Status: Writing Everyday

Indigo Blue and Amaranth Pink

Harlequin, Helitrope, Tea

Chapter 5: Harlequin, Heliotrope, Tea

I ended up walking Tom back to my flat. I intended on cleaning the cuts he got from the little scuffle that happened.

“NO!! I hate that stuff!! IT BURNS!!” Tom shouted when I got the antiseptic spray.

“Don’t be a baby!!” I said, trying to get him to hold still.

Eventually, he did hold still enough for me to spray him. Keyword: Eventually.

“I shouldn’t have let you walk me to work, Tom,” I said, sipping the tea Tom made.

“What happened would of happened eventually. What’s done is done,” Tom said, making another kettle.

“I feel so responsible for your injuries!”

“Did you punch me?”


“Did you make me bleed?”


“Then it isn’t your fault, Rosette!” Tom argued, sitting down next to me. “Besides, most girls would be obsessing that the boy they liked dumped them.”

I laughed. “Kevin? I don’t know why I cried. He was a terrible boyfriend, a terrible kisser, and was always hitting on girls right in front of me,” I said. “Maybe it was the shock of it all.”

Tom laughed, almost spilling his tea. “Karen wasn’t so great either. She was jealous if I even mentioned your name. If I looked at another girl, I would be put on ‘probation’,”

“Why did you go out with her if you didn’t like her all that much?” I asked, finishing off my tea.

“I could ask you the same thing about Kevin. But I guess I liked the idea of being seen with Karen rather than actually liking her,”

“Kevin was the guy every girl wanted to be with. He was cute, he was funny, he was an athlete. I didn’t really like him because I didn’t really know him. When he asked me out, my friends told him yes before I even got a word edgewise.”

“So, you just stuck with him for two years?” Tom questioned, getting up when the kettle sounded.

I nodded. “He only really wanted me for sex, and I never gave in. I also knew he cheated on me several times. Frankly, I didn’t care,”

“And the reason for boxes being everywhere?”Tom asked

“I was moving in with Kevin, since he wanted to ‘take care of’ me,”

A brief moment of silence followed.

“I just realized we know nothing about each other,” I said.

“Favorite colour?”

“Purple, yours?”


I laughed.


I heard a loud knock on my door shortly after Tom went to the washroom.

When I opened the door I was met by the unfriendly face of Kevin.

“Where is that wimp?? I know he’s here!” Kevin said, pushing me aside,

The force of push sent me into a pile a boxes near the door. One of the glass cups fell a broke, causing glass to become lodged in my hand. I yelped in pain.

“Rosette? Are you okay? I heard a-“ Tom stopped dead in his tracks.

He looked from Kevin to me to my hand (which was now bleeding) to back at Kevin.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here, Kevin,” Tom said with disdain.

“Big talk from someone who steals someone’s girlfriend,” Kevin guffawed.

Tom made his way over to me.

Kevin growls.

“Kevin we’re just friends! Why do you care, you dumped me remember?” I shout, cringing in pain

Tom kneels down next to me.

Kevin growls again and says, “Another move and I’ll break your face!”

Tom smiles creepily. He turns to me. “Play along,” he whispered.

I nodded.

Tom grabs me, pulls me to him, dips his head and kisses me.

I snake my uninjured arm around his neck, and overdo the kiss.

Kevin punches a hole in the wall and storms out.

We break apart and bust out laughing.

Then I remember my hand.

“Tom, can you get the first-aid kit?”

Once he got the box, we went into the smaller washroom.

“He’s a jerk for pushing you like that,” Tom said, picking a shard of glass out of my hand.

“I don’t see why he was so upset! He broke up with ME,” I said, happy the last of the glass was out of my hand.

“Maybe he didn’t want to break up with you. I know I wouldn’t want to,” Tom said the last part quietly.

I reached over to grab the antiseptic spray at the same time Tom did.

Our hands touched. I looked into those brown eyes of his, stood on my tiptoes, and kissed him.

Tom picked me up and sat me on the sink.

Goodness, he’s a great kisser, I thought.

Tom started unzipping my jacket as I fumbled with his shirt.

Once both were off, Tom went for my neck.

I was gasping for air, moaning all the while.

“For goodness sake, take my frikkin’ clothes off Tom!” I shouted, causing Tom to laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh I love the ending to this one!! Sadly this is the final chapter of my story. If you enjoyed it, please go to her story is amazing!! Please, please? :3