

“The Dark Lord specifically chose you for this Blaise,” Bellatrix was saying. “You should be honored.”
It didn’t make one ounce of difference to Blaise, he still wished that he could flee Malfoy Manor which was now the headquarters of Voldemort and the Death Eaters for any other place on earth. He did not want this task. He didn’t even want to be a Death Eater in the first place but when his mother had remarried for the eighth time to John Dranston who was a part of the Dark Lord’s elite followers he had insisted that Blaise join as well. His mother had no idea that her new husband—and now son— were involved in the cutthroat society of the Death Eater or that John had married her only for the connections in the wizarding world that she would bring him and by extension He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. In reality, the man’s only love and loyalty belonged to Voldemort and he would have no quarrels killing Blaise’s mother if she became a liability. That threat was what had persuaded Blaise to join this insane cult. Blaise had done what had to be done in the past, sometimes killing, to insure the survival of his mother. His mother’s life was his sole concern.
But what he had been asked to do would put to test all his resolve and conviction.
Blaise gave a sharp nod of his head to show his assent and gestured for Bellatrix to lead the way. He had always been skilled at keeping his emotions off of his face, a talent he had picked up early in childhood. Years of practice with this usual mask of confidence and cool was the only thing that kept him from gasping aloud when he descended the stairs into the dungeon and found her.
Jenna Sanders.
She was the only thing about having joined the Death Eaters that made it bearable. Since her mother and father were close to Voldemort she had accompanied them on a number of visits to the Manor. It was during one of those visits that Blaise had met her. At first he had kept his distance, not trusting anyone in Voldemort’s inner circle but soon he found his caution wavering and Jenna had slowly crept into his heart. Despite trying to deny it he loved her and she had felt the same. For weeks now they had been meeting in secret and growing ever closer. She was a stark contrast to him in every way. Physically Jenna was fair, he was dark. While Blaise like to keep to himself and rarely talked, Jenna loved being the center of attention and never stopped talking. She was so open and trusting of people, ever kind and smiling. Jenna lit up a room when she walked in with her positive aura even, perhaps especially because of the gloom that surrounded headquarters. Blaise depended on only himself and hated to rely on others. When he walked into the room no one noticed because he would sink into the shadows and watch those around him. He was the furthest thing to kind and never smiled. There had only been one thing that was the same for both, their involvement with the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters.
Now they did not even share that.
Today when he had returned from recruiting new members abroad he had heard the news that two weeks ago Jenna had been caught red handed passing important information of plans by the Dark Lord to the Order of the Phoenix. There was no chance of a mistake and Jenna was to be tortured by ever member of the Death Eaters before being killed as an example.
Blaise was the last member and the one ‘honored’ with the task of killing her.
He fisted his hand and dug his nails into his palms when he saw that Jenna was only managing to stand in the middle of the cold, dark dungeon because of the chains that hung from the ceiling and that were clapped around her delicate wrists. Jenna was a fighter and she had battled her torture if the bruises at her wrist and the fact that there was dried blood on her arms from her struggling were any indication. Jenna was barefoot and her clothes were more like dirty rags that hung on her thin figure, torn in many places so that Blaise could see that her once glowing ivory skin now looked sickly pale. Most of her body, however, was painted in purplish and blue bruises from the hits she had endured during her punishment. Jenna’s petite five foot four frame looked weak and bones were outlined in some places that spoke of starvation. Her normally lushes and styled pale blond hair was a messy tangle and wet from the dripping ceiling. Her hair covered the front of Jenna’s face and it was only after Bellatrix punched her and her head snapped back from the force that Blaise was able to see the rest of the damage.
As she lowered her head to stare daggers at Bellatrix, Blaise saw that the lips he had kissed so many times were dry and the corner bleeding from the blow. Her face had not been spared with half-healed cuts on her forehead, cheek, and neck. Jenna’s breathtaking clear sky blue eyes were now more the color red because of lack of sleep and the terrible condition she had found herself in. They looked dully back at Bellatrix with hatred and a spark of fire still in them. It was heartbreaking to see the usually beautiful and happy Jenna reduced a shadow of herself.
“I brought you a guest traitor.” Bellatrix smirked gleefully as she ran a finger down Jenna’s chin, tracing the blood. She caught it and brought it to her lips, sucking the blood off her finger. Jenna just turned her head away from her tormentor. “And you look terrible! Oh well.”
Bellatrix grabbed her chin roughly and turned it towards Blaise. Jenna’s eyes widened in shock when she recognized who it was and a flash of hope reached her eyes before it disappeared.
“Where are your manners maggot? Say hello.”
“I am not entertaining today,” Jenna spoke for the first time in a raspy tone as she glared defiantly at both Bellatrix and Blaise. “Come back late.”
“You will show respect!” screeched Bellatrix pointing at her threateningly.
“Why would I respect Voldemort’s whore,” Jenna snapped back.
Bellatrix froze and her head tilted, Blaise knew the look and that it signaled trouble. When she went to take her wand Blaise quickly made a hard decision.
