Status: Working on part five.


Part One

She laid down to rest after a long day, happiness and stresses both swirling around within her. A boy she's had a crush on had finally asked her out but she wasn't sure about what her friends would say. A perfect prey she was... for a nightwake.

A hazy cloud surrounded her as she stood up. She realized that she was in a dream and therefore, must be having a lucid dream.

A figure approached her, holding a hand out for her to take. She reached out but stopped herself just before their fingers touched. Something about the stranger had made her stop and think about what she was doing.

If she was lucid dreaming, she should be able to control what was going on. She closed her eyes and imagined herself in a very different place, with her new boyfriend. When she opened her eyes, she was still in the cold haze with the stranger, hidden by shadows, standing before her.

He must be controlling the dream, she thought. But why? Why control her dream?

She stood in the stranger's presence for what felt like hours before being awoken by a most annoying sound.

Beep. Beep. Beep.


Being a nightwake, he is given responsibilities in abducting the children of reality and bringing them to the Dream world. For once though, someone has rejected his offer. A girl, whose golden brown hair hung so dully in her face, hiding the precious stones that were her eyes.

Out of the hundreds of children he has brought to the Dream world, why does one reject me now? he thought lazily as he sought out a plan to bring her here. He would not lose to a simple child.


Emi awoke with a start, glaring at her alarm clock. She felt exhausted.

A dream. Just a dream.

She pulled her hair back into a messy bun, not really caring about appearances today. Slipping on simple jeans and a shirt, she headed out to the kitchen where silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

No one.

Emi's mom was always working in the den, either for her job or for her schooling. Emi never had an appetite for breakfast so she only grabbed her things before heading out to school.

School was only a short walking distance away from where she lived, so she never had to really worry about taking the bus or driving there.

When Emi arrived, she quickly found her friends and acquaintances that she usually conversed with in the mornings.

As her peers talked about shows that were on last night and horrendous amounts of homework, Emi's mind had drifted off to her dream.

Who was the stranger? He seemed so real. But he wasn't, she convinced herself.

Emi felt warm arms wrap themselves around her from behind and she was startled to find that it was only Shawn. She smiled warmly, all thoughts of creepy dreams disappearing. And then she remembered that she hadn't exactly told any of her friends yet.

She saw a flash of jealousy heat up in Sam's eyes for a second. Sam was supposedly Emi's best friend, but recently, it seemed like they were drifting apart. Sam was starting to wear darker clothes and make-up, liking different styles of music while Emi stayed exactly the same.

It also seemed like Sam wasn’t talking to Emi like she used to, when they shared their every secret to each other, promising to never tell a soul.

Hours passed as classes began and ended. Emi found it particularly difficult to stay awake in her social studies lesson, and soon drifted off into a light slumber.

She looked around and found herself in a very empty and quiet New York City. A dream again.

She knew that he was here... the stranger.

As she thought this, he appeared before her, offering his hand again to her.

She could see him more clearly now. He had somber eyes of a rich silver coloring and hair that would make ravens cower in envy.

She felt dim standing before this exotic stranger, who held out his hand so dear to her.

But where would he take her? What would happen?

She didn't want to take the risk, so instead she spoke to him.

"What is... your name?" she asked tentatively, as if she were coaxing a frightened animal to come near.

He looked taken aback by her words and pulled away from her just as she was awoken.


He pondered and pondered over her actions. What could it possibly mean?

Not one of the children of reality has ever spoken to him before. Who was this fragile girl that made him wonder so much? And why was she constantly on his mind now?

All he knew was that she had rejected his offer twice now and he wasn't going to let that happen a third time.


Emi arrived home after turning down an invite to socialize with some of her peers. She was still tired after such a day. Especially after the daydream.

A small part of her was feeling excited at going to sleep again, at the pure chance that she might see those silver eyes again.

Another part though... was anxious. What if he wasn't nice at all? What if he's evil?

Questions swirled around in her mind, wearing her out.

Emi made some leftovers for herself, not really feeling like cooking anything. She ate in silence, hoping that maybe her mother would appear. She didn't.

Emi strolled past her mother's office, listening to the tapping away of the keys.

She briefly wonders what it is her mother actually does for a living. She was too afraid to disturb her enough to ask.

Emi had finished her homework hours ago and was restlessly watching television, not really hearing anything that was being said.

It was around 10 when she decided to give sleep a try.