The Fringe

Getting To Know You

I returned multiple times to the diner every week or two. Demena and I would sit at an empty booth and chat as they were closing for the night. 

I learned a few things about her.

She loves birds.
Working hard clears her of stress.
Her favorite color is lavender.
She grew up in Florida, but moved to Massachusetts in search of work. 
She wants a big family.
Her hair was originally a deep red, but was lightened by the sun.
She's 29.
She has no siblings.
She laughs a lot.

I decided to visit her on Thursday evening.

Walking through the doors, I felt already used to the cheerful atmosphere. There were two other families at the tables. I spotted Demena from behind, and walked up behind her. She was sweeping the floor. 

"Need any help?" I offered.

She turned to face me, and smiled a bright, glowing smile.

"Oh, you're too sweet. I was almost finished, thank you," she said.

Within a minute, she put the broom aside and the small talk grew.

We shared a candy bar that I bought for her from the diner's snack machine.

Looking at my watch, I saw that it was time for me to leave, just as all the others. I exited the building and reached my car after saying my goodbyes. As I unlocked the door with my keys, Demena came running towards me, with my wallet in her hands. I blinked, surprised, and gave a small sigh of relief.

"You left this on the table. I don't think this is some sort of tip," she said, panting from her little run. 

"Holy shit," I said. "I mean, thank you so much for returning it to me. I don't know what I would've done without you."

She handed me my wallet and started to turn.

"I have to get home, but it was no problem," she said over her shoulder.

When she was out of sight across the parking lot, I climbed into my truck and curiously peeked in my wallet just in case. Tucked in between some folds of money was a lilac scrap paper with her number on it, just as the teenagers do. My eyes widened..

Holy shit, indeed.