The Fringe

Drink It Up!

I sat back, and relaxed of what I could in the hard wooden seat. Demena rushed past my table with a tray of biscuits and tea for an old couple. 

My worst memories kept finding their way into my mind. Why couldnt they find a dead end?

You're not good enough! 

Get a job! 

Know what your ex-wife is gonna say? IT came back! 

You're not good at many things are you?

My ears buzzed with grief. 


My water was waiting for me right below my nose. The slice of lemon was fresh, and had a clean cut.

"Drink it up!"

I looked up to thank Demena, but she was already spinning around on her heels in a hurry to serve the others. 

I sipped it cautiously, my eyes taking in my surroundings. I leaned back in my chair with a groan. My limbs felt stiff. 

"Anything else or will that be all?" Demena asked. I gazed into her eyes like a curious newborn. 

"That'll be it, thank you," I said. 

"Okay then. I'll be back with your bill," she said. She turned and headed off. 

She came back with the bill, and I left the money, along with a tip.

I walked out the door and waved over my shoulder.