A Playful Demon's Love

The Love of a Demon

My heart raced as my breath shortened, causing me to pant heavily. Sweat glistened off my body, making my clothes cling to it. Blood trickled down the side of my mouth. My face, legs and arms were sore from all the poundings I was getting. I stared into his raven eyes with my blue ones. As many times as I fought this guy, I can never beat him. His lips were curved into a cheshire like smirk. His mouth sucked on a lollipop. His body was unscathed from any bruises. I landed only a few punches and kicks in.

"You're fun to play with, even though it would be more fun if you could tap into father's true power." He told me.

Our fight was nothing, but a game to him. His eyes continued to stare down at me. As he finished his sucker, he flicked the rest from his fingers and jumped down, landing in front of me. I took a step back when he inched towards me.

"I do know what would be equally as fun, though." He whispered to me.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion as I stared at him oddly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, sort of crept out.

He took another step towards me, until he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me up against the metal bars of the coaster we stood under. My body started to tense up. Without hesistation, he captured my lips with his. I widened my eyes in disgust as I tried to push him off. He nibbled on my bottom lip, playfully. I kept my lips shut; my stubbornnes kicking in, but he kept nibbling, getting harder. A little blood trickled out, so I was forced to part my lips. After licking up the blood, his tongue roamed every inch of my mouth. I felt my face burn as I shut my eyes tightly. Was I actually enjoying this? He then pinned my arms above my head with his hands. He parted from my lips and sent butterfly kisses down to my neck, where he began sucking at it. His hands traveled down and unbuttoned a few buttons from my shirt, leaving my chest exposed. I felt his hands rub my chest, gently.

"A...Amaimon...", was the moan that escaped from my lips.

I closed my lips, so another moan won't come out. I can't believe I was actually enjoying this.

"Rin!" I heard a few voices call out to me.

Amaimon parted from my neck and stared into my eyes. My face was burning up more as my eyes glared daggers at him.

"I was right, that was fun. We should do that again sometime, brother."

After that, he escaped by jumping away. Shiemi, Shima, Bon and the others came running towards me. My hands held my mouth tightly as my heart raced.

"Are you okay?" Shiemi asked me worriedly.

I couldn't speak, since my heart was racing so much, so I just nodded my head up and down.

"What happened?" Shima asked me.

"And why is your face red?" Bon asked me too.

I tried to calm my heart down and force the blush on my face down.

"He escaped", was all I could manange to say.

Bon scoffed at me.

"Typical" was all he said, before turning around and walking away.

"Okumura-sensei is waiting at the exit." Shiemi told me.

I nodded my head as I followed them from far behind. I thought about Amaimon and what happened between the two of us. I couldn't be actually falling for him, right? I shook my head as I tried to clear that thought. I guess I'll just have to find out.