Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


The shoot didn’t take much longer after the individual performance shots, I snuck away earlier to pack away my kit and hopefully get out of here earlier. As I was leaving my trailer and heading out of the gates, I ran into the boys.

“Listen, Rosie, you’ve totally got to keep in contact, yeah?” Josh asked, smiling as he got his coat on.

I laughed, “Of course, Dan’s got my number, so he can call me and we can arrange to meet up altogether!” I smiled, pulling my bag up to my shoulder, setting my case down so I wasn’t breaking my arm carrying it.

“That looks well heavy.” Matt commented, motioning to my kit, “Can we give you a lift home?” He asked.

“No, I’ve already got a train ticket home.” I said, “But you could give me a lift to the station if you want?” I smiled, picking up my case as Matt told the guys he’d take me and then come back for them.

The only words spoken between myself and Matt was a quick goodbye when we reached the station, and that was it. Going home was kind of depressing, I’d had such a good day that it seemed like I just wanted to stay there, with the guys, and of course Dan. I couldn’t believe that he’d asked me out. I mean, after getting a proper good look at him today, I’d seen how gorgeous he actually was and compared to me, I was practically nothing. I’d not had any problems with myself in forever, but it seemed, in the presence of this gorgeous man, I’d be doubting myself so much more than before.


The time until Saturday passed pretty quickly, and nothing had been exchanged between me and Dan other than a few text’s here and there to sort out a proper time he would come and pick me up to take me out.

Work had been manic, and Friday night, I almost thought about quitting altogether. I’d been left with six models to prepare for a photo-shoot at our offices on my own, and not one of those models understood that I really couldn’t rush this make-up application or be with six of them at once. I’d been forced to the edge of tears once and once they’d all gone to be shot for their photo’s I sighed and sat down in front of one of the make-up stations.

“Rosie, are you okay?” I heard Diane ask from behind me, “I came as quickly as I could when I heard you’d been left on your own, I did tell Lauren to come and help you until I got back, but obviously she didn’t turn up.”

“I’m fine, nothing a stiff drink won’t cure.” That’s when I remembered I’d not been able to ask for the day off tomorrow, “Diane, is it okay if I take some time off tomorrow?” I asked.

“I don’t know darlin’, we’ve got a lot going on tomorrow.” My heart sank when I thought of the prospect of not being able to spend time with Dan and apparently my disappointment showed on my face, “Is it a boy?” She asked.

I nodded, “But it’s alright, if you need me I can arrange something else.” I sighed.

“Oh love, of course you can have some time off,” She smiled, “It’s about time you found someone decent anyway!”

I smiled and gave her a hug, before she told me clear off and get some rest. That night, I text Dan to make sure everything was still okay for tomorrow.

Ha, are you kidding?
Of course it’s still okay.
There’s no way I’d pass up a ‘date’ with a pretty girl! Xx

I laughed and told him I’d see him tomorrow and that I was going to bed. Sure enough, as soon as I’d gotten comfy, I dropped straight off.


The next morning, I’d completely overslept after forgetting to set my alarm last night, leaving me with just an hour, to shower, get dressed and do my make-up, before Dan would be here to pick me up.

I was ready in the nick of time, but felt completely over-dressed and overly made up for a coffee date. Dan knocked on the door and my nerves kicked in big time and it took me nearly a whole minute to pluck up the courage to open the door to my flat.

When I did, he looked me up and down, which only heightened my worry that I was completely over done for today, “It’s too much, isn’t it?” I asked, not giving him time to reply, “I’ll go and change.”

Dan grabbed my arm and pulled me back, “You look lovely.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ooooh! DATE!

Rosie's date outfit.