Status: in progress..

Never Say Never


I managed to avoid my father all day Sunday and all day today. But now I was at RAW and I knew he'd be looking for me eventually, I couldn't avoid him. The worst part is, I have no logical explanation for why me and Stacy were fighting other than the truth.

"Just tell him the truth."

"Randy. Are you sure?" I asked with caution. I knew I had to eventually and I was sick of hiding it, it's already been a whole year. I just didn't want my dad going after Randy, especially while he's having a match or something.

"There's nothing else you can say." Randy says as he takes me in his arms, "Besides, it's time he knows anyway. it's not fair to him."

"You are right about that." I take a deep breath, "Wish me luck."

"You sure you wanna do this alone?"

"Yes. If he sees you, I won't even get a chance to explain."

"You're right about that. I have to go do that promo in the ring. So watch it, then talk to your dad"

"Okay." Randy kisses my forehead then he's out the door

I sit on the black leather couch and watch Randy make his way to the ring with Stacy Keibler, just so you know, I broke her nose. I already know he'll be kissing her before he RKO's her, but I'm willing to look past that if it gets her out of my hair.

Then there's a knock on the door. What idiot would knock on Randy's door, knowing damn well he's in the ring? I get up to answer it's my father.

"Daddy!" I'm a little shocked and nervous, "I was just-"

"I knew I'd find you in here, after what Stacy Keibler told me." He says

"Wait. What did she tell you?"

"She said you and her got into a fight and you broke her nose all because you both liked Orton. She said you took him away from her." His voice got angrier as he kept speaking, "Is that true?"

Leave it to Stacy to make up a stupid lie just so I'd have to tell my dad the truth, which is probably worse for him. I used to think he knew what was going on but didn't want to say anything, but now I'm sure he had no idea.

"That's not true." I swallow, "but I have something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Dad stared me down as I found the courage to talk. Now I was wishing I waited for Randy, maybe he would of told him instead. "Me and Randy are together." There, I finally said it. "But I didn't steal him from Stacy."

"Define together." dad said through his teeth as his fists balled up

"We're in a relationship." I continued before he could get a word in. "now, I know you're super pissed but you need to stay calm long enough for me to tell you what happened with Stacy."

He didn't say a word so I continued on. "When the whole Stacy-Randy storyline started she was all over him, didn't leave him alone and was horrible to me. Said she'd take him away from me and everything, but I couldn't do anything about it so I just held my breath the whole time. Randy doesn't like her and hated working with her. I had to put up with her hitting on him every week for two months until I just had it. We had words, drinks were thrown, she hit me first by the way and we just went at it. I didn't take him away from her, she tried stealing him away from me."

"You mean you were seeing each other before Stacy came into the picture?" Was all he had to say, all he cared about. "How long?"


"HOW LONG JOANNA!" He screamed

"A year.." I whispered. "I wanted to tell you but-"

"A WHOLE YEAR?! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! Where is that son of a bitch?!"

"Dad! Please calm down."

"No! I will not calm down dammit!" His hand slammed against the open door, but not hard enough to break it. "I take that piece of shit under my wing, make him apart of my group, teach him everything I know and all this time he's with you? How does he repay me? By running off with my daughter?! No!"


"And you! For a whole year you've been lying to me? At parties and holidays and shows you've been sneaking around with him, lying right to my face? You're supposed to be my daughter, you never hide anything from me. Ever since the day you were born, I've always done everything I could for you and I was honest every step of the way. And you keep this from me?"

Thanks for the guilt trip, dad. "I wanted you to know. But he was your protege and then you started hating him, it wasn't exactly easy." I cry

"I hate him because he's a cocky, arrogant son of a bitch. Now I hate him even more because he's with you. when I find him, he's dead, he's also fired."

"Grandpa wouldn't fire him, he's depending on him."

"We'll just see about that. And you're not allowed to see him ever again!"

"NO! you can't do that!"

"I'm your father and you're 17, yes I can. Never again, Joanna, got it? You'll never go to another show again if that's what it takes."

"No." I put up a fight. "You can't stop me from seeing Randy. You can try but I'll still see him, I don't care. It's my life."

"Is that so? Okay, we'll see." Dad turned to leave, I knew he was going to find Randy to do go knows what to him so I had to say something, to hurt his pride a little, insult his intelligence.

"Everybody knew." I tell him. "Everybody knew about us, everybody besides you."

With that he slammed the door behind him. I fell to the couch and started crying, it's like I was choosing between my father and my boyfriend, something I never wanted to do but he wasn't giving me a choice! When he told me I couldn't see Randy anymore, I lost it. I feel horrible.

I soon hear frantic knocking and my name being called, "Joanna! Joanna!" I don't bother responding and the door opens, it's Cody. "Joanna, your dad and Randy are fighting. Wait, are you okay?"

"No, Codes." I try wiping my tears away but they just keep falling

"Uh oh. He knows, huh Joie?" Cody asked as he sat down with me and let me cry on his shoulder

"Yeah and he got really mad, he just blew up when he found out how long we were together. then he made me feel bad for hiding it from him. Then he said I couldn't see Randy anymore and I ..basically said fuck you, I will anyway. It's like I chose Randy over my own dad which is something I'd never want to do after all he's done for me. And..I feel horrible, he must be really hurt." I went on and on through my sobs

"Calm down, Joie. You're really gonna risk the great relationship you have with your dad for Randy? He hates the guy, not to mention he's pushing 25."

"I...I don't know what to do. I don't wanna go against my dad but I love Randy, I'm in love with him."

"You'll figure it out."

"I just don't wanna lie anymore. I wanna be open and honest, but when I'm honest, not everyone's gonna like it."

"Who cares? It's better to be real."

"You're right. Is Randy okay?"

"I'm sure he is. When I was out there, it was pretty even."

"I don't know what to say to him. I don't wanna give him up dad."

The door the opens and in walks Randy, he doesn't have any visible bruises but you can tell he's in a lot of pain.

"Well, I hope you make the right choice. The one that's right for you." Cody said before kissing my forehead and leaving

I tried to stop crying in front of Randy, but it was no use. He sat down next to me and held his head, it didn't take too long for him to finally look up at me. "Ya know, I expected him to whale on me but I didn't really expect him to actually fucking whale on me!"

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his reaction, it's funny how his pain is making mine decrease. "How did the fight finally stop?"

"Mark(undertaker) and Paul(big show) had to come over and pull us off each other. Mark already doesn't like me cause I'm an ass, bet he wanted to rough me up too."

God, nobody likes my boyfriend! Well, except for the young guys. He's really not that much of an ass. "Ha.."

"He said we couldn't be together, didn't he?"

"Wonder what gave that away..."

"I don't know, the excessive crying." Randy said as he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek. "Or just the obvious fact that he doesn't want us together or maybe when he said stay away from my daughter or I'll kill you."


"You said you'd be with me anyway, didn't you? Even though that's gonna cause problems between you guys."

"You're good. But now...I'm torn. Which is why I'm crying so much."

"Well." Randy pulled me onto his lap, facing him. "I love you Joanna and that's never gonna change. I wanna always be with you, but if being with me causes problems between you and hunter, don't do it. I'm not worth it."

I take a deep breath, what he said didn't make it any easier, just all the more harder.

"It will cause problems. But I love you, Randy." I looked down into his perfect blue eyes and I just knew. "And I promised to be yours forever."

"Its not gonna be easy."

"I don't care. All I want is you."

I know this will cause total problems with my dad, but its well worth it.