Song of Storms


When Link looked in the mirror, he didn’t see a hero. He saw a 17 year old boy with his hair too long, his eyes too tired, his skin too pale, and a missing smile. Because back before this all started, back when he was in the innocent land of childhood, his hair wasn’t too long and his eyes weren’t too tired and his skin was tan and he always had a smile.

It had been a long time since Link had seen the boy he used to be, playing in the fields of the farm, laughing with his friends, pretending that he was the Hero of Time. He didn’t know when the line between reality and fiction blurred, when Hyrule became real to him, when he became obsessed with getting back to where he was convinced he was from.

An 8 year old boy who’s convinced he’s the Hero of Time seems darling. But as he got older and the obsession didn’t fade, his parents became more and more worried about their only child. Or were they his parents? Link’s parents died many years ago, a few months after he was born, during the war. These people, the people who had raised him, who called themselves his parents, were impostors. Sure, their heart was in the right place, but for them to believe wholeheartedly that they were his parents was ridiculous.

Link knew the truth. Why couldn’t they see it too?