Status: I know how to use the shift key-- the lack or addition of caps are stylistic choices.

The Monster

Fun and Games

sniff a line
take a toke
it’s all good
no harm done

it’s all fun
it’s all games
it’s magic here
and it never rains

riding a rollercoaster
we can’t get off
it’ll never end
it’ll never stop

hands in the air
seatbelts undone
through a tunnel
the darkness comes

and there’s the night sky
clear like it’s space
little and twinkling
like broken glass and wings

heart thumps
and thumps
and thumps
and thumps

and we sweat
and sweat
and sweat
and sweat

and we laugh
and cry
and laugh
and cry

the fire leaps
the trees move in
eyes grow wide
and the sky grows dim

and time slides by
and by
and by
and goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D Comments?