Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


Meeting Rosie’s family had been an experience. Her brother was a legend, and her dad seemed kinda quiet, but her step mum was something else. She reminded me of someone who was nice to your face, then bitched about you behind your back. But I didn’t care; I was with Rosie, not them.

I pulled up outside her house and jogged up to the front door. She opened the door on the second knock, looking as perfect as always. She smiled that beautiful smile and I kissed her quickly, enjoys the butterflies she gave me every time we were close. “You ready?”

“Indeed” she disappeared behind the door to grab her bag and then shut it. We walked to the car hand in hand. Before we got in she stopped and faced me. “Im sorry about my rents yesterday, it’s just, your not exactly who they thought id be with, you know? It seems like everything I do is never enough” her face fell so I made her look at me by pulling her face up to mine.

“Its ok, don’t worry it” I kissed her again and went to open her door, but she pulled me back.

“Did you really mean what you said yesterday?”

“That depends, what did I say?”

She giggled lightly and squeezed my hand. “You know the bit where you said you were my boyfriend. Its just we haven’t really talk about it and-“I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. I could feel her smiling against me so I pulled back and cupped her face in my hand.

“Yes I meant it, well that’s if you wanna be my girlfriend” she just nodded and bit her lip. I opened her door and she slid into the car, before I joined her and we drove to my family’s house. She seemed nervous so I held her hand which seemed to calm her slightly. Soon we where there and I was bashing on the door. My mum answered and pulled me into a hug.

“Awww son it’s so good to see you”

“You too mum” I pulled back and took Rosie’s hand. “Rosie, this is my mum, mum this is Rosie, my girlfriend”

“Nice too meet you Mrs. Flint” she extended her hand and my mum shook it.

“You too Rosie, and please call me Diane” she smiled at her and I could tell mum liked her. She then turned to me. “Now Dan, I know you said the girl was pretty, but never said she was this beautiful” I shook my head and smiled turning as red as ever. When I looked at Rosie she had turned pink and was smiling too.

“Thanks mum” I smiled and we walked inside.

“Right I need to go finish off dinner, why don’t you show Rosie around? Sarah’s in the living room”

“K thanks mum” and with that she walked off. “Sorry about her, she’s just excited”

“its fine, she’s really lovely” we both smiled and I grabbed her hand taking her on a mini tour of the house. We ended up in the living room where Sarah was. When we walked in Sarah stood up.

“Rosie this is Sarah my older sister, Sarah, this is Rosie, my girlfriend”

“Nice to meet you” Rosie said and held out her hand. Sarah shook it smiling back at her.

“You too. Dans told me all about you, it’s almost like we’ve know you for years” she giggled and winked at me. I just shook my head and blushed and I could feel Rosie laughing next to me. “If you can’t make your little brother feel uncomfortable, than who can you eh?” she smiled. Thankfully I was saved by mum shouting dinner was ready from the kitchen.

The table was round so I had Rosie on my right, my mum on my left and Sarah in front. Dinner went smoothly and I could tell Sarah and my mum really liked Rosie which made me happy. Soon talk turned to how we first met. “Well Rosie is a make-up artist” I started.

“I did the make up for their last video, but me and Dan used to get the same train, we just never spoke to each other”

Sarah suddenly sat right up. “Wait, this is the girl on the train you used to talk about all the time?” I could feel my face heating up. I didn’t want Rosie to know about that so I just head my head in my hands. “Don’t hide Mr. flint, you’ve been found out” she teased and I could hear my mum laughing. I suddenly felt a hand on my right leg. I looked up at Rosie and she winked at me so I sat up fully trying to calm my reddened face,

After dinner Sarah had dragged Rosie off to she could embarrass me more by showing her my baby pictures. I stayed helping my mum clean up.

“I really like Rosie son, and I bet your dad would have as well” and smiled to myself and looked over at my mum, tears in her eyes.

“Come here” I smiled and opened my arms. She walked into them and we stood there for a while just holding each other. I could feel my own eyes burning at the thought of my dad but I held it together. “I love you mum”

“I love you too son.”

Me and Rosie left soon after and I took her home, walking her up to the door again. “So that wasn’t too bad then?” I smiled and she chuckled slightly.

“No it was great, better than the train wreck of yesterday”

“Yesterday wasn’t bad don’t worry about it” she sighed and smiled. “Right I have a meeting to get to, but ill ring you later yeah?”

“Ok, have fun”

“Ill try” I giggled and kissed her for the last time of that day. I waved at her as I drove of, my good mood deflating now that I was away from her.
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comments would be lovely, we wanna know what you think :) xxx