Tied By The Truth

tied by truth like an anchor

“Don't worry, your dream won't come true,” I said, waiting for my best friend, Harmony, to finish getting her heavy books out of her locker. Addie, my other best friend, messed with her nails, thinking about what Harmony just said. It can't happen...can it? “What were you thinking about when you fell asleep?” Sometimes her dreams happen, but this one..this one just can't.

“I thought about someone, he wasn't in the dream though.” Harmony was referring to her crush, Zachary David Porter. He was the hottest guy in town. I've never really talked to him, but Harmony says he's really nice. Ever since we made it to High School, I haven't really liked a guy. It's pretty weird because I fall in love FAST.

“I doubt the potato chip factory is going to blow up. I find that kinda of odd...don't you think?” Addie stated, raising an eyebrow. That's true, she's very random. She could have been thinking about ANYTHING before she fell asleep.

The bell for class was going to ring in five minutes, and we were already ready. We walked down the hall, saying hello to people who waved at us. Addie accidentally crashed into someone that was putting their books into their locker. “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!” she said, helping the person pick up their books. When they looked at each other, their eyes locked. She smiled, getting up.

“It's alright, I'm Ethan,” the boy said, smiling at her. Addie seemed like she was in a trance, giggling at everything he said. I rolled my eyes, playfully, letting them talk. Suddenly, I saw someone next to them that I recognized.

“Sarah! We haven't talked in forever!” I shrieked, walking up to her. She was with two boys and another girl that I remembered as Erica. The two other boys I didn't know looked my age, 14. One had dark brown shortish hair, the other had blonde long hair. The dark haired one noticed I was there, while the blonde one was yapping away.

Sarah flipped her long light brown hair and smiled at me. “Star!” Erica only smiled, probably mad that I interrupted their conversation. “We have to hang out soon.” I nodded, then I looked at the two boys, now staring at Harmony and I. “You too, Harmony. I miss your face.”

“I miss your face too, I keep seeing it in my dreams. Wanna make my dreams a reality?” the blonde one winked. Harmony and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. The boy smiled at us, easily amused.

“That was a really good pickup line,” I giggled. “I'm Star by the way. This is Harmony.” She smiled at them. “And over there...talking to your friend, is Addie.”

“Ah, I see Ethan has a thing for Addie,” The brown haired boy said. I looked at them and they were talking. They probably do like each other. Awe it's so cute. He seems really cool too, so I think they'd be really good together. “I'm Benny. The creeper, is Rory.”

“HEY!” Rory, the blonde one yelled. Harmony and I started laughing. I looked at Benny and he was still looking at me. He was really cute. His hair was spiked to the front and he had an amazing smile, with only one dimple on his right cheek. “Are you normally that pretty?” Rory was now talking to me. I blushed. I do that every time someone compliments me.

“Dude!” Benny whispered, slapping his arm. I looked at Harmony and she gave me a knowing look. She thinks one of them likes me or she thinks I like one of them. I rolled my eyes at her, looking back at them.

The bell rang and we said our goodbyes. I walked to class with Benny, he had the same 4th period class as I did. I've noticed him at school before, but we never really talked. He wore striped shirts all the time, but they were pretty nice on him. I normally just wore jeans.

"So... I bet you like Rory," Benny suddenly said when we went into class. The teacher was out of the room so we had time to talk. "I've been teaching him how to talk to beautiful ladies, like yourself," I blushed. "Its just weird now, he won't stop it."

"Its okay, I don't really like him like that," I mumbled. I sat at my desk and Benny took the seat next to me. "You do know someone sits there, right?" He smirked at me, ignoring my question when the teacher walked in. No one noticed he was sitting there and that has NEVER happened before. That's amazing.

"You're very magical," I told him, when I noticed he was looking at me. His green eyes practically glowing, they were beautiful. My eyes were just brown, with light brown specks around the cornea.

"You have no idea," he winked. I half-smiled at him, getting sparks in my stomach. Did he really just say that? Is he flirting with me...or did he really mean it?


"ADMIT IT, you like him!" I shrieked, running to Addie. She was denying that she liked Sarah's friend, Ethan. How can she lie to us like that? It's so obvious.

She stopped running and turned around to face us. She breathed in before speaking. "Fine. I like him, he's nice and cute. PLEASE don't tell him." I hugged her randomly, showing that I approved in him. If they ever dated, that would be the best thing that could ever happen!

When I let go of her, she gave me a confused look, but smiled anyways. "WE WON'T TELL," Harmony yelled. When I faced her, I gaped, seeing Zach Porter walking to us. He looked uberly cute with his long hair swishing as he walked. Harmony turned around and he smiled at her, then waved. She only smiled, turning pale. She messed with her hair, getting nervous. I gave her a wink and she turned pink.

Sarah passed us and I walked up to her. "Hey, do you know where the guys are?" I was suddenly getting a little jumpy. I didn't know why, though.. She shrugged and I sighed, walking away.

"So, you like Rory?" Harmony asked, serious this time. It took me a while to get the answer. I mean, Rory's real nice and all, but he's not like Benny. Just looking at Benny makes me happier. Rory doesn't seem to really be my type, either.

