Status: Very very slow...

Lucifer's Angel

Behind those eyes


In this day and age, God is dead. The six archangels of Heaven are training me to become the seventh archangel since the Prince of Light, Lucifer fell. It was a long, bloody war. I heard Michael lead the angel's into battle when Lucifer betrayed them all. Although, no one talks about it much anymore. It had been a few years after I had died in 1850 from a nationwide breakout of Yellow Fever, when God started to wither away. If the people on Earth had ever thought God would abandon them, I might of laughed, but now all I could do was cry. All the angels wept with grief and fear. God couldn't die! day, I was sent to fetch Gabriel because God needed him to deliver a special gift to a baby. Judging by Gabriel's pallor upon his return, something bad must have happened.

"The womb was infused with Lucifer's blood my Lord."

"Of course, tricky devil is always one step ahead." God chuckled without humor.

It was only several years later that he died in the new year of 2000. The archangels were crushed and Heaven was at a standstill. They say, the sky stormed that night of the angel's tears and Lucifer's laughter. I cried at the feeling of being left all alone myself and then that was when I was found by Gabriel. He then talked his brother's into letting me begin my training.

Anael was placed in the sixth seat for the archangels. Eyes were the color of egg shells, he always had a condescending look about his face. Six bronze wings folded behind his back, looking dirty in some light, but brilliant in other kinds. Anael was always lounging about never taking any interest in anything.

Remiel, the fifth seat had the lightest of azure eyes and six teal colored wings. The diligent one who seemed to want everything to be perfect. A busy angel he was indeed trying to keep the order in Heaven.

Then there was the fourth seated archangel, Uriel. He was quiet and kept most thoughts in his own head. He was a peaceful soul and very down to earth. His eyes were deep purple and his six wings had browns and greens streaking through, making them the color of Earth's forests. He was gifted with being a prophet and always told me that there's a strength through understanding.

The third seat belonged to Rafael, whom was often moody resulting in a very angry archangel. His golden eyes smoldered with his brooding thoughts and made his six sky colored wings contrast. Rafael was incredibly intelligent though. Whenever I caught him in a less than foul mood he always seemed to have a bit of wisdom for me to chew on. The one that had always stuck with me was his ever loved comment of "Peace through faith."

The archangel Gabriel was in the second seat. He was kind and sympathetic, always willing to lend you his hand. Gabriel was flexible within terms of being an angel, and had keen patterns of instinct. It seemed he always knew what to do or what to say. The other angels loved that about him. When I asked why, Gabriel had laughed and told me, "Love happens through charity." His eyes flashed silver matching his six wings.

Finally, the first seat belonged to the mighty archangel Michael. He had red eyes that just exuded his bravery, matching his brilliant six wings of gold. Michale radiated harmony and beauty. Once I had the opportunity to ask him how I could become brave like him and he had said that my courage comes through hope. He was every angels idol, it was a wonder why he just didn't take over God's job...

"Uriel has found the prophecy that will lead us to a new God!" Remiel had shouted once during a training session.

Anael had spit the drink he had just downed and whipped his head around to Uriel. Gabriel and Rafael shared a grin while Michael looked at me.

"It seems you'll become one of us sooner than we all thought."

I flashed my best smile and flew in circles. I had never seen it before, but they had all seen something special within me. I had always thought myself plain, but the archangels told me my beauty was so pure that it isn't always seen. I had eyes the color of emeralds, hair as dark as space, and wings of snow, soon I would sprout four more showing my archangel status.

It was the brightest day in the darkest of times and I was truly happy. I had thought we all were. I think that's why it hurt so much finding out I was wrong. Honestly, I don't know what possessed me...but I had sinned. For the first time in my life I had done the evil I had fought off as a human. I know I hurt the archangels...but I hurt myself too, for I had begun to see them as my brother's too...which is why I still cry out in anguish at the thought of me enjoying the feeling of killing my brother Remiel.

I was truly the epitome of evil, next to Lucifer himself.

"You traitor!" Rafael roared.

"Murderous vulture!" Anael seethed.

"I-I-I didn't mean to." I whispered, dropping my bow from my shaking hands.

"Your arrow pierced straight through!" Gabriel cried holding Remiel's lifeless form.

I felt sick, my knees quaked and buckled. I stared into the once shining orbs of Remiel, now cloudy placed in a permanent far off look. Not only was the blood still pooling through the hole in his throat, but the smell of cooked flesh still hung in the air. Only I had the power to electrically charge my arrows. Remiel's once straw colored hair, was now a mess of blood and brain. Clearly, it had been cooked as well. Another arrow was lodged into his thigh where it had punctured the bone, allowing chunks of it, flesh, and muscle to splatter.

Michale held his sword out to me setting it ablaze, I looked up hopeless and lost, doe eyed and stupid I never saw the sword come down. It was only when I felt my own searing skin rip and blister that I knew Michael had struck me. The gash trailed from my right cheek down to my rib cage. I screamed out in agony, wishing I was already dead.

Rafael drew his spear and was ready to help butcher me as I had done to his brother, but Uriel stepped in front of him holding out his arm. Though he couldn't mask the hate that spewed from his gaze, the sharp words he spoke cut me just as much as a physical wound.

"We will not sully our hands with more death!"

"She killed Remiel!" Anael protested.

"And so she shall rot where the rest of the sinners do."

"No." I whispered. "No not that!" I choked and stumbled to my feet getting ready to flee.

"Very well." Michale clenched his jaw and hissed. "Lucy, we the archangels of Heaven place you in exile! You are banished unto Hell!"

I hugged myself as Gabriel summoned the portal and chained my wrists and ankles. Rafael stepped forward and ripped my halo off, snapping it in two. Anael walked over last and grabbed a fistful of my hair. He spoke quietly and swiftly then pushed me over the edge. Before losing sight of them I caught Anael's smile as he bent over to drop a few pearls in the hole with me.

"Thank you." He had said.

I suppose I thought he meant to thank me for all the jewels my tears left behind. They would finally be able to repair the left corner of the gates now that they had fresh pearls to place. Alas, that's irony. The gates that open to a better place was made by crying angels. I could still see that small pinprick of light as my descent quickened. Though it quickly vanished all together as the darkness became an inky, suffocating abyss. I felt a choking come over me and cried out.

That's when I felt the first wave of the most excruciating pain that I'd ever happen upon. It was a small heat at first, a mere sizzling sensation. Then it escalated into a burning, and ignited into a pyre on my wings. I gasped at the torture, thrashing wildly until I slammed into the ground on my back, shattering the bones left in my scorched wings.

My vision blurred as I was dragged to my feet by the front of my dress. My head lolled to the side. I was ready to pass out. A cold, scratchy skeletal hand came around and tilted my ear so that it pressed against his half bone and half flesh lips. I whimpered as his other hand clutched my waist and in a dark, inhuman moan he breathed into my ear,

"Welcome to Hell Lucy."
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-written. Sorry it took so long.
