The River

Chapter 2

Jeff was not a jealous person. From time to time Daniel would find someone to share a night, a tender night, away from Jeff and his drinking habits, his drug addiction and his desire to inflict pain.
Jeff would be ok with it; he wouldn’t call and wouldn’t question his whereabouts in the morning.

Slowly they all rose to leave the skate park. Most of them left for their homes to get ready for their night shifts.

The rest of them walked 10 minutes and then climbed the stairs to Daniel’s apartment. No one really knew how many people actually lived there. It was a 3-room apartment, with a kitchen and a bathroom big enough for a shower cabin.
In a room slept Daniel and Jeff, in another one Gyl, Lars and Nick and on the two couches in the living room turns were taken.
Sometimes Daniel or Gyl would stumble in the living room and number more than 6 people sleeping on the floor and on the couches.
All the valuable things were kept in Jeff’s room. Jeff always slept home, because every evening he would drink, take drugs, wank or torture Daniel.

When Daniel met him he wanted something dark, evil and ready to treat him terrible. He wanted to kill the beating organ inside of him.
Jeff only managed to make him feel sorry for himself and to make Gyl and Liz worried.
Everyone said they cared and would tell Jeff to take it easy when they would see Daniel beaten or unable to walk around the house. But Jeff didn’t care what others said, he never did. And he never really would.

Some time ago Guillaume didn’t care either, but one day he needed money and he knew that Jeff left and that Daniel didn’t leave his room. He thought he was either reading or resting so he entered that room.
Daniel was on top of the sheets, the yellow sheets were red with blood, his back had several red marks on it, and in the skin it was written ‘slave’. His handcuffs were unlocked but still resting against the wrists. As Gyl walked closer he saw older marks.
Liz would always be his escape, that’s what he always thought and always will think, she entered the house looking for Gyl and she entered the room. In a second she saw Daniel on the bed and saw Guillaume in shock and disgust. She patted his hand and told him a husky voice to wake him up and tell him he needed a shower.

“Daniel is almost 2 pm. You need a shower.”

They saw him gulp and close his eyes, not moving an inch.

“I… I can’t move.”

That’s when Liz took the decision to confront the situation. She took a basin and a washcloth and washed Daniel with her lover’s help.

Something like that never happened before, but Daniel knew Jeff liked to boil up. And he was afraid of the explosion so much that every kiss he gave him burned.

Daniel rose at midnight and left the house. Lars followed him 20 minutes later.
Lars wasn’t very tall but he was muscular. He had short spicky hair, bright blue eyes and always smoked.
He and Daniel were cousins. Lars still teased Daniel for getting him in the shit he was today, after all Daniel was the one who gave him a horror punk compilation.
Lars not only liked it. He worshiped it.

Secretly Lars was having 3 jobs trying to get a new place for himself and maybe one day for Daniel and Liz and Gyl. He always thought that he could pay a registrar to get everyone’s favorite couple together.
He spotted Daniel and he walked faster. He also wanted for Daniel to find a new boy, someone nice that would treat him better.
He caught up with Daniel and smiled up at him.

“Hey beautiful!”
“Hey Lars!”

Lars caught his arm and stopped him. He cupped his jaw and pressed his lips to his.
“I’m so worried cause of you!”
Daniel smiled and pressed his lips to Lars’.
“So am I about you. You have no idea.” He smiled. “So we’re even.”

They walked a bit in silence.
“Lars… did you see that kid that walked by us today?”
“Yeah, I was afraid he was looking for trouble. He looked kinda lost…”
“If we ever see him again would you go and talk to him?”
Lars laughed. “You’re such a pussy!”
“Am not!” Daniel said and pouted playfully.

They hugged each other and slowly walked home.

It was an uneventful night. Jeff felt asleep too drunk to move, Daniel, Lars, Gyl and Liz told jokes till 2 am.

Jake Red slept on that bench in the park until dawn came.