Status: Working on part five.


Part Three

He always wondered what exactly happened whenever he captured one of the children. He never bothered to ask. As far as he knew, this was his only purpose. He would accomplish and succeed because it was the only thing he could accomplish and succeed in.

His creator had not visited him once in over a thousand years, so her previous presence had stunned his mind deeply.

Was he her only Catcher? What does she do when she’s not around him?

Why did she create him in the first place?

And… most importantly, what did she want with these living beings?

These questions had never surfaced before, but it would seem a submarine had submerged in his ocean of thoughts.

That girl. She was… some sort of catalyst for whatever was going to come. He was sure of it.


Emi was a somewhat stubborn girl at times. This was one of those times.

She approached her dear friend Sam after school and demanded to know why she had been giving her the cold shoulder lately.

“I like him, okay?!” Sam had finally said, more like yelled, what Emi had only been suspecting.

Emi didn’t know what to say, so she only asked, “Why?”

Sam only rolled her eyes in that way she always does and replied, “Why, what?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sam gave a look as if Emi was the most intelligent girl on the planet. “You really think I could’ve told my best friend that I like the guy she likes?”

Emi silently watched her friend as emotions flickered across her face. Guilt. Anger. Sadness. Jealousy.

“Yes. You could have. We tell each other everything. At least… I thought we did. It wouldn’t have mattered to me if you liked him, too.” Emi, along with being stubborn, could also be very forgiving and generous. If she had only known Sam liked Shawn as well, she would’ve dropped her small crush on him in a heartbeat.

That’s just how she was.

Sam knew this, but only realizing too late. In a way, she knew the whole time, but didn’t say anything because for once, she wanted Emi to actually get what she wants instead of giving it up because of what her friend wants.
This didn’t stop Sam from still feeling bad though, and acting like a child by giving her own best friend the cold shoulder.

In fact, she had been noticing for weeks the two of them. Shawn and Emi. How they looked at each other. How they acted around each other. If she hadn’t been so far gone on Shawn, she would’ve thought it all to be adorable.

It wasn’t until the day Shawn made his move on Emi that Sam became really peeved.

She noticed something else though. Something she didn’t really put much thought into. How Emi started acting in these past few days. Ever since Shawn first asked her out, Emi hadn’t been the same around him. She was more distant and didn’t appear as into him as before.

It was very, very odd.


He never received more than one child to capture at the same time. It always one after another. It seemed that he had two children on his list though. The girl, and a small boy.

He decided his best bet would be to go after the boy. He slipped into his mind just as it reached sleep and crafted a dream. A simple desert this time.

The boy appeared much younger than the girl. He had dark skin and was slightly plump. He sat on the grainy sand and only stared with what appeared to be pupil-less eyes.

In all his captures, he had come to realize there are very many children with irises the same color as their pupils. For some unknown reason, even to him, he despised these children.

He bent down before the boy and held his hand out in the way he always does. The small boy grabbed hold of his hand and now he was able to pull the boy’s entire being into the world.

Standing up, he walked forward, towing the boy behind him as the dream started to vanish and a new world settled in around them.

There were trees everywhere filled with neon veins that glowed strongly within the branches. Every creator had their own tree. Being the dream world, the tree really could’ve been anything. Human symbolism was a huge part of how the Dream world worked though.

He tugged the child forward into the tree’s entrance, a small opening just big enough for one just about old enough to leave home.

Staring at the tree for a minute or two more as he saw the veins glow just a bit brighter, he thought happily at never seeing that pupil-less child again.