Status: See About Me On My Main Page, please


Chapter 2: The Proposal

Basically, from school I went home, packed a few things (2 extra shirts, sweat pants, basketball shoes, a hoodie, my McDonalds toy, and my piggy bank, which had about 2 dollars in pennies, I collect all money I see and dont spend it unless I have to) , left a simple note that just said "GoodBye" on it, and left for the park.

I was at the park for about an hour before I saw Adam running. He grabbed my arm and ran into the bushes. I went to ask a question but Adam simply put his finger to his lips and then pointed. I followed his finger to an angry man and woman. They were franticly moving their heads, I suspect looking for us. Then they started fighting, I heard bits and pieces and baisically Adam stole something and it was both of their faults. Also, when they saw Adam again they were going to basiclly kill him.

"What was that all about?" I asked when they left.

"I swiped 20 bucks from my parents" Adam shuggered. "I figured after all the bull they put me through, they owed me at least that."

"Well," I said with a smile. "Shall we eat sir?"

"Yes, sir, we shall." he repeated.

"You ever go to McDonalds?" i asked.

"Who?" Adam replied making me laugh.

I dug out my Poke'Mon toy and showed it to him. "This is my one and only toy and I got it yesterday from a Happy Meal, they're really good."

With that we walked to McDonalds and each got a Happy Meal with a toy. When we were done eating, we refilled our cups and left back towards the park. I saw Trunk on a corner with another man and headed towards him. I waited till he was done with the man to walk over.

"Hey Trunk," I said and his eyes widened. He trotted over to me and pushed me back into the shadows.

"What do you think your doing?" Trunk snapped.

"I-i-i.." I started to stutter.

Trunk sighed and shook his head. "Look I'm sorry, you cant be around here, I'll get into trouble and you may get hurt, meet me at the park in a little bit."

"O-okay," I said and turned on my heels.

"Who was that Jerk?" Adam asked.

"His name is Trunk," I sighed. "He was nice to me yesterday."

We waited in the park for Trunk. We talked about alot of important stuff, shelter, food, clothing, shoes, etc. We decided to stay in school at least until high school was over. College was another story. For two third graders, I'm surprised how well we were doing.

"Hey," I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Trunk coming over.

"Hey," I replied. "This is Adam."

"Hi, I'm Adam," Adam said nervously.

Trunk laughed and sat down next to us. "So what are you guys doing here?"

"We ran away from home," Adam said simply.

"Yup, no more torture!" I smiled.

"Smart idea, wish I thought of that when I was your age." Trunk smiled.

"Yeah, I showed Adam McDonalds,"I said.

"Oh cool, did you like it?" He asked Adam.

"Yeah, it was really good and I got a Pikachu toy!" Adam cheered.

Trunk's face lightened up. "I have a proposal for you..."

"Proposal?" I asked, not understanding the word.

"A deal," Trunk explained. "Why dont you come stay with me and I'll teach you the ropes of the street? When your back on your feet you can move?"

We thought about it for a while before agreeing to Trunk's proposal. We took our bags to Trent's house. He lived with his friend, Alex, and girl friend JoJo. They were really nice to us and allowed us to stay. I give them my piggy bank, saying that hopefully it will pay our part of the rent. They laughed and said not to worry about it.

***********************************8 Years Later***********************************
"Let's go, Adam!" I rushed. We had to go meet Trunk and some other members of the crew. We were the Vipers, our boss being called Venom. We had moved out of Trunk's house about 3 years ago. We were good at we we do so we were able to earn money and not spend it all. It was nice to feel rich.

"Shut up, dude, I'm almost ready!" shouted Adam.

"Venom's gonna be furious if he finds out we were late for a crew meeting because you were doing your hair!" I yelled back.

"I am NOT doing my hair!" Adam retorted walking down the steps.

"Yeah whatever, lets go," I laughed and headed out the door.

We walked over to my black jeep and started towards Viper head quarters. It wasn't a long way off. When we got there, we got outside, made sure we had everything, we always had our guns and at least 100$ each on us. We then walked into the head quarters.

The head quarters was just for crew members but Venom never came, he liked it better at his house. Our head quarters was basically a one story house. It had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a dining room. 2 of the bed rooms had 4 beds each in case one of us needed a place to stay for the night. The other 2 had our supplies and extra guns in them, just in case. Those 2 were always locked, each recruit had a key. Our main color scheme was shades of green, yellow, silver, and black.

The rest of the members that were supposed to meet there were already there, we were the last of course but we werent late. The members were pretty cool but I didnt know many of them. Of this group, I knew 3 members, all 3 were the closest friends I had other then Adam and Trunk. One was a friend from the same thrid grade class as Adam and I were in, his name was Drake Jibbs. He was big and strong. His dad was in jail but his mom was really nice. Justin Corks was thin but fast. He was also pretty strong himself. Justin didnt know his mom and his dad was always at work. I met him on my first job. I also met Blake on my first mission, he was basically in the same situation as Adam and I were. He was an average size but he had more courage and loyalty then any man.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked Trunk, doing our crew's shake with him.

"We gotta big job to do," Trunk explained. By the look on his face, I could see he wasn't happy.

"What is it?" I groaned.

"We have to find the Locust warehouse, steal everything, bring back hostages if we need to, and burn the place down," Trunk explained.

"Why the fuck do we have to do that?" Drake yelled.

"Because Viper wants it done!" Trunk yelled back, making Drake sit back down. Trunk hated people trying to go after him or take his place as leader.

"Fine, when is this job? We got school tomorrow." I said. I heard a few snickers. Most of the crew dropped out of school, they didnt see the point of it.

"Why are you still going to school?" Some kid named Blades asked.

"Why not? Atleast I'll be smarter then you!" I retorted. Blades lurched at me but Trunk pushed him back. He always acted like a big brother to me, ever since we met.

"Chill!" Trunk yelled and turned back to me. "Might wanna call in sick tomorrow, the job is tonight, 3 a.m."

"Ugh, maybe," I said rubbing the back of my head. "Kay, is that all?"

"Yeah, meet back here are 1:30, we'll get ready and leave together," Trunk informed us..
Adam and I went back to the jeep.
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Sorry it isnt bigger, but its an update right? I'll try to add more, maybe even later today :) Tell me what you think please!