Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


They guys practically fought their way through the door because they were so hungry, but I hung back and held the door open for Rosie. She thanked me and I followed her in.

We got out food, but when we went to sit with the guys, we realised the tables only seated 4 people. The only other free table was the furthest away from the guys.

“Looks like we’re going over there then” she smiled at me and headed off in the direction of the table. I followed her nervously, my heart thumping. The last time I had been alone with her I made a complete prat out of myself. We sat down and after a deep breath I tried to act normal.

“So I never knew you were in a band. I see you every day, you think I would have known” she smiled that heart fluttering smiled that made my insides turn to jelly.

“Ha, its fine. It’s nice not having people scream in my face all the time” she giggled and took a sip of her coffee. We carried on talking about the band and then we moved onto her job. I could tell she really enjoyed what she did. It was nice to see someone so passionate about their job and not someone just working cause they had to. Much like the way I felt about the band.

I don’t know what it was, but we just clicked. It was like had been talking to her for years. The awkward “I cant talk to girls” Dan seemed to have vanished.

She went to take another sip of coffee but there was nothing in the cup. She jutted out her bottom lip and looked at me.

“You really like coffee huh?”

“Yeah im kind of addicted”

“There’s a really nice coffee shop at the end of my road, maybe I could take you there soon” I didn’t even realise what id said until she agreed and suggested next Saturday. I just nodded robotically, not sire what to do now. Thankfully max saved me.

“Oi, you two done over there?” we nodded and stood up. I followed her out and back to the studio. Once we were in she got her stuff out again and started dusting our faces.

“Right Dan, we want some shots of just you playing” the director said and moved back over to the camera to speak to someone. I went and sat at my drums and waited for instructions.

A minute later I was told to just play like I usually would but a tiny bit more exaggerated. I did as I was told but it felt weird cause they didn’t really make that much noise. After about two takes it was josh’s turn to be filmed so I went and sat on the floor at the side.

I watched josh until Rosie came and sat next to me. “Ok, so I didn’t know you were that good” she giggled and dusted my face again. I scrunched my nose up as the powder filled my airways so I couldn’t breathe. She just poked her tongue out at me.

“Thanks. I never really wanted to play the drums; it was my mum’s idea.”

“Well what did you wanna play?”

“The saxophone” she raised her eyebrows and tried to hide a smile but a few seconds later she just laughed. “What’s wrong with the saxophone?”

“Nothing” she giggled and looked down.

The director called her name for across the room and motioned for her to come over. “Coming” she called and faced me again. “Pull your sleeve up” she asked whilst searching her pockets.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Just do it” so I did. She then pulled out a pen and began scribbling something on my arm. When she was done she jumped up went over to the director.

I looked down at my arm to find a phone number on it with “call me” underneath it. I smiled, pulled my sleeve down and went to join the rest of the guys.
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