Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


London was always relentless on a Friday morning. People were always trying to get to where they needed to be, to work through the day and then go home for the weekend. No-one cared about anyone else, as long as they were going to get to where they needed to be, it didn’t matter about anyone else around them, which why I was surprised that the guy that I regularly saw on the train stopped for me to get off the train first this morning. I was polite and said ‘thank you’ to him, trying not to really look at him, because from what I’d noticed from the many time’s I’d looked at him, he was completely gorgeous from afar, and I was worried that if I looked at him that close up, I wouldn’t have been able to tear myself away.

I hiked my bag up higher on my shoulder and fought through the crowds of people who were in a rather big hurry to get to work, like myself. I knew that if I didn’t break into a run soon, I’d be late. I’d thanked my choice of a sensible converse shoe when I decided that I really did need to run, and was into the building that our office was located in, in under 5 minutes.

“Just in time, Rosie!” My boss, Diane, said from her place at the reception desk as I tidied my hair, “We’ve had a call about a job and I need to discuss it with you.”

I followed her into her office, turning off my iPod, wrapping the earphones around it and putting it in my bag as we went.

“Now, I had a call this morning from Virgin Records,” She began, “They’ve got a new band ready to go into filming a video to promote their new album and they wanted someone talented for the make-up.”

“Why don’t you ask Alice?” I sighed; she knew I only did small freelance jobs like wedding’s or proms.

“I have, but she’s already away on a job for M.A.C Cosmetics, and we all know that’s where her hearts been for the past year,” Diane spoke, “This will be a great opportunity for you, Rosie, and I know they’re all men, but your airbrushing and base skills are first class.”

I sighed again, “Fine, I’ll do it,” I agreed, “When is it?” I asked.

“Tomorrow morning, but you’ll either have to take your own kit or take one home tonight, because they want you at the studio it’s being filmed at by 7am.”

I groaned at the thought of that early morning, “I’m sure my kit will be fine.”

“Great!” She smiled, “Have you got anything planned for today?” She asked me.

“I don’t think so; I was going to help Lauren clean and sort out all the kits here.”

“Well, I need you to take a photo-shoot that I was going to take,” She spoke, “I’ve been called to a meeting with head office and you know how long they take, I’ve left everything here for you, so go and help Lauren until the models arrive!” She waved me off and walked from her office, I took the piece of card that she’d written everything I needed to know on and sighed once more.

Being a make-up artist was my dream, and I loved it to bits, I really did, but have these kinds of things sprung on me followed by the news that I was going to have to sit in a room and cover men, in a band, in make-up, just wasn’t making me feel any happier, and neither was the thought of working that early on a Saturday either.

I took out my phone and opened a new message and sent on to my best friend Jade, letting her know that shopping and drinks were out of the question for tomorrow as a job had popped up. I knew she’d be less than impressed because she would have to find a different person to hold her hand whilst she got her first piercing, but work was work and as long as I was getting money for the effort of being up at around 4am to travel back into London on probably the worst commuting day, I wasn’t going to complain too much.

“So, let me get this straight,” Lauren started as she handed me various mascara’s and blushes that needed cleaning, “You’re going to do make-up for a band signed to Virgin Records, and you’re moaning about the early morning start,” I nodded at her, “Jesus Rosie, the pay for that job is going to massive!”

“I know, I know, but I really don’t feel like trying to persuade five guys that wearing make-up isn’t going to ruin their reputation.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Rosie,” She smiled, “You worry about the smallest things.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and feedback are lovely! :)

Rosie's outfit! :)