Status: One shot: complete

Right Girl

Right Girl


“Remind me why we’re here again?” I asked Eric, my finger lazily running around the rim of the red cup.

“Fuck it if I know” he answered, his eyes following the ass of some poor groupie girl.

“Jesus, Eric. If you’re that desperate for action, all you have to do is go talk to them. God knows any one of those chicks would willingly go drop their panties for you.” I grumbled out to him, simultaneously bringing the cup to my lips, letting the warm, flat liquid run its way down my dry throat.

“Screw you, O’Callaghan.” With a flick of his middle finger, Eric strode off to the other side of the room and smoothly started talking to a blonde, fuck-hot, chick. Sighing, I peered around the room not really knowing what to expect.

“So, you’re the singer.” A voice said from beside me. It wasn’t a question, a statement which was surprising for such a timid voice.

“Yeah.” I stated. “You a fan?” I asked. Honestly I could have cared less, but I was desperately looking for some action and these crazy fan girls could be all too willing. The whole band shit worked wonders with the females, and occasionally the male, crowd.

“No, not really.” Well shit, what the hell was she doing here then? “My friend, the blonde one over there,” she said, her head tilting toward the chick with Eric “is in love with the guy and begged me to come.” She sighed, obviously bored.

“Oh.” Was my brilliant response. Chugging the rest of my cup, I leaned against the counter behind me and let the silence fill me up.

“So, why aren’t all the girls hanging all over you? Aren’t the lead singers supposed to be like, the ladies man or something like that?” She asked, her eyebrows arching up.

“I don’t know. Guess no willing takers tonight?” I quipped back. “Why, you wanna get with me?” I asked, a smirk creeping up on my face.

“No.” She stated flatly, almost in a bored tone. “I’ve got a boyfriend, but thanks anyways.” She said, pushing herself up to leave.

“Hey, wait” I called out to her, reaching for her arm and pulling her back to me. “I was just joking,” I pleaded with her. “I promise I’ll let you stay faithful for your little boyfriend. I’m just bored, need someone to talk to.” I told her truthfully. “Stay. Talk.”

Five or so red cups later, things were staring to blur into one another, the ground seemed much more unstable than it had been a few hours ago, and Alena, the girl with the boyfriend, was looking a lot more delectable as the seconds passed.

Alena, Lena as she preferred, seemed to be enjoying the night as well, and I was learning so much about her. While she insisted that she really wasn’t all that special, I suspected something different. Although, that could have been the alcohol speaking. She was a cheerleader, a senior, eighteen, and happy to finally be free. She was daddy’s little princess, a daddy, which I should add, who happened to be the chief police of her tiny little town. That alone should have scared the shit out of me, told to me leave right then and there, but no, I was too far gone to be caring about daddy.

“Shit, you’re fucking beautiful” I tell her, my hand making its way up to her face, stroking it like she’s some puppy or shit like that.

Giggling, she responded “you’re really hot. And I just loooove those tattoos.” Fuck, that’s hot. And I don’t care if we’re both drunk off our asses or that I barley know this girl, I need her. Now.

“Lena,” I whisper into her ear, “I need you know.” And then, she looked up at me with these big fucking brown eyes, face flushed, lips nice and red, all ready to be kissed.

This isn’t my place, fuck it if I even know where we were, but the overwhelming need to consume her now wasn’t helping the situation. Quickly, or as quickly as our drunk asses would take us, we stumbled out into the bustling city life, and hopped into the roomy cab. I could give a rat’s ass that the cab driver was giving us rude looks in the rearview mirror or that he kept grunting at us. I was in my own world, the only thing on my mind being the brown eyed beauty. The car finally brought us to our destination, my place, and I quickly handed over the money to the poor cab driver. Lena and I rushed our way up the stairs, our lips never parting each other’s skin. Finally inside, the need for one another becomes so intense that I thought I might actually spontaneously combust. The kisses became more frantic, moans erupted throughout the room, and clothes lay strewn about.

We finally made it to the bed, and I knew that once we started, there was no turning back.

“Alena, look at me.” She turned her head up towards me, her face flushed as ever, and her eyes, those fucking chocolate pools stared straight back at me into the depths of my soul. “I just wanted to let you know, that if you ever need someone to pick up the pieces in your life, I’ll be right here for you.” And with that, my lips crashed with hers, her face being the last thing that I saw that night before I hit the comforts of my bed.
“Fuck” I mumble as I looked around. I cringed into the soft bedding, a stark contrast from the blinding white light that hit me. My head was screaming in agony, the only ease for the pain was a short walk to the kitchen. But fuck it, at this rate, just turning my head to the side was a long walk. After much convincing from the voices in my head, I dragged my lazy ass off of the bed and headed out of my room.

Walking over to the fridge, I noticed a note on the messy countertop.