I shook my head, looking around for the guys. I was kind of distracted. I really wanted to talk to them. I was planning to ask them to hang out after school, so I can see if I really liked Benny.

Harmony thought for a moment, then shrieked. "OHMYGOSH YOU LIKE BENNY!" The outburst made everyone look at us. I sighed, giving her the death-stare. What if the boys heard that...?

"Who likes Benny?" Ethan asked, alongside with Benny and Rory. They were now walking towards us. Benny's face was flustered, Rory was interested in something else in the end of the hall, and Ethan was staring at us, half-smiling.

I became tense, messing with my hands. I looked around all my surroundings, trying to think of a reply, or at least of an excuse, to what Harmony just screamed out to the whole school. “W-what are you talking about?” I finally asked, crossing my arms. Addie and Harmony were quiet, listening to our conversation.

“Someone just yelled that someone liked me,” Benny stated, looking at all of us. “Which one is it?” He winked at me and my heart skipped a beat. I ran a hand through my wavy hair and looked at him in the eye.

“I-” I was interrupted by Harmony, who broke the silence by saying, “Who wants to hang out?” I grinned, happy she stopped the awful conversation we were having.

“Yeah, sure, that'll be cool,” Ethan said, giving us suspicious looks. I shrugged it off as my phone started ringing. It was probably my ex-boyfriend, wanting to apologize for cheating on me. I swear, does anyone ever want love? Why do people like to rush things? I wait until I have sparks for someone to actually show how much I care, but that time it was different. I thought I really liked him, but I guess not.

I waved a hand over my pocket and it stopped ringing. Everyone looked at me, giving me odd looks. Oh my gosh, what did I just do?

“Star,” Addie smiled at me, clenching her teeth. “Remember the thing I told you the other day?” I didn't understand what she meant. “You should stop doing it.” The guys just ignored it and we started walking to Benny's house.

“How was your day guys!” Rory asked, breaking the awkward silence. I didn't answer, staring at the snow covered ground. How can I make such a big mistake, especially in front of my friends? I shouldn't have ended the phone call that way. Something small like that is way too risky.

“Well, the sandbox was-”


“Oh, I guess he's going first.”

Addie and I were quoting Family Guy, my favorite show. Benny was the only one laughing, obviously understanding what we were talking about. I sighed, stopping. I was getting another migraine. I've been getting them a lot these days, it was absolutely horrible. Everyone kept walking, but Benny didn't, staying at my side. “Do you want me to carry your book bag?” he asked. I smiled, nodding. I gave it to him and he held it on his arm.


“You stole my happy, you made me cry,
Took the lonely and took me for a ride.
And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it.
You had my heart, now I want it back.
I'm starting to see everything you lack.
Boy you blew it, you put me through it,
I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it.”

“I like that song, who's it by?” Harmony asked, when I was done singing to Benny's laptop music playlist that Rory was playing. Addie and Ethan were talking in the corner of Benny's room. I told her it was Carrie Underwood's song. So far today was going good, the guys are really nice, but I have to admit, they're geeks. In a good way, of course.

Benny walked in the middle of his room. I was laying on his bed, almost falling asleep. School was so exhausting, just a few more days until the weekend. Finally.. “Hey guys,” Benny said, making everyone look at him. “My grandma would be coming soon. Don't do anything stupid....Star..” I jumped up and he laughed, sitting on the bed with me. I ignored it, yawning. I took out my phone and looked at my Text Message Inbox.

Two New Messages:
Sam – Hey, we need to talk. Soon?
Sam – Okay, I know I messed up, but we need to work things out. Please reply. I love you. x
Me – Can you stop texting me? Seriously, we're over. Done with you. kbye.
Sam – Whatever. You'll want me back, just wait. I have some tricks up my sleeve.
Me – What is that supposed to mean?
Sam – Oh you don't know? Well, you will find out. Soon enough.

I groaned and dropped my phone into my book bag. “You alright, Star?” Benny asked me. I stared at him, getting a little dizzy. The headache came back. I got up, walking out of the room and into his living room. He followed me, giving me a concerned look. “Do you need more medicine?” I shook my head, getting a little teary. Sam knows my secret, he can tell the world..

I burst into tears. Benny stood their awkwardly at first, then he started to hug me. He messed with my hair, saying, “Everything will be alright.” over and over again. It made me feel a little better, but I couldn't stop crying. I had to stop Sam, again.

Suddenly, I heard a whistle and we separated. I looked at Benny, and then the person that was watching us. It was an old woman in yoga clothing. She had short gray hair, and she was taller than me, but everyone is. I'm very short.

“Who's this?” Benny's grandma asked, nudging him. I was messing with my glitter painted nails, waiting for him to reply to her.

“This is Star, my new friend,” he stated, walking to my side. I looked up at him and looked at her. She smiled at him, then walked into the kitchen. “..Do I look like I've been crying?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. He shook his head, looking back at the kitchen.

“I can't believe she didn't crack a joke about us. I mean...we were hugging right in front of her,” he whispered, then he shrugged it off. “Wanna go back to my room...or do you need more time..?”

“I'm going to get water, you can go without me.” He nodded, and I walked into the kitchen. His grandma was there, looking in the fridge.

“I know what you are,” she whispered, turning around. I stared at her, getting nervous. “You aren't human.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.