Status: Done

Suicide Note

Suicide Note

I know it is a bad thing to think but on days like today I can’t help it. I know what I’m going to do I have it all planed out. Now today is the day I will put my plan into action. The note is already written and placed on my pillow in my room. The note is written in blood, my blood. Blood that I had gathered from all of the times that I have cut myself and carefully placed in a jar under my bed. I have placed flowers all around my room, and I have dressed in my best clothing. My crisp black button up shirt and black dress pants pressed and ironed. I have my long red hair down and curled. I even have silk scarves braded together and tied into a noose. The noose has been tied to the ceiling and a chair under it so I can stand on it to get my head in. I have candles burning around the room to give it a nice warm feeling. Everything is all ready. I am even going to call my best friend right before I kick the chair away and kill myself. I know she will try and stop me but she can’t. It is too late to save me. I feel nothing as I walk over and stand on the chair. I’m facing the window. I open my phone and dial my best friend’s phone number. The noose slips over my head and I tighten it. By best friends phone rings and she answers. “I’m killing myself in 30 second and I’m sorry I know it will hurt you but I just can’t do this anymore so good bye.” With that I hang up the phone before she can say anything. I kick the chair away and fall the noose stops my fall and I feel my life slowly slipping away. Then my eyes start to feel heavy. I eagerly let death take over as I fade into the dark blackness. No one can hurt me know I no longer have to hide behind that fake smile that everyone sees. I no longer have to pretend to be happy when it is so obvious that I’m not. Now I can be free and no longer have to hide anything.

“She hides, behind laughter and lies, she says she is fine, but slowly she dies”
♠ ♠ ♠
402 words