I know you probably think I’m some crazy fan girl, a random fuck, or whatever, and I know you won’t remember anything you said last night (not that I remember that much) but at any rate…thanks.

Lena. Holy fuck! The events of last night came flooding back at me, my head pounding even more so.

Stupid Ceresa and her stupid obsession with that stupid Eric Halvorsen. This guy, a guy
who’s face is plastered around her room is apparently coming to town and she would ‘absolutely die’ if she got to meet him. And so, we get lucky and happen to grab some really cool spots at this little venue.

It’s hot in here. Way too hot in here. I should be at home, studying, or maybe I should be out on a date with Eli. Needless to say, I would much rather be anywhere but here. The first couple of bands that play are nice, nothing special, but decent none the less.

We are waiting for the main band to come on. It’s really cramped in here, and Ceresa has met some other fan who is just as obsessed as she is. Luckily I get a text from Eli, and it’s enough to get me through the night. He says he loves me. I love him too.

Finally, the band comes onstage and the entire room breaks out into hysterics. Everybody is singing along. I’m not, and it’s embarrassing since we are in the front row and the singer keeps looking at me. The lead singer, John, as Ceresa has mentioned a thousand times before, is attractive, and although I love Jake, John’s stares stir up a strange tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach. And when he takes off his shirt, I’m pretty sure I am going to pass out right then.

The evening continues, the fan girls still scream wildly and by the end of the show I am tired and ready to go home. Ceresa, however, is not. As we rush outside, a glance to the right lets me know that we won’t be leaving anytime soon.

Ceresa has just spotted Eric and is chatting up a storm with him.

“Lena!” she rushes over to me. “Guess what!”

“What?” I ask, my feet aching from having just stood for so long.

“Eric invited us over to this party at his place! I get to hang out with Eric! I-I mean, we get to hang out with the entire band!” I’ve never seen her get this excited before, and to be honest, the enthusiasm is starting to get to me.

The crowd has now cleared out and we hop into Ceresa’s car and follow the guys to Eric’s humble abode. It’s already packed with people, and I am afraid to tell Ceresa that she may not be getting her desired alone time wit Eric. I leave it alone.
As we walk into the house, we are assaulted by loud thumping music, dim lighting and the horrid smell of teen boys. It’s lovely.

Ceresa ditches me, and I am left standing alone in the foyer. I wish Eli was here, although he would probably ditch me too, the beer too tempting for him.
I walk around and find myself in the living room. I see the singer talking to Ceresa’s love of her life, but soon, he too is alone. I don’t know where the sudden boost of confidence comes from, I don’t drink, so it can’t be from that, whatever the reason is, I find myself starting up a conversation with John.

Time passes, and we talk some more. It’s getting easier, although that might be from the many red cups full of alcohol that I have consumed. Charlie would be so proud of his little girl getting toasted at some random party. Not.

I’m starting to have fun, the room is getting a little bit more blurry, but I could care less. The man in front of me is taking all of my focus, and I can’t help but feel the tingle start to increase. Before I know it, we are clumsily starting to make our way towards the front door, our bodies glued to each other. We somehow make it to the cab, and instantly reattach ourselves to each other. After a long ride to his place, we finally make it up the stairs and into his room. I’m so far gone by this point that nothing really matters.
We are about to reach the point, the point of no return when he says something that will forever remain etched into my mind.

“Alena, look at me.” My head tilts up towards his face, and I am momentarily lost in his greenish grey eyes. “I just wanted to let you know, that if you ever need someone to pick up the pieces in your life, I’ll be right here for you.” I think I might melt into a puddle on the floor. His sweet words surround me, and even though this is totally not me, I let him take away, if only for a couple of hours.

I know that it is much too early to be up, the sun isn’t even shining through my windows yet. But as I roll over to fall back asleep, I hit and a foreign object that is warm and soft. Startled, I roll away before almost falling out of the bed. With my heart pounding so loud, I quickly jump out of the bed, only to realize that I had no clothes on. My body flushes with embarrassment as the thoughts of last night slowly trickles in.

Quickly, I pull on all of my clothes, trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake the rock star. With a pounding head, and a sour stomach, I slowly make my way down the dark hallway and into the large kitchen.

I knew that it would be rude to just leave, but I really didn’t want to have to face John again. Last night wasn’t me. I was Chief Henley’s daughter, never do anything wrong, perfect grades, cheerleader (although Ceresa convinced me to do that), in all, the good girl. I mean, I have a boyfriend and so last night was something that I never wanted to relive. Still, I had to leave John with something. Looking around the room, I spotted a sticky note and a pen. Scribbling something that was probably never going to be seen, I stuck it up on the fridge and quickly left without a second glance.

