Sequel: Bittersweet Memories
Status: finished

Love Bites

Girls Night Gone Wrong.

At Elena's, we ordered food and it just got here. The only downside to this night is that Caroline is here. Since we don't get along, I'm gonna avoid talking to her as much as possible. Looks like Bonnie and her are fighting. Elena gives Caroline a look.

"I'm sorry, there I said it." Caroline apologizes, if you can call it that. "If you want the ugly ass necklace, keep it. Its yours."

"Would you be mad if I threw it away?" Bonnie asks. She threw it away??

"You threw it away?! You could of just given it back to me."

"So you can give it to Damon?" Elena questions

"Screw Damon. She sighs. "Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?"

"Mine's in my bag." Bonnie says

While Caroline goes into Bonnie's bag, she questions things between Elena and Stefan. It visibly annoys Elena and I pick up a fork, ready to launch it at her...but Elena grabs it.

"No!" She scolds me like a child

"Fine." I cross my arms, making Bonnie laugh

"You are such a little liar Bonnie" Caroline says

"What?" Bonnie asks

"Caroline!" Me and Elena both say

Then we see her holding up the necklace, the necklace Bonnie said she threw away. Caroline takes the necklace and sets it on the table, giving Bonnie questioning eyes

"I'm not lying to you Caroline, I swear." Bonnie says

"Its true, I watched her throw it into a field." Elena says

"Really?" I ask


"Then explain it." Caroline says

"Emily?" Bonnie asks me and Elena

"Who's Emily?" Caroline asks

"The ghost"

"Oh, the ghost has a name now?" Caroline questions with sarcasm

"Caroline, please." I say, holding my hand up to her

"I wonder why she won't leave me alone"

"Okay what is going on? Why am I not a part of this conversation? You guys do this to me all the time!" She complains

"That's not true, Caroline." Elena says

"Yes it is." I speak truthfully

"I can't talk to you, you don't listen." Bonnie tells her

"That's not true!"

Bonnie takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm a witch."

"And don't we all know it!"

"That's what I'm talking about! I'm trying to tell you something and you won't even hear it" Bonnie says before walking out of the room

"I listen, when do I not listen?"

"You need to go apologize to her, you are so off." I say

Caroline sucks it up and goes into the other room with Bonnie. I decided not to ask Bonnie about giving the necklace to Damon, this is serious. This is real for her.

"I wanna throw something at her." I tell Elena

"I know you do but not tonight."

"I know, I know."

"Elena, Savannah, you can come in now!" Caroline yells from the living room

We go into the room to see them sitting on the couch.

"So everything okay?" I ask

"Yes." Bonnie says

"This room has too much drama in it, so what do you wanna do?" Caroline asks, then answers her own question. "Oh! I have an idea! Lets have a séance" Fucking ditz, I knew she'd suggest something weird.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Bonnie says, we all look at Caroline with the same face.

"Come on! This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do."

We agree to do it, against our will of course. We go upstairs to Elena's room and light some candles. Elena hits the lights and we all sit in a circle and hold hands.

"Be quiet and concentrate. Close your eyes" Caroline instructs. "And take a deep breath. Bonnie call her."

"Emily, ya there?" Bonnie says

"That's all you got? Emily ya there?" I ask

"Fine!" She says. "Emily, I call on you." She takes a deep breath. "I know you have a message, I'm here to listen."

Then all of a sudden the flames in the candles flicker, getting high and then going low again. We all let go of each other.

"Did that just-" I start

"Yeah, it just happened."

Then we start getting cold, we look around at each other, I'm kinda freaked out.

"Its just the air conditioning" Bonnie explains.. Then the candle flames flicker up once more, they stay up this time.

"Ask her to show you a sign" Caroline says. Bonnie shakes her head no. "Ask her." She asks once more before taking it upon herself. "Emily, if you're among us. Show us another sign."

The room falls silent, but its still cold in here. Nothing is happening, apart from the candles flickering.

"See its not working." Bonnie says

Its still silent. Nothing has happened. We look around at each other and then all of a sudden the window flies open, scaring the crap out of all four of us.

"No! I can't!" Bonnie gets up and throws the necklace on the floor. When she does, the candles go out. "Get the light, please! Get the light!"

Elena scrambles to turn the light on, when she does, the necklace is gone from the floor. "You guys, the necklace is gone."

It was just right there before the candles went out, where could it be? We search around for it but come up short. "Okay, fun is over Caroline. You made a point and I get it, now give it back." Elena says

"What? I didn't take it. Maybe it was Savannah, ya know...she's the only who actually talks to Damon." Caroline says

"I don't need to give him back a necklace to get Damon to like me. Besides, I would never take anything from Bonnie" I tell her

"Well its nice to know you're loyal to one of your friends! YOU WON'T TAKE FROM BONNIE BUT YOU'LL TAKE FROM ME!"


"You guys, knock it off!" Elena says, looking by the door. "Jeremy? Are you home?" She calls into the darkness

"Um, you guys.." Bonnie slowly walks into the bathroom and picks the necklace up from the floor. How did it get in there? Then, the door slam's shut! Bonnie starts screaming from inside and we can't open the door!

"Bonnie!" I yell as I bang on the door along with Elena and Caroline

"Bonnie! Whats going on!" Elena yells

But Bonnie won't stop screaming and the door won't open. "I'll check the hallway" Elena tells us as she goes into the hall. Me and Caroline continue trying to get the door open, but we're not having luck. "Unlock the door!" Caroline yells. Then all the lights in Elena's room start flickering on and off. Me and Caroline look at each other in fear, then continue to bang on the door. Elena runs back in and keeps yelling her name. What else can we do?

Then, the screaming stops. The lights stop flickering and everything falls silent. The bathroom door opens, Bonnie is standing there, covering her eyes. What the hell just happened?

