Status: Completed...May go back and revise and edit...not sure.

She Had a Name


Sammi tried to pull against the chains, quietly, so she could set up. Her feet were burning and there was nothing she could do about it. As promised, he came in an hour later, "I am so sorry," he said, tears were in his eyes, "I just dont want you to run away from me."
Sammi didnt respond, what could she say. He came around the table to unhook her hands and then he wrapped a chain around her waist. He made it as tight as he could without suffocating her.
"Im gonna let you on a longer leash, baby," he cooed.
"I cant walk around with my feet like this," she said, annoyed.
"I know," he smiled thoughtfully and left the room, then he appeared with a weelchair, "Here."
She stared at him suspiciously and then sat down in the chair, "How far can I go with this chain?" she asked.
"Around the whole house," he smiled, "Come on Ill show you."
She followed him in her chair, trying to ignore her feet, a long length of chain, which she was tied to connected to another chain that wrapped around the whole house. She felt herself smile, no one had ever put so much thought into her before. He looked at her pleased with himself and even more pleased that he had made her smile.
"So, now you dont have to have me accompany you to the bathroom and you can do whatever you want in the house, I have everything," he thought for a second, "Well, everything except phone and internet."
Her smile disappeared thinking of home and her parents and she felt ashamed of herself. She was seeing a good man in a murderer.

* * *
Amber rolled her eyes sick to death of all the hubbub over Sammi's family. No one really cared, they just wanted to be seen as the ones who were friends with the girl all over the tv. Josh was setting across from her at the table, no one had set next to her the two days Sammi had been gone. Maybe they were afraid it would make everything seem forgotten. Like Sammi had never existed at all. Adam was tore to peices, he had only known her for a short amount of time but he couldnt stop thinking about her and missing her. He maybe even more than Amber, wanted her to be back home and safe.
What they didnt know, was she was starting to see the good side to a man whose kindest gesture to her was, I'm going to make the chain longer so she can go pee by herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, short chapter...Im having writers block and I havent been able to get on...I hope the three chaps in one night and this one small chapter is okay...Sorry, things will be back to normal by the day after next...promise.