Crucio,” he said, wand pointed at Jenna. Her body jolted against the chains but she stubbornly refused to scream, piercing her lips with her teeth. She threw her head back and tears poured out of her eyes as pain enveloped her. Blaise’s appearance was that of total control while inside he was screaming the cry that would not issue forth from Jenna. He felt ever agonizing ache coming from the straining muscles of Jenna like it was coursing through his own body. He hated what he was doing but if he didn’t do it Bellatrix would’ve with no remorse and it would have hurt more and longer. Blaise stopped and barely kept from rushing to Jenna’s side in concern as her body went slack against the chains, her breathing hard.
Bellatrix laughed joyfully and walked around the seventeen year old who was in the kind of pain no one could imagine, “Wasn’t that refreshing?”
“Go…to…hell!” Jenna gasped out.
“I already am in hell. A world full of mudbloods and mudblood lovers is hell but soon I will be in heaven,” Bellatrix replied.
“Harry Potter will defeat Voldemort—!” Jenna broke off with a scream that she could not chock back as Blaise once again tortured her with the same spell. Her body arched in pain but Blaise had to continue another two seconds until Bellatrix was looking happy and her hand was clapping in amusement instead of inching towards her wand.
“Leave me,” Blaise ordered Bellatrix as Jenna closed her eyes and took a shaky breath in.
“I will stay and observe,” Bellatrix told him.
“Everyone else had their chance with her and this is mine,” Blaise narrowed his eyes. “I want it alone.”
Bellatrix studied him before walking back upstairs, her steps clicking above them. As soon as Blaise was sure Jenna and him were alone he run towards her.
“Jenna,” he burst out unsteadily, his voice tainted with emotions he had held back. Blaise’s hands trembled as he reached over to her. She hissed at him like an animal and back as far away from Blaise as she could. “Jenna—.”
“Stop talking and get it over with,” she interrupted glaring at Blaise. Jenna tightened her grip on the manacles as if bracing herself for the inevitable. “I have been waiting to die for two weeks now and the wait is getting rather annoying.”
“Jenna look at me.” He cupped her face and moved his head so that she was gazing straight at him. “I love you and would never willingly harm you. Jenna, you are safe.”
To show her the truth of his words, Blaise unshackled her and was there to catch Jenna when she fell forward. He lowered them both to a sitting position on the cold floor, making sure to sit her on his lap and cradle her close. Jenna looked up at him with uncertainty in her eyes but something in his brown ones must have song his love for her because her eyes filled with tears and she let out a tiny sob before crumpling into his arms. Blaise encircled her tiny waist with care, not wanting to hurt her further. “You are safe,” he repeated as she burrowed closer to his chest like she was trying to find warmth and wrapping her arms around his middle.
“Blaise…I thought you would kill me,” Jenna hiccupped.
“Never,” he declared fiercely, already forming a plan to escape and then to go find his mother to warn her and confess the truth.
“Why didn’t you? I betrayed the Dark Lord,” Jenna said quietly. “I acted against him.”
“I don’t give a damn about him,” Blaise snarled looking down at the innocence that had been tainted in his arms. “All I care about is you. I think my leaving was only a matter of time.”
“I thought you would say that,” Jenna’s eyes suddenly cleared and her voice returned to its normal strong tone.
“What do you—Jenna! What are you doing?” Blaise was astonished when she swiftly sprang out of his embrace and stood over him with her wand out. “Lower your wand.”
“How could you betray the Dark Lord Blaise?! He will set the world to right! He will usher in a new era! One that will see purebloods in their rightful place on top while mudbloods are purged from the world! How dare you betray him!” Amazement paralyzed him in his place at her words and that she was acting healthy. What was this?
“What is going on?” Blaise asked as much out of curiosity as distraction as he lowered his hand inch by inch to his pocket to retrieve his wand.
“You won’t find it,” Jenna said not fooled by his ruse and holding up his wand. The bitch had snatched it while he had been comforting her!
“The Dark Lord was not sure of your loyalty so he decided to test the limits of your devotion to him,” Jenna said with steal in her gaze as she circled him as a vulture would. “You failed.”
The sinking feeling in Blaise’s stomach crashed as he realized the truth. He had been set up! He had been told and shown a story about Jenna that was false. She had never wavered in her devotion to the Dark Lord’s cause but had been put in the dungeons as a test for him, to see if he cared more for her or the cause…and he had chosen her.
“It was all a lie, everything,” Blaise whispered.
“You were always so clever,” sneered Jenna looking less and less like the girl he loved.
Blaise stood up and lifted his chin to look down his nose at her, “Did you ever care about me? Was it ever real for you?”
“No.” Jenna said it like a statement and looked at him in a bored way while Blaise’s heart broke. He was such a fool and should have listen to his instincts and never talked to anyone in this cult. “The Dark Lord had me keep an eye on you from the start and when you showed no enthusiasm for our work I was asked to make you fall in love with me so that later the little scene you just walked into could be put together to test you.”
