A Little Piece of Heaven

one of one.

“Well, well, well, look what we’ve got here.”

“Please let me go, I won’t do it again. Please don’t hurt me.” She cried in agony as she hung from the chains on the wall. Her toes barely scraped the ground as her body dangled limp, almost lifeless, her head hung low scared of giving him eye contact. Zacky chuckled lowly as he stared at his blond headed girlfriend chained to the wall. She had made the same hollow promise barely two weeks ago and they were already back in this position.

“And how do I know I can trust you? This was the final straw Mel, you told me last time you would never leave me and what did you try to do? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I saw the duffle bag under the bed babe, I knew what you were planning, I just had to catch you in the act. Low and behold as soon as you thought I was going to the studio with the guys you saw your chance didn’t you. Out the back door, along the beach, to the bus station, didn’t get very far did you now? Where was it you wanted to go, another state? Country? Continent? Maybe even another fucking world?! Even then I would have found you and you know I would have. When are you gonna get it through that thick skull… you – are – mine! Do you not love me is that it?” his finger mercilessly jabbed itself into one of the many bruises littering her skin, although she did not flinch, used to enduring the pain. “Well are you going to answer?”

There was silence in the room as he stared at her. Grabbing the chair from the corner of the room he dragged it across the floor, inevitably making a screeching noise across the tile causing Mel to cringe at the noise. He placed it in so he sat in front of her, the back of the chair pushing ever so slightly on her stomach. He straddled it and leant his arms across the top, smirking when she made no move to answer him. “I may have tied your hands together though I definitely did not put a gag round your mouth, I told you to answer now do it. Do you want me to get angrier? I promise I’ll untie you if you just answer my question baby. Do you love me? Look at me baby and answer the God damned fucking question!” taking a shaky breath Mel lifted her head to look into the emerald eyes she had fallen in love with.

“Of course I love you but…” before she could finish the back of his right hand collided with her left cheek,

“But what? If you loved me you wouldn’t have left.”

“But I had to leave Zack, you’re getting worse… you need your medication! You take it when I’m not here.”

“I don’t need any fucking medication you hear me, none.” Zacky pushed his body away from the chair throwing it at adjacent wall, “I am fine without it, look at me I am fine!”

“If you were fine, I wouldn’t be tied up to this fucking wall! You need help Zack, please find some help!” Pulling a pocket knife from his jean pocket he cut the rope binding Mel to the wall watching the rope unravel around her wrists before using her throat to hold her against the wall,

“No! You wouldn’t have been tied up to that fucking wall if you hadn’t have left me in the first place, not once but twice, twice! It hurts me Mel, it physically hurts me to watch you walk out those doors, clothes in hand. I love you so much, why do you do it?”

“Why do I do it? Same question applies to you doesn’t it? If you loved me you wouldn’t tie me up, you wouldn’t hit me, you don’t hurt some one you love Zacky!”

“You have to, you’ll stay then! It made mom stay, it’s the only way to keep bitches in line is to hurt them, to fuck with them. Then you will stay with me!” Zacky voice broke as he stared into his girlfriends eyes, images of his childhood came flooding back. His father hitting his mother,

“That’s the way you do it son, that’s the way they’ll stay. Hurt them, keep ‘em like that and they’ll never leave you, they’ll stay forever.” James Baker stared down at his eight year old son who looked on at his mother crying in the corner, “Be mean, keep ‘em keen. That’s what father would always say.”

“Be mean, keep ‘em keen. Be mean, keep ‘em keen. Be mean, keep ‘em keen.” Zacky repeated his fathers’ words as he dropped Mel to the ground and leant against the wall next to her sliding down slowly staring at his shaking hands. “Why won’t you stay with me? Why do you keep running away? She never did, she always stayed with him! Why do you try and leave me baby, why?” carefully so not to startle him, she wrapped her arm round his shoulders as he began to cry.

“Who is she Zack? Who is he?” she asked sensitively as he continued crying into her shirt,

“Mom and dad, he hit her, he told me that’s how a relationship, especially a marriage should work. The man is the leader, the head of the family, the woman, the woman is nothing, she does as she is told, if she does not, you lay a hand on her. It’s how it works. So why – do – you – leave?” as much as she hated to admit it, the look of concentration on Zacky’s face was adorable.

“Zacky, look at me. I leave because you hit me. What your father told you is not true. A man who loves a woman should never lay a hand on her.”

“Don’t lie to me!” Zacky screamed as he pushed her away from him and stood up, glowering down at her. She pulled herself closer to the wall, eyes glossing over with tears. “Is it such a sin for me to take what’s mine? Is it really Melanie? Huh? You are mine, not anybody else’s. And you will be mine, forever. If I can’t have you,” he knelt on one knee and lifted her chin between his thumb and index finger making her look straight into his eyes, “Nobody can. That I shall promise.”

“Zacky, you have to understand I want to be with you I really do but you make it so difficult. I love you so much but I can’t live my life like this, I just can’t.”

“Oh but you will Mel, but you will. If you try and leave me again, and I am saying if, you’ll have more then a black eye, bruised rib and a couple of rope burns, you’ll be in a world of hurt. Now I hope you have plenty of cover up in that make up bag of yours.”

“Why?” she asked, voice shaking,

“It’s Brian’s birthday and he is having a party tonight and at said party, you will become my fiancé.”

“What makes you think I will say yes?” her voice became slightly stronger as she stood on her feet,

“Otherwise you’ll embarrass me and you should know by now what happens when you embarrass me.” He replied with a sinister smirk, “Come on, get ready, you have two hours. Oh and wear something nice.”


“In other news today, Zachary Baker, guitarist of metal band Avenged Sevenfold better known as his alias Zacky Vengeance, has been sentenced to life after being found guilty of murdering his girlfriend of four years and fiancé of two months. Melanie Walker of Huntington Beach California was found close to death in the early afternoon of June the 10th, 2011 by a close friend of the couple Brian Haner Jr. Melanie unfortunately died of her injuries on the way to hospital. All her friends described her as bubbly and full of life, though those traits are said to have disappeared only months before her death. Today we speak with Mr and Mrs Walker who have been dealt a tremendous blow with the news. Mr Walker, Mrs Walker thank you for being with us today, we understand how hard this is for you. What I would like to know about is the work you have begun doing since the death…”

Zacky smirked as he lay on his bunk in prison. He could hear the officers TV clear as day, even with his inmate’s snores. She had tried to leave. He had kept his promise.
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Thoughts? :)