Status: Hiatus.

It Was Always You

August 25th (Part Two)

“So wait, you two have been coming up with these ‘Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes’ all summer and you haven’t mentioned it in any of your letters?”

Maxine, Oliver, and Fred were on their way back to the Weasley’s site, after getting permission from her parents for her to eat with them. Oliver and Fred had just finished telling her of all of the work they’d been doing that summer, and how they effectively managed to use a Ton-Tongue toffee on Harry’s cousin Dudley.

“We wanted to,” Fred began, slinging an arm over Maxine’s shoulders.

“But we didn’t even know it was worth mentioning at the time,” George continued. “We promise to keep you informed from now on.”

“Good,” Maxine nodded, “I need to know what is and isn’t safe to accept from you two.”

They reached the Weasleys' tent just as Bill, Charlie, and Percy arrived, having apparated as Percy announced so proudly. They were also just in time for eggs and sausages.

About half-way through their meal, Mr. Weasley jumped to his feet and shouted, “Aha! The man of the hour!”

Ludo Bagman, wearing long Quidditch robes that stretched against his large mid-section, walked up to them. “Ahoy there! Arthur, old man, what a day eh? What a day! Could we have asked for more perfect weather? A cloudless night coming… and hardly a hiccough in the arrangements …Not much for me to do!”

Percy eagerly stood and shook hands with Bagman as Mr. Weasley introduced the two. “He just started at the Ministry,” Mr. Weasley stated, “And this is Fred-no, George, sorry-that’s Fred-their friend Maxine Wood, Bill, Charlie, Ron-My daughter, Ginny-and Ron’s friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.”

Maxine began to tune out the conversation as she focused on finishing her food, but when Bagman asked Mr. Weasley if he’d like to place a bet on the match, she was all ears. The twins’ habit of gambling had indeed rubbed off on her.

Mr. Weasley bet a galleon on Ireland to win, and Fred, George, and Maxine pooled their money together, resulting in 37 Galleons, fifteen Sickles, and three knuts, that Ireland would win but Viktor Krum, Bulgaria’s seeker, would catch the snitch. Fred even through in a fake wand, which turned into a rubber chicken as soon as Bagman grabbed it.

“Excellent! I haven’t seen one that convincing in years! I’d pay five Galleons for that!”

Mr. Weasley tried to tell the boys that they could not gamble, but Bagman was more than happy with their bets.

The rest of the day flew by rather quickly with everyone in such high spirits. Maxine and Bill, the eldest Weasley child, had just finished a game of exploding snap, in which Maxine won, when things really started to get interesting.

Salesman of all sorts began appearing with more merchandise than you could imagine; green hats, Bulgarian scarves, flags, and more. Unfortunately, Maxine had put all of her gold into the bet they’d made earlier.

“I should go find my family,” Maxine told the twins, as a loud gong sounded signaling that it was time for the match, “But I’ll see you soon!” She gave them each a tight hug before setting off through the crowd in search of her parents and Oliver.

The match went by extremely slowly, considering Oliver had commentary on every single thing that happened, and in the end the bet that Maxine, George, and Fred had made was the right one; Ireland won, though Viktor Krum caught the snitch.

“Mum, I’m going to go visit the Weasleys,” Maxine informed, as the match ended and everyone was returning to their tents. She was eager to get the gold that she’d won.

“Don’t be too late,” Her mother responded.

With a wave of her hand, Maxine set out in the proper direction and called out when she spotted the twins, just entering their tent.

“That was some match,” Fred grinned, “Don’t you think?”

“I don’t know,” Maxine shrugged, “I was too busy trying to tune out Oliver to pay attention.”

“I suppose you want this,” George grinned, handing over her share of the money they’d won.

“But of course.”

Fred gestured for them to follow and the three went inside the Weasleys’ tent. Fred took a seat in an armchair while Maxine sprawled out on the couch, kicking her shoes off and placing her feet in George’s lap. Since nearly everyone was in bed, their conversations were hushed, despite the fact that there was no way anyone would sleep with the noises of the Irish celebrating their victory just outside.

“Percy’s been a down right git since he started at the Ministry,” Fred stated.

“All he talks about is Mr. Crouch,” George added. “He’s been working on some cauldron report as if the results are going to change the wizarding world.”

“Maybe he’s just excited,” Maxine shrugged, causing the twins to snort with laughter.

“Excited is an understatement,” George whispered. Mr. Weasley, who had been outside, came in with a worried expression. “What is it, Dad?”

He wordlessly walked around the tent, waking everyone up, causing Maxine to worry. “Everyone outside,” Mr. Weasley shouted.

Maxine found herself being pulled up from the couch by George without being able to slip on her shoes. As she stood huddled between the twins outside, her eyes could not believe what they were seeing. People were running and screaming as unidentifiable noises came from every direction.

In the middle of it all was a group of masked wizards, marching as one with their wands straight upwards. Above them floated four figures, two of which were very small. At one point, the figures’ faces were illuminated and Maxine could make out the terrified expression of Mr. Roberts, and what she assumed to be his wife and children.

Mr. Weasley arrived with Harry, Ron, Percy, Bill, and Charlie behind him, while Hermione and Ginny emerged from the girls’ tent.

“We’re going to help the Ministry!” Mr. Weasley shouted, gesturing toward Bill, Charlie, Percy and himself. “You lot- get into the woods and stick together. I’ll come and fetch you when we’ve sorted this out.”

“C’mon,” Fred stated, as he took Ginny’s hand. Maxine felt George take her own and they all began moving as quickly as they could toward the shelter of the woods. When they’d arrived, Maxine realized that they’d lost Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

“As long as they’ve made it to the woods, they should be fine,” George stated, his hand still tightly holding Maxine’s.

“What’s going on out there?” Ginny asked, nearly in tears.

“’Dunno,” Fred shrugged, “But I’m sure it can be taken care of.”

They stood in silence for a few moments before George spoke. “Maxi, your foot’s bleeding.” She looked down and saw that blood was indeed dripping out of the side of her foot.

“I guess that’s what happens when you run through the woods barefoot,” She sighed, knowing there was nothing she could do about it at the moment.

The loud noises were merely echoes in the dark, thick forest and though they’d only been in the woods for about 20 minutes when Charlie found them, it seemed as if it had been ages.

“Come with me,” He instructed. He led them out of the woods and back to the Weasleys’ tent. It seemed as if everything had been calmed down.

“Where’s everyone else?” Ginny asked, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

“’Dunno,” Charlie shrugged, just as Bill and Percy arrived. “Have you seen Dad, or the others?” They both shook their heads.

“My parents,” Maxine suddenly whispered to herself. She hadn’t even thought about that fact that her family could have been hurt.

“I’m sure they’re alright,” George reassured her. “We’ll go find them when Dad gets back.” Without warning he pulled her into a tight hug and she found herself slightly more relaxed as she buried her face in his chest. “Everything will be alright, love.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I know this was a lot of filler and talking about the World Cup, things that everyone knows happened, but I didn't want to just skip over it when something as important as this took place in the book. And, it does give us a chance to see how she interacts a little more with Fred and George. But, the next chapter they will be going to Hogwarts, so I PROMISE it will get more interesting.

If you still want to read after this chapter, you won't regret it! Please let me know what you think! It would be MUCH appreciated. :)