Weeks had passed and I had yet to hear from Alena. Not that I should have been expecting anything, but fuck, she was always on my mind. Whenever we got onstage and I saw some nameless brunette out in the audience, Lena’s face suddenly popped up. Hell, even the random hookups had to be with brown-eyed brunettes, and still none of them ever compared.

All of the guys were getting pissed because I wasn’t paying attention, but how could I when she was always on my mind. Fuck, even her friend Ceresa was always around to remind me of her.

And so, I sang and drank and hooked up with some more people, and in the end, years passed by without ever seeing my girl, the only girl that would ever be right for me.
Until the day that I did.

We were finally on our first headliner and each show was such a rush. Normally I didn’t get nervous before a show, but this time, something was putting me on edge. The usual sound check was over and for now we were free to do whatever we wanted. Hanging out in the back, the sound of cheers, something that usually calmed, made my stomach twist into a snake of knots, my palms sweat, and my heart race. I needed a break, an escape, so I headed out to the back, the cold air attacking my lungs and sending me into a sudden spasm of coughing. And then I heard it.

“Are you ok?” She asked. Her voice was just as I remembered it, bell like yet rough. Something that could only belong to Alena.

Slowly I looked up, taking her in one piece at a time. The years had definitely not been bad to her. She had filled out, in the best way possible, her curves accentuated by the tight fitting t-shirt and shorts. Her hair was just a shiny as I remember, and my hand twitched, itching to run my fingers through the brown locks. The best part though, the eyes. Those fucking chocolate pools that seemed to never end. For the longest time we just stared, taking in everything about each other. It should have been awkward, seeing as the last time I had seen her we were both drunk off our asses and butt naked. But it wasn’t, it was as if everything were finally settling into place.

Without any hesitation I pushed off of the wall and pulled her warm body to me. Bringing my lips to her, I quickly closed the distance and let her fill my mind. She responded immediately, her lips moving one with mine. I was in heaven, finally getting to kiss my angel.
Suddenly, she pulled away, her face flushed with embarrassment, and her eyes as huge as fucking saucers.

“Oh-oh my god!” She whispered in a horrified voice.

“What” I asked, a chuckle in my voice, “was I that bad!?”

“Oh my god.” She said again, this time shaking her head back and forth. Nervously she ran her hand through her hair, and that’s when I saw it. It was huge, and it looked so out of place on her fucking delicate little finger.

“What the fuck is that” I asked, my voice laced with venom and jealousy.

“Oh my god!” She repeated. “I-I-I’m so sorry. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I knew I shouldn’t have come!” She said, that last part mostly a whisper.

“Are you married, Bella” I asked, secretly praying that her answer would be no.

“No.” She said, and I swear my heart literally leaped out of my chest doing a fucking happy dance. “Well, not yet anyways.” And just like a popped balloon, it deflated.

“What do you mean ‘not yet’?” I asked incredulously.

“I-I came to tell you that tomorrow is my wedding and I-I just wanted to see if you wanted to come? I mean, it’s not like we knew each other that well, but, I just thought…” She asked, stuttering her way through her question.

“No.” I all but growled. Why would I want to come to her fucking wedding? I hadn’t seen her in years, and yet from the instant I saw her goddamn sticky note, I knew that I was in love with her. So going to her wedding was a definite no.

“Oh” she whispered, lowering her head, “ok.” And with that, she turned and walked off into the night, leaving me alone with a cheering crowd in the background.

Slowly I turned to go back into the building, my mind far away.

Onstage I masked everything, letting all of my emotions pour out into the fucking songs. And even when I looked over and finally saw the brunette that I had always wanted to see in the crowd, I turned my eyes away and like a fucking dick, winked at some fake blonde.

Even after the show I couldn’t bring myself to go and find her. I was done, there was no point now.

Last night, when his lips came into contact with my very own, my mind was telling me that it was wrong, but my heart was telling me that it was oh so right.

Last night, when I was staring up into his eyes, my mind was telling me that it was wrong, but my heart was telling me that it was oh so right.

And now, fidgeting in the pretty white gown, my father waiting on the other side of the huge door, my mind was telling me that it was wrong, and for once, my heart agreed. This wasn’t right at all.

“Leeny” my father called to me, breaking up the battle in my head. “you almost ready?” It was a loaded question, really. Was I almost ready to seal my soul away forever? Was I ready to become someone I desperately didn’t want to be? Was I ready to please my family and friends? If I were being honest, I would say no, but along with the veil came a nice façade covering my true feelings.

“Yeah, be right out.” I called back to him. Seeming to get worse, I took one step towards the door when I suddenly heard a loud ripping noise. Not only was there a tear making its way through my heart, but now one was appearing in my perfect dress. The one good thing about today, and now it was completely ruined.

The sudden weight of this day brought an onslaught of emotion, most of which brought sudden tears to my eyes. Quickly turning to face the mirror and brushing my hands over my face in an attempt to fix the smudges before they came, I quickly left the room, leaving behind the reflection of a hopeless face.

