Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Her body was stinging when she finally opened her eyes. He was setting in a chair next to the bed, watching her. The skin on her left breast was burning. Her hands were still tied and now her feet were. She tried not to struggle against the chains.
"Sammi, it is so good to have you back," He purred, "I was beginning to get a little worried."
"How long have I been out?" she asked.
"Just an hour or two," he stood up and came over to her, "When I first saw you, I fell in love. You were walking with Amber. I used to think it was going to be Amber I needed to save, but then I saw you," he smiled, "You were so quiet and you just let Amber talk. So, I knew that you would be the perfect girl. Not too demanding, beautiful and fragile."
"What do you want from me," she asked again.
"I want you. I want to love you and take care of you. I want to own you," he smiled and traced a burning pattern on her left breast, "Thats why I gave you my mark. You are mine forever."
She was quiet, trying to find the words to say, something in the way he looked at her, made her want to give him a chance, "I need to use the bathroom."
He put the handcuffs on her then unhooked her from the bed, "Let's go then."
They went to the bathroom and she went in and used it. After she was done, he led her to a different room. It was a large room with a big table in the middle. Different shelves lined the walls, she didnt have enough time to see all the different weapons of torture as he tied her down to the table. Her arms and legs were spread out wide. He pulled down what looked like a collar for a dog. He started fastening it around her neck, she tried not to struggle against him, for fear of pain but it was hard not to. After he was done with that, he kissed her where he had branded her. It sent pain all through her body. Then, he went and grabbed a needle and thread.
"Ive never liked belly buttons," he said, threading the needle, "so Im gonna fix that."
He pressed down on her stomach and pushed the needle through, she jerked around but didnt cry out. Then, he sewed up her belly button, with every press of the needle she let out a little yelp of pain. After he was done, he looked proud then he cut the string and tied it, "I was thinking about sewing up your mouth but I realized I wouldnt be able to hear that beautiful voice. Or kiss those lips."
Sammi tried not to start crying again, she did not understand this guy, why did he sew up my fucking belly button?
"Now, I'm gonna do something that will help you," he said, he pulled down an amateur welding set, "now hold real still."
Sammi could not tell what he was gonna do but she knew it was going to hurt. He got closer and closer to her feet with the newly-lighted torch and pressed the flame against her left foot. He foot began to burn and she couldnt help but scream. The smell of burning skin drenhed the room. The screaming made her stomach pulse and she felt some stitches tear. Then the burning went away and she could feel the blood dripping down from her belly button. He pushed the flame against her other foot and she began to scream again. She didnt want to scream because it caused her stitches to start ripping but she couldnt contain it. Then he turned it off. He left the room and came back a little while later with aloe vera and bandages. He bandaged up her feet.
"You tore some of your stitches," he shook his head, "Oh, well, you didnt listen, I said 'Hold still.'"
He began to run his hands up and down her body again, she was in too much pain to fight back. Then, shaking, he stopped and left the room, "I'll be back in an hour."
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I know its weird but just go along with it for now...