Concrete Angel

Same old, Same old

School. I hate it. I only have three friends and the rest judge me on looks and how quiet I am. At least I’m on my way home. Well, being home isn’t great either, my mom always getting upset over the smallest things. Trust me, you want to be on her good side. So coming home is neither good nor bad.

I come home and it has an eerie silence. All I hear is the clock ticking every second. Its always quiet when I come home because I’m the first one home, then Charlie, then my mom shortly after. I enjoy silence when I can because when the three of us are home, all you hear is yelling. So, I plop on the couch lost in my own thoughts of a serene place that I will never see.

An hour later, and Charlie comes running through the door causing me to wake up.

“I’m home Ellie! And guess what!” Charlie exclaimed while hiding something behind his back.

“I don’t know, what?” I asked as a smile spread across his face.

“I built this today!” He shouted as he pulled out a hand-made wooden car from behind his back.

“Wow, that’s great” You know how you should encourage children, and he was so proud of it.

About a half hour later my mom came barging through the front door with the look that says she had a bad day…….again. I didn’t bother to ask how her day was since her expression was enough. I got up and went upstairs to my room to read a book and listen to music. Books and music are my source of happiness, it makes it seem like nothing else in the world is happening. Music, immediately sends me into a world where I’m unaware of my surroundings.

Few hours later my mom made dinner that was grotesquely bland. I didn’t say anything knowing my mom so I just sucked it up and shoved the displeasing food in my mouth. I can’t say the same for Charlie though, he just made a face and pushed the plate away.

“Now, Charlie, I want you to eat your food!” Here she goes again…..

“But mom…….” Charlie wasn’t going to eat this stuff.

Not even a minute and a quarrel started. I just got up threw the food out and took Charlie to his room, interrupting the conflict.

“I’m going to take Charlie to his room Mom.” I stated as I marched up the stairs with Charlie.

I took him into his room and he immediately sat on the bed with his face buried in his hands. Charlie often gets scared easily when you yell at him. I put my arms around to embrace that he is not alone…..that we are in it together.

“Its okay, I’m here…”he started to calm down. “Now stay here and I’ll get you something to eat then I want you to do your homework, if you have any, then go to bed” He nodded his head. This was a usual routine for me and him.

After Charlie went to bed, I sent myself to bed so I can get to tomorrow quicker. Tomorrow is the last school day of the week, which means I get away from the people that are oh so full of themselves. And to make it better, I have a sleepover party on Saturday night.
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I don't often write stories on mibba so I wanna know how I did.