Status: Working on part five.


Part Two

He felt her presence just as she entered his territory.

There is a brief place in the Dream world while you lightly sleep. A vast black hole of wondering. Not even he knew what truly lied there in the darkness of slumber.

He made his masterpiece of the world, to lure in the girl of reality.

When he was finished, he looked at his work of art. It was someplace more uplifting this time and not as dreary as his previous locations.

He saw her sitting on the wooden bench he created. She looked at her surroundings, possibly wondering when he was to make his grand appearance once again.

He came out from behind a tree, earning a look of surprise from the girl.

He could sense that there was something different about her tonight; a sort of confidence that wasn't there before.

"Who are you?" The question hung in the air, awaiting an answer that may or may not ever come. She stared right into his eyes, as if she were forcing the answer out of him with her gaze.

He decided to give her a tidbit of what she wanted. "I... am a Nightwake."

His voice... It was soft and coarse at the same time. He thought it sounded strange to him, after not using it in a long time.

The girl only nodded like she understood what he meant. She must've thought that was all he was going to tell her. She was right.

He reached his hand out toward her for the third time, hoping she would finally take it. Finally come with him into the Dream world.

She shakes her head no and says, with perfect clarity, "Maybe another time... once I get to know you better."

What an odd thing to say? How does one get to know someone? They are completely different. He didn't understand this concept. It was foreign to him and thus, he found it frightening yet intriguing.


She gave him a tiny smile before her soul drifted back to the world of reality. He felt something bizarre... a sort of longing for the girl of reality. He didn't ponder too much on it though and just let it squirm in the depths of his soul, where it shall remain to never surface again… or so he thought.


And here she was once again, back in her right mind. Emi sat up, feeling slightly giddy at hearing his voice. She found it to be an accomplishment. She felt a compulsive need to write up a checklist for every piece of information she gets from the stranger.

It was going to be a fun game to play. Emi loved strategy games more than anything. The more mind-boggling, the better. She found herself constantly analyzing everything over in her head as she worked toward the solution.

Next time... she thought, I'm going to find out his name.


What made a girl of reality such a problem for him? Three times now this child has rejected him. Not once has this happened to a Nightwake that he could recall.

"What has got you in a bind?"

He didn't even have to see to know who it was speaking to him. "It's nothing."

"So, he does speak," she replied. She had a slimy voice that oozed over him. It was she that created him. That made him a Nightwake. He despised her.

"What do you want?"

She stared at him, as if waiting for something more before saying, "I'm just checking on the progress of my Catcher."

Catcher. It was a term used to describe Nightwakes that captured the children of reality from the real world.

"Your Catcher is doing fine." He stood still as she traced a finger along his bare arm.

"Then why are you looking so tense? Could it be that one of those... things finally rejected your offer? What a blow to your ego. It was a girl, wasn't it?" She smirked, as if already knowing the answer and whispered playfully in his ear, "It's best to kill those ones now, while you still can."

She laughed before leaving his Dream world and entering the next, leaving smoke and a mirror in her place.


Emi couldn't stop thinking about him… the stranger. He left no vacant spots in her head, not even one for Shawn, the guy she's been waiting for forever to ask her out. It was almost sad, really.

"... out Friday."

She shook her head clear. "Huh? I'm sorry, I wasn't listening."

"I said... do you wanna go out Friday?" he laughed. He must've thought she was adorable when she zoned out because she does it a lot.

"Oh, sure."


Being with Shawn was great but not as everything she hoped it would be or at least, the feeling diminished after meeting the stranger, whom she didn't even know if he truly existed or not.

They sat in silence for a while, having nothing to say. He blamed it on nerves. She blamed it on the stranger. He's taken her own thoughts for himself. How selfish.

She'll be the one winning tonight though...