“What if I had killed you?” he asked not really caring about the answer and wishing he had done the deed.
“I would gladly die in service to the Dark Lord,” Jenna replied. “Besides, I didn’t think that you had the nerve to kill me.”
Blaise’s eyes narrowed into slits, “Then do it and be done.”
“Blaise I credited you on being clever and now you aren’t acting like it at all. I owe you a few things first. Crucio!” she screamed her revenge as Blaise doubled over in agony. The pain was like nothing he had ever imagined, tiny nails being jammed into his skin while at the same time someone broke all the bones in his body. He bit his lips from screaming his torture as he fell to his knees. After what felt like hours she released the curse and he sucked in a lungful of air. “I want to hear you scream Blaise! Scream my name like you did when you fucked me. Crucio!”
Blaise shut his eyes and tuned her voice out, turning the pain coursing through his body into fuel for anger. He hated the reminder that they had been as close as two people could be and the way he had thought that they had shared their souls as well as their bodies but to her it had all been a duty. For her it had been a fuck while in his mind he had been making love. Blaise swallowed back a growl and braced his hands on the floor, his whole body trembling with pain. Jenna did not stop at paying back the two curses he had inflected on her and continued for hours while he refused to let a sound past his torn, bleeding lips. Jenna would have continued longer if Bellatrix hadn’t come back down. The girl that had been his girlfriend was more of a monster, practically foaming at the mouth in ecstasy as she tortured him.
She loved it with as much passion as he had loved her.
“Jenna, finish it.”
“Just a little longer—.”
“Now, the Dark Lord commands it.” Bellatrix broke no argument and Jenna bowed her head in acceptance.
“As the Dark Lord commands but first I will give Blaise a goodbye kiss.” Jenna stepped close to Blaise’s prostrated side as he lay out on the floor and pulled him into a sitting position, he swayed but remained upright. She was in no danger that he would attack her, completely spent from not only Jenna’s cruelty but also from having summoned the last remnants of his strength and skill to perform a spell without his wand or her noticing. Hopefully his patronus with a message of warning had reached his mother and she had gone into hiding. It was the last thing he could do for his mother after failing her. “Let’s kiss for old time’s sake Blaise. You were always a great kisser and that part wasn’t a chore for me.”
Jenna leaned down, uncaring of Bellatrix in the corner and place her lips on his bloody ones. She didn’t mind the blood yet did hate it when Blaise didn’t do anything. “Come on Blaise I know you can do better…no…well then there is another way. Imperio.”
The felling of calm washed over Blaise and he felt the pain leave his body, once again he as whole and healthy. There was no other feeling but that of content and joy, nothing could touch him and there were no problems in the world. He didn’t have to worry about his mother’s safety, the Death Eaters were but a distant memory, and he was finally able to show his love for Jenna to the world—.
He snapped back to reality because he knew in his bones that nothing was alright anymore and that Jenna was not the Jenna he loved. He was vagly aware that his arms were around someone and that he was caressing tantalizing skin while his lips moved over soft ones. When Jenna moaned in pleasure he broke out of the dream the curse had placed on him and found himself kissing Jenna. He kept the vile from rising when her tongue darted into his open mouth.
That little bitch had used magic to make Blaise kiss her like the old days. Not caring of the consequences he bit down hard on her disgusting tongue before pushing her with the last of his resolve away from him. Jenna yelled in outrage and fell ungracefully on her ass, surprised that her had been able to fight off her spell. While she was still disorientated Blaise took the opportunity to spit squarely in her face. Blaise smirked at the small triumph.
“Think it’s funny, do you?” Jenna roared wiping the red spit off her face.
“Actually, yes.” Blaise grinned as he pulled himself up to stand, the end was here and he was not going to die like an animal on the floor.
“Prepare to die traitor, what you did was unforgivable.” Jenna got up and walked a few feet away.
“No, what you did is unforgivable,” he countered. The girl he had loved with all his heart had not only used the dreaded and illegal unforgivable curses on him but had torn his heart out with her bare hands and laughed as she shredded it to peices. “I will see you in hell.”
“Not for a long time.”
“Sooner than you think.” Blaise threw his shoulders back and captured Jenna’s blue eyes. “And when you get there it will be my turn to repay the favor you showed me here.”
Blaise knew the venom in his eyes and conviction in his voice scared her more than she would ever admit because she didn’t waste any more time, “Avada kedavra!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Is he not the hottest chocolate man alive!? I just want to lick him up lol.
Anyway a step away from dirty thoughts ;) … not much info on Blaise to base this off of so most, like he was a Death Eater which is unknown, is made up by me.

I hope that you enjoyed the little twist at the end! Who saw it coming? Wanted to do something a little different since it always turns out at the end of many one shots that the betrayal is typically done by the man when there are plenty of girls that do the same.

Please comment! Thoughts are really appreciated and I mean if you have the time to read you have the time to say a little complement/constructive criticism, right?
Much love:*)