Status: Starting stages <3

You and I.


She blushed and looked at me through her lashes. “Thanks” she smiled, “ill get my jacket” she said, but didn’t move. I then suddenly realised I was still holding her arm.

“Oh sorry” I smiled and let go. She grabbed her jacket and bag and followed me to my car. I raced around to the passenger side and opened her door.

“Thanks” she giggled making my heart flutter.

I ran around to the driver’s side and started up the car. It wasn’t a long drive to my house, which was were I parked the car. The place was at the end of my street. We plodded along to the shop and I held the door open for her.

“Why don’t you find a seat and ill order?”

“Okay” she smiled and walked off. I went to the counter and ordered two cappuccinos’. The lady smiled and told me to take a seat and she would bring them over. I looked around for Rosie and found she was sat right at the back out of the way.

He sat down and she smiled up at him. “How much do I owe you?” she asked. I had no idea what she was talking about and just stared at her with a confused look on my face. “For the coffee” she confirmed.

“Oh, no no no, my treat, im buying”

“Are you sure”

“Certain. I asked you out so im buying.”

“So if I asked you out, would I have to buy?” she asked raising her perfect brows, a small smile tugging on her lips.

“Well I’d have to see about that” the woman that worked in the shop set down our coffees. We thanked her and I watched Rosie take her first sip.

Her eyes widened as she swallowed and she looked up into my eyes. “This is seriously good stuff” and she took another sip. I laughed softly and she blushed. I took a sip of my own letting the hot liquid go through me and relaxing me a little.

I always made a massive fool out of myself when I was alone with girls but I promised myself that with Rosie it would be different. I really liked her which was weird because I didn’t really know much about her. But as we talked and I got to know her even more, I grew to like her even more, which I didn’t think was even possible. It was just all the little things she did, like the way she ran her finger around the rim of her cup, and the way she looked at me through her eyelashes.

But the thing that drove me wild was the way she bit her lip and drew it out whenever she wasn’t speaking. It made me just want to leap over the table and kiss her, but I thought it might be a bit inappropriate.

We sat there for about 3 hours just talking when my phone started ringing. It was max.

“Oi mate where are ya?”

“Um just out why?”

“Just making sure you’re ready to pick me up to take me to the studio.” Shit. I totally forgot about that.

“No im ready, ill speak to you soon”

“Alright mate, see you in a few” I ended the call and looked back at Rosie.

“Rosie I completely forgot I had a meeting today, im really sorry”

“It’s alright” she smiled and downed the rest of her coffee. “I kinda need to get back anyway” we grabbed our things and made out way back to my house.

“Ill have to give you the grand tour another day” I told her and she giggled as she slid into the car. The drive back was nice, but as we neared closer to her house, I came to the realisation that I wouldn’t be with her anymore. We pulled up to her house and I walked her to her door. She opened it and stood outside.

“Thanks for today, that was a mighty fine coffee” she smiled.

“No problem, we’ll have to do it again sometime”


“Ill see you later then”

“Yeah, see you soon” she hugged me and but when she pulled away I grabbed her hand to pull her back to me and planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled the most brilliant smile I have ever seen and blushed slightly. I smiled back at her and jumped back into my car. The ride to Max`s house felt very lonely.
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comments would be lovely :)