," he shouted, "The address is 238 Maple St. you need to get here quick."
"Sir, can you calm down and tell me who is the victim? And are you in any harm?" the operator asked.
"I just saw two fucking dead people, I am not a victim. They have a daughter named Sammi and I dont know where she is I was supposed to come get her tonight-"
"Sir, do not swear at me, please try to calm down-"
"Look, just send the fucking police and whatever to 238 Maple St. I'll talk to them," he hung up, a wave of nausea ripped through his stomach. Sammi .
* * *
"Sir, sir, are you okay, sir?" Adam was being shooken awake by an EMT, he was in the back of an ambulance.
"What happened?" he jumped up, then a wave of nausea ripped through him again as it all came flooding back.
"You called to report a murder and you passed out right before we got here. Are you okay, now?" the man asked.
"Yeah, did you find Sammi?" he asked, Sammi's alright.
"There were only two victims in the house."
"Only two, but what about there daughter is she okay? Sammi?"
"There was not a third in the house."
"No, no, no, Sammi and I had a date tonight, no," Sammi hid, she's smart, she hid.
"Sorry, son but there was no one else in the house," the EMT shook his head sadly, "Are you up for some questioning?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, I would say not."
* * *
It hit the news the next day. "The Parkins family is found dead...Sammi is still missing..." Videos of her tight-roping when she was little was all over the t.v. Adam found it sickening no one cared about her before. But now, she was portrayed as deeply missed. She only had 5 friends and the news never showed them but they showed popular people who claimed to be friends with her. Meanwhile, she was somewhere being put through all different types of hell.
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