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Stop, It's So Not Worth It

Jessica Lynn Matthews,
16 years old and lives lived in Canada. She attended Montreal Community High School. Jessica’s life was perfect, other than a few minor problems at home. She was popular even though she was different then the people she would hang out with. Jessica hates her name, considers it a ‘preppy girl’ name. Not that she had a problem with the cheerleader type girls, since she was one herself, she just can’t stand her name. Jessica has more of the scene/emo girl appearance. Short black teased hair that only reached the top of her shoulders. Her hair had choppy layers and purple highlights all over. Her bellybutton is pierced as well as one hole in each ear. Her parents absolutely refused to let her get any type of lip or nose piercing.

Jessica swore to herself like was perfect, until her dad was transferred to a different location for work. Where may you ask, all the way in Huntington Beach California. Jessica gets transferred to Huntington High, where she hates the teachers, the people, the food, everything. All she wants to do is go back to Canada and go back to being the fake person she was, at least it made her happier… Until a tall kid with ice blue eyes and all of his friends show her a new meaning in life. A life where you don’t need to pretend to be something you’re not.

I DO NOT own Matt, Jimmy, Brian, Zack, Johnny, Val, or Michelle… or anyone else that you recognize from Avenged Sevenfold. Just saying…(: but I do own Jessica and any other people that are not famous or that you don’t recognize. Can we keep it that way please? <3