Status: in progress..

Never Say Never


It was now Wednesday, dad and I had another fight on the way home yesterday. I spent the rest of the day in my room, crying. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy but I didn't think it would be this hard. But today I had school so at least I was gonna be out of the house for 6 hours. The only issue was actually getting out of bed.

There was a knock on my door, I was afraid to say 'come in'. I just buried my face in my pillow more and the door finally opened, I felt my bed sink in a bit.

"Going to school, Joanna?" It was Stephanie. My eyes shot open as she moved the hair out of my face

"My father hates me."

"Your dad doesn't hate you, he hates Randy."

"I know he does. I wish he didn't, I wish he was okay with it. But that's like asking for world peace"

"Ya know, a lot of people don't like him"

"I know, I know." I sat up in bed. "But a lot of people don't like dad either, he thinks he's the boss of everybody"

"I know, sweetie. Maybe he'll come around."

"No, he won't. He's gonna try his best to get his way and break us up, it's what he does"

"I wouldn't think of it as getting his way. He's only looking out for you, he wants the best for you, and in his eyes Randy isn't."

"Well he's wrong."

"Your dad doesn't want you to get hurt. Randy's older, he's 25 babe. He's a lot more experienced-"

"Mom! Who's side are you on?"

"I'm neutral."

"Well can you just talk to him for me? I have to get ready for school."

"Sure thing, sweetie."

Stephanie left and I finally got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I got showered and did all that morning stuff. I got dressed and went downstairs.

"Going to school, see you later." I said to both mom and dad, but more to mom

"Have a good day"

"Are you sure you're going to school?" Dad cut in

Ugh, what an ass. "No, I'm driving all the way to St. Louis." I said sarcastically and I left before anything else could be said

I guess the sarcastic asshole remarks were better than being yelled at and being told over and over why we can't be together. The morning flew by until and before I knew it, it was 5Th period English.

"Hey Jo!" Kayla smiled as she sat next to me. "I really hate that we have no morning classes together"

"Tell me about it."

"So.." Kayla started as we got out our books, "How are you and the sexy boyfriend?"

I let out a frown and watched her expression change from happy to sad. "Oh no! You didn't-"

"No." I smiled, "I had an intense weekend. My dad knows about us"

"Oh no! What he say?"

"Well, he said I couldn't ever see him again and I'm not listening to that. so we've haven't been on the best terms since Monday. They got into a fight and everything"

"Wow, so how did he find out?"

"Well, I was planning on telling him anyway. But, Sunday me and Stacy got into a fight backstage at a show. It was pretty intense, I broke her nose. She got suspended for two months. I played it off really well."

"Nice! Broke the bitches nose, you always were a scrapper."

"Ha. Then she made up some lie about Randy, me, and her to my dad then I had to tell him the truth, which in his eyes, was worse."

"your life is very interesting."

"Tell me about it" I agree

"Ms. Levesque, Ms. Adler. I hope you're discussing the book." the English teacher catches our attention. "Shh!"

Once she stops paying attention to us, we go back to our conversation. "Everyone's all..he's an asshole, he thinks he's better than everyone, he has no respect, he's too cocky, all he's gonna do is hurt you, he's way more experienced, he's 25-"

"Hes 25??" Kayla whispered

"He will be this weekend."

"Everyone says he's such a bad guy but he's nothing but sweet to you"


"Kayla, Joanna!" Our English teacher warns us again

"Sorry." We smile sweetly

"Whatever. I say, he can be a jerk to everyone else for all I care, he's great to you, that's all that matters. I'm sure you guys can work on that jerk stuff later. You've been together for a whole year, nothing bad has happened, everybody should just shut up and mind their business."

"Thank you! You actually get it!"

We were warned once more before shutting up, next time it would of been detention. After lunch, the next two classes flew by and I soon found myself in the school parking lot, getting into my car.

'I am losing you again, let me out and let me in-' my cell rings. John Cena


"Hey. Party on Friday."

"Friday? Johnny, you said Saturday."

"I know, but then I remembered, Saturday night me and Randy have to be at the hall of fame. don't worry, I took care of it."


"How are things goin with your dad?"

"ugh, they're going. But Randy's calling me, see you Friday"

"See ya, no phone sex!"

ew! before I could yell, he hung up and I clicked over to the other line.

"Hey sexy"

"hey babe."

"Okay. So, I'm coming tomorrow instead of Friday." I told him

"Your dad okay with that?"

"Its not like he was okay with me coming Friday anyway"


"I didn't exactly tell him either. But I wanted to spend more time with you, I forgot there's an early flight to Los Angeles on Saturday."

"Yeah, it's wrestlemania weekend. Doubt your dad will even know you're gone."

"We'll see about that. Well I have to pack and order a ticket. Call me tonight?"

"I will babe. I can't wait to see you, I wish you didn't live so far"

"Me too, Randy. Love you"

"Love you babe"

After my phone call, I got out of my car and went into the house. I set my bag down and went into the kitchen, only to see my dad just getting off the phone.

"Where's mom?"


I nodded, went into the fridge to get a drink and headed upstairs.


"Dad!" I spun around, "If it's about Randy, I don't wanna hear it."

I didn't give him a chance to say anything else and I went into my room, blasted Eminem so I couldn't hear if he yelled. I packed some clothes, booked my flight, IMed some friends and by the time I was done all of that, Stephanie was home.

"Hey dinner will be ready in 15 minutes." She tells me

"Sounds good. After dinner I'm gonna get some homework done then go hang with some friends, maybe around 9-9:30"

"Okay. don't get back too late, you're going to school tomorrow no matter what"

"I know, I know"

We had a pretty quiet dinner. Mom and dad talked mostly about the company, I had no input in the conversation because I'm still not talking to dad, but whatever. After dinner, I finished all my homework then went out with my friends, Kayla, and other friends I haven't seen in a while: Seth, Rachel, and Adam.