“You ready Leeny?” Charlie said, squeezing my hand in a fatherly way. Again, it was another loaded question.

“Of course!” I squeaked out, my voice filled with an aura of confidence.

As we walked down the aisle, the melodic sounds of the wedding march slowly turned into the same tune as the funeral march, and my eyes filled with tears. This wasn’t what I wanted. I had never wanted to become the girl that everyone expected me to become.
Staring into the eyes of a man that I would, could, never love, a flash of the future started to role. There were two small children, cute but no feelings stirred inside of me. Frumpy clothes adorned the person that used to have a life and used to be happy. And the worst part, the man before me wasn’t in this picture. In this vision of the future, he was away with one of his many bimbos, leaving me feeling cheap and unloved.

This was my future. This is what I had to look forward to in life.

Finally arriving at my doom, I stared teary eyed into the face of the man who I would be sharing my life with until death do us part. Lines were exchanged between father and “son” and soon the ceremony began.

Until one voice pierced the silence that had embedded the room.

“Uh, is this were I yell I object?” asked a confused voice. Looking over at the all too familiar voice, the dread that came along with standing up here, and the knowing that the perfect dress had been ruined, all disappeared.

He looked out of place, uncomfortable, but so damn determined all at the same time. The confused expression that he wore was enough to make me smile, something I noted I should not being doing on the day of my wedding.

All around, I now realized, a buzz of nervous excitement had broken all about. Charlie, red faced and chest puffed out, weaved in and out of the commotion, along with Eli, to come face to face with John.

“And what do you think you are doing here?” Charlie bellowed out.

“Who the hell are you?” Eli all but screamed.

“Uh, I’m here to stop Alena,” he said towards Charlie, “and I’m John Cornelius O’Callaghan, the fifth. You must be the boyfriend she once talked about” he quipped towards Eli, one blondish brown eyebrow arching high.

“Yeah, dick head, I’m the boy…no fiancé, soon to be husband, she was talking about” he all but spit out in John’s face.

“You need to get out of here, now!” Charlie bellowed out at him.
In this moment, I flashed back to the years ago where I was in a darkly lit, smelly room where I, the good girl, had a sudden bolt of braveness. If that girl could do it, surely this girl could find it somewhere deep inside of her to do the same thing.

With a deep breath, I hastily walked over to the center of attention.

“Actually,” I stated loudly, “he doesn’t have to leave.” The next moment was one of those that only happen in movies, not in real life. In the background, people were chatting angrily and nervously, my mother was crying hysterically, and Eli and my father were screaming like there were no tomorrow. But as for me, I was staring into the eyes of my true love. It didn’t matter that I was breaking the mold of the good girl, or that the man in front of me was in a band and would constantly be around the opposite sex. All that mattered was that the mini movie in my head had just drastically changed.

In it, there were two small children, another along the way. I was in the same frumpy clothes, but compared to other doomed vision, I actually wanted to be in these. And the best part, I wasn’t the only one out in the yard in frumpy clothes playing with the two small look-alikes.

The vision popped and reality suddenly came crashing in. But it still didn’t matter to me. With even more confidence than even that not so long ago, I pushed my way towards him and fell happily into his arms, his sweet voice whispering ever so quietly into my ear.

To say that that fateful day went down without any hitches would have been a total fucking lie. Not only did I leave the little church with a bruise on my face, but I also left the love of my life behind.

But it was ok, because from the moment I stepped out of that tiny and cramped place, I felt alive. I could finally let out the breath that I had been holding for the past five or so years.
It took a while for Alena to get things sorted out between her and her family, and it took even longer for Alena and I to get together.

She, and me as well, didn’t want to rush into things. We started off by getting to know each other as friends, and soon enough, we found out that as best friends, we both wanted more.
The night that she said yes will forever be etched into my mind as one of the highlights of my life.

That night, the day we were married, and day like today are all part of that category.
It’s quite in the tiny room, only the sound of light breathes and the ever present hospital noises break the silence of the room. We’ve been through this two times before, but each time, I seem to gain more appreciation. Staring down at the tiny body in my arms, I’m still amazed to think that I created something so small and perfect. Bundled up tightly in a fuzzy pink blanket, I stare with awe at my precious little girl, my little Daisy.

Lena and I have had our share fare of rough patches, what with, crazed fan girls, the internet and just annoying little habits. But in the end, especially when I look back at the things we have accomplished, I can’t help but be thankful for doing the wrong to the right girl.

And, I’ve kept my promise to Lena, all of these years later, and whenever she needs me to help her pick up the pieces; she knows that I’m always there for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I wrote this story about a year ago with different character names and on a different site. So I tweeked it a bit and decided to post it here. It's not much, easy little read. I hope that you enjoy it! Comments would be lovely!