‹ Prequel: Welcome to the Family
Sequel: Crossroads Of Deceit

Can't Be Tamed

Maddi Baker has offically turned sixteen. She has gone out of control and Zacky her Dad tries to tame her. She does a few things Zacky is ashamed of and embarrassed about. She starts dating Danny Worsnop from Asking Alexandria without the media and her DAD finding out she's doing things with him behind his back. Then Maddi starts to like Ben Bruce from Asking Alexadria also and her Dad starts to notice.

Zacky Baker is Maddi's father. Worries constantly over his daughter, the fatherly instincts kicking in. He may be embarrassed and ashamed of a few things Maddi has done, but in the end he still loves her. He tries to balance out being her friend and being her father, but the father comes out against Maddi more and more now. Has a strong gut feeling about Maddi and Danny from Asking Alexandria.

Disclaimer- We don't Avenged but we own Maddi and Taylor