The Ghost of You

Bad Things Happen To Good People

We sat in silence,starring up at the sky.

I had to let everything sink in.

First of all, I was a ghost who was murdered by her step father,and five months later I decide to...I don't know,wake up? And ever since then my boyfriend's life has been a total wreck.

And the only thing I wondered was,

"Why me?" I said aloud. I didn't mean to though. I was actually content with just laying next to Andrew in silence. He had his eyes closed and was quietly singing some old rock song. I didn't bother him,just laid next to him and listen to his beautiful voice.

Andrew could play the guitar and sing better than any famous singer.I would love when he would serenade me late at night under the stars.

But it was the time when Andrew and his musician friends had their first gig.

They managed to play for some sort of club place for "young adults". Everyone loved them and I could tell Andrew was just loving every second of being up on stage. He was beaming at me and the audience when he wasn't singing.

The time came for their final song. Andrew said it was for someone special. The next thing I know their is this big spot light shinning down on me. He announced to the crowd that he wrote the next song for me.

Some of the girls around me glared,others,laughed,and a few told me I was really lucky.

When the song was over,Andrew hopped off the stage and found me. Then,while everyone was looking,planted a big kiss on me.

"You never told me what happened to my mom and Liam."I said. "Obviously the police didn't get him,because he has a grave."

"You are right,as usual."he said."I skipped that part. I really don't like to talk about it."

"Then don't tell me.We can talk about something else."

"No,"he said after a moment,"you need to know.

He turned his head toward me again." I went back upstairs to you and when the police opened the door,I heard some yelling from Liam, then a gunshot.

When the police escorted me downstairs, I saw him lying there with a gun next to him and his brains everywhere."

"Is it bad if I don't feel the least bit sad about him?" I asked after a moment.

"No,"he answered,"seeing him dead was probably the highlight of the following week."

"There is just one thing I don't understand."

"What's that?"

"If I was dead for a whole day,why didn't my mom call you,or the police sooner?"

"I overheard the police ask her that. She said he took away all the phones and threaten to kill her if she somehow got the police. She called the police when I was there because I dropped my phone."

"So My dad died in a car crash on my birthday, my mom committed suicide,and I was murdered by by step-father who later killed himself. What did I do to deserve this?" I asked aloud.

"Bad things happen to good people."

"Got that right." I said.

"Hey,look at that." Andrew said after a moment.

I sat up. "What?" I asked,looking around.

Andrew stood up and walked a few feet away. He bent down and picked something up.

"Here," he said,handing me a beautiful red tulip,"it's the first thing I have seen bloom here since you died."

I took the flower happily."Thank you." I said,giving him a quick kiss.

"This place has been dead for five months?" I asked.

Andrew nodded."I thought this place would help me remember all the good things about us,but when you died,slowly everything here did too until it all reminded me that this place was dead,like you."

Then I remembered something my mom told me once. Her favorite flowers were red tulips,because she said they meant 'undying love'.

I smiled to myself. I really missed my mom now.

I missed the way she always seemed to make everything better,no matter how bad the situation was.

My mom was forgetful,clumsy,embarrassing,and sometimes even a little strict,but she was also goofy,fun,and my best friend.

Well,if we are both dead,why can't I see her? Where was she?

"How did she do it?"I asked."I mean my mom. How did she kill herself?"

Andrew frowned."Four months ago. She overdosed on her anti-depressants."

"I wonder why I can't see her."

"Maybe it's a ghost thing. Maybe it takes five months to... appear,like you did."

"Then,why can't I see Liam? It's been five months since he did to."

"Who would want to see him anyway? And he's probably in hell. At least that's where I hope he is."

"But my mom,"I said quietly,"she killed herself. Doesn't suicide send you to hell too?"

That made Andrew quiet.

I just hope where ever my mom was,she was okay,and knew I loved her.

"Speaking of ghost things,"Andrew finally said."What if your have some sort of powers?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This was just another chapter to show how Elise and Liam died. Please comment and tell your friends to read this ! The next chapter will be completely about how Lilly and Andrew met! And sorry,I know this chapter is very boring,but I promise the next one is going to be really good!