Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


“Woah, okay, Josh wasn’t lying when he said the make-up lady was a hottie!” The smaller of the next three guys turned to say as they walked in with Jenny. The taller one, with longish brown hair, smacked him in the shoulder.

“Alright, which one of you three wants to go first?” I asked, motioning to the chair in front of various mirrors, “Honestly, it’s not that bad, you should have asked the first two!” I smiled, and the medium sized guy, with a fringe that needed working around stepped forward.

“I’m Matt, and although this will hurt my pride more than anything, I’m ready to go first.” I smiled at him and guided him to my chair.

“Can you hold your wrist out please?” I asked, picking up a bottle of foundation, he did so and watched me as I slathered three different shades on his wrist to see which one would look best, “Okay, so what I’m going to do is cover the skin in a primer so that hopefully, everything that I put on after will stay in place, then I’ll put a bit of foundation and concealer on and then some powder to finish off and I bet it won’t look like you have anything on your face at all!”

He smiled at me and I began work. In no time I was finished with all three of them, and was sorting out my kit ready to take home later that day. I grabbed a smaller bag from my kit and put a few brushes and the make-up I would need if anyone needed a touch up, and went to find Jenny. I found her sitting with the director, who was about to start filming a performance shot with the band.

“Oh Rosie, perfect timing!” Jenny said, “Marc here wanted to congratulate you on how good the boys look!”

Marc turned around and smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up before going back to the guys, “Okay, so basically, we’ll play the track, and we just want you to go mental.”

I laughed as the guys nodded their heads. I sat down next to Jenny in an empty seat, pulling out my blackberry. I logged into twitter and read all the posts I hadn’t done and then posted my own. Rosie_Farrel – Working with men can be a pain in the ass! Not these guys though! :). It took nearly no time at all for the guys to finish with their performance shot, and no time at all for me to break out my brush and powder and touch the guys up.

“Oh no, here she comes with her brush of doom filled with reputation killer!” Josh said as he saw me coming to them, knocking powder off my brush.

“Keep with that attitude and I’ll make sure you look awful!” I threatened, covering him in powder, “Who’s next?”

It took virtually no time for me to finish the boys up.

“I think we’re breaking for lunch now.” Josh mused, “Do you want to join us?” He asked me.

“Oh, I don’t know, I think I should probably get back to my kit and have lunch in there.” I said, realising as soon as it had left my mouth just how pathetic I’d sounded.

“Nonsense!” Dan exclaimed, “It’s not fun eating on your own, plus, it’s just an hour.” He smiled at me, which kind of made me a bit weak at the knees.

“Okay, let me just go and put this back in my trailer and I’ll come and find you.” I smiled, motioning to my bag of make-up and brushes.

I practically ran back to my trailer, dumped my make-up and grabbed my coat, knowing that because it was England that it would either be tipping it down with rain, just about to tip it down with rain or just bitterly cold. I found the boys waiting outside the canteen, chatting casually.

“Ahh, she emerges!” The small guy, who I’d learned was Max, spoke.

“Well it’s difficult to find men at the best of times, but when you have no idea where they are, or in fact where you are, it’s a little more difficult!” I laughed, following them inside.
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Comments would be lovely guys! We want to know what you think!

Rosie's outfit.