"What happened? Are you okay?" Elena asks

Bonnie uncovers her eyes and it looks like she snapped back into reality. "I'm fine."

"Unbelievable, you we're totally faking." Caroline says

"Caroline-" I start

"You know you scared the hell out of me!" She walks away. But there's something wrong, something wrong with Bonnie. She's not herself.

"Bonnie?" Elena calls her name

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." She walks out of the bathroom with a strange look on her face

"She is not fine!" I tell Elena

"I know."

We follow Bonnie out of Elena's room and into the hallway. "I must go." She says

"If shes leaving, I'm leaving." Caroline says

"Wait! You guys can't leave" Elena says

"I've had enough freaky witch voodoo stuff for one day!"

"Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here" Bonnie says

"Where are you going?"

"Back to where it all began." She starts walking down the steps

"Bonnie...Bonnie." Elena calls after her

That's...that's not Bonnie. "Oh my god. Emily!" I yell

Bonnie turns around to look back at us, "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed."

We run down the steps after her and she's out the door before we can reach her. Elena tried opening the door but its stuck. No, don't tell me we're stuck in the house! The door is opened by Jeremy, who just gives us weird looks.

"I'm out of here!" Caroline says, running out the door.

"Oh my god." Elena says

"Call Stefan, hurry up!" I say

After Elena's phone call to Stefan, we realize where she's going. The remains of Fell's Church. We run out the door and get into Elena's car, she drives as fast as she can without crashing. We arrive at the same time Stefan does, only to see Damon up against a tree with a branch shoved through him. He's in pain. "Damon!" Me and Stefan run over to him. Stefan gets him down and I kneel down with him.

"Oh my god. Are you okay? What happened?" I ask

"Dammit. That hurts. This is why I feed on people" He says in pain

I'm so wrapped up in making sure Damon's okay, I don't realize what Bonnie is doing over there with the branch.

"Stefan." She says

"Hello, Emily." Stefan says to her

"These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil"

"What do you mean?"

"Emily, I swear to god. I'll make you regret this." Damon says as I help him up

"I won't let you unleash them into this world!"


"To save her, I had to save them."

What the hell is going on? What? Who is her?

"You saved everyone in the church?"

"With one comes all."

"I don't care about them." Damon says, getting up. "I just want Katherine."

What?! Katherine?! When he says that. I let go of him and he almost falls from the pain. "Katherine?" I whisper to myself. Damon and Stefan argue about bringing back vampires, but I tune it out. I'm still stuck on this whole Katherine thing.

"There is nothing innocent about these people, they already know too much! So don't think for a second it won't happen again, and they'll burn your little grand-witch along with us when they find out." I hear Damon say

"Things are different now. I can't free them. I won't" Emily says.

"Please, don't do this." Damon pleads

She says something I don't understand and a bunch of fire flares up. I tune everything out and its like the scene is a silent movie. Going in slow motion. Emily pulls the necklace off, Damon begs her not to. Then she throws it into the sky and it blows up. "NOOOO!" Damon screams. I look at him and see the pain in his eyes, he's really hurt. Then the fire dies. Everything is sped up again when Damon launches himself at Bonnie and bites her neck.

Oh my god. "Bonnie!" I yell

Stefan pulls Damon off and Bonnie lays on the ground, motionless. I look down at Bonnie and then back at Damon. I can't believe he did that. Stefan saves her and Damon is gone.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask

"She'll be okay."

I nod my head and then walk off into the woods to find Damon. I shouldn't care but I need to know what the hell just went on. I find him sitting down, I sit next to him. He looks really upset.

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on" I say

"That necklace was the key to getting Katherine back and now its destroyed." He says

"You asked me to get the necklace from Bonnie so you can have your ex-girlfriend back?"

"I know it sounds-"

"How could you do that to me?! Why would you? So that was why you came get Katherine back?"


He doesn't hold anything back, its like he was being dishonest this whole time. I want to cry but I fight it.

"You said we couldn't be together and this was why."

"Yes. I didn't wanna hurt you."

"You did anyway. Honestly, what did you think you'd do with me after you got her back? I'm not some slut who you can use then throw away when you're done."

"I don't think of you that way."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't."

"Yes you could! Why didn't you?" I question him, letting a few tears finally fall.

"Because things would be different between us."

"You're right. Because I would of never gotten this close to you."

"I know. That's why I couldn't tell you-"

That right there gets me mad and I slap him across the face. Hard.

"I deserved that."

"You're the most selfish person I have ever met." I say as I get up, about to walk away but Damon grabs my hand.

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving Mystic Falls."

"You're leaving?" I ask, a bit taken back. I know I'm pissed, heartbroken, upset, and I probably never wanna see him again. But when he tells me he's leaving, it hurts even more. I should be happy he's going, but I'm not.

"Yes. I came back here for Katherine and in the process I've hurt too many people, especially you." He tells me. "Its best if I just go. Its what Stefan wants."

I snatch my hand away from his. "Well, I hope you're not miserable forever."

With that, I walk away from him. Finally letting all of my tears fall. I walk past Stefan as he walks into the woods, probably looking for Damon. I see Elena, she's standing there crying. I try to walk past her but she stops me.

"Savannah, come on lets go back to my house." She says

"No, I'm gonna go home." I say

"I'll drive you."

"Its okay, I wanna walk."

"Savannah-" She tries to comfort me

"Elena, please. I need to be alone!" I almost snap

I walk past her and start the long walk to my house. I cry the entire way, I was in love with him after all. Who am I kidding? I still am. But he disgusts me. When I get home, I slam the door shut, ignoring my siblings and I head straight up to my room. I slam the door, get under my covers and just cry.