Hit the Ground Running

Fly Back Home.

JP's P.O.V.

Three Weeks into Filming VLB

Three girls eagerly pushed themselves from the bright yellow taxi as they shuffled around in the early morning darkness. Finding that they were making too muhc noise, they hushed the others and one handed the taxi driver a handful of cash. The man had no objections and took off back down the road.

They giggled drunkenly, but had only had a few beers at the small bar at the airport.

Coming to the front gate, the blonde one of the three hurriedly put in the code that would open the gates, and once able to do so correctly, they hurried in through the gates and down the long drive, dragging their suitcases with them.

JP found the side sliding glass door opened, and hurried inside to look around. April and Phil weren't up (or even there, from what she could tell) so she had no guilt in doing what she was about to do.

Lisa went to the stereo and cranked it up as loud as it would go with the most hardcore song she could find from Bam's CD collection. Frankie was looking for a megaphone for JP to use.

Once all the requirements were met, Lisa was stationed at the stereo, Frankie was in between JP and she so that she could give the signal of when to turn on the music. JP found Bam's room easily. Standing up on the back of the bed where she found Bam, and who she could only think was Missy, sleeping.

JP nodded to Frankie and she quickly gave the signal to Lisa. The whole plot of land was instantly filled with Distured's Down With the Sickness.

Bam woke up with a start, springing from his sleeping state and looking around with tired, baggy eyes. JP bent down and placed the megaphone right in his face before yelling:

"Wakey, wakey motherfuckers! JP is back and ready to give you shitheads HELL!"

As soon as she had spoken those words, JP started to up on the bed, sometimes hitting someone's leg or arm, but not caring. The others in the house (which consisted of, but was not limited to, Dico, Raab, Ryan, and Novak) all came to see what was going on. Lisa and Frankie were all in the floor of Bam's room laughing their asses off as JP countinued to jump and scream into the megaphone.

"Shit! JP! Stop! That's my fucking arm, stop!"

All the laughing and yelling went to dead silence as JP stumbled off the bed, tripping over dirty clothes that were spread throughout the floor.

Lisa, Frankie, and JP stared at girl sitting in the bed beside Bam fucking Margera.

"K-kassi?!" JP stuttered, not believing what she was seeing. Bam looked as if nothing was wrong, but JP was the very definition of rage right now. "How fucking dare you! I can't believe you'd do that to Steve-o!"

And then JP left the room, the group of guys parting for her like the Red Sea did for Moses. Kassi was quick to jump off the bed and go after her (fully dressed in pajamas, 'mind you).

JP was found somewhere between the pool and the garage, holding a cellphone to her ear as she tried to wipe tears from her eyes. Kassi hurried ran over and plucked the phone from JP's hand before anymore damage could be done. JP, already regretting coming back at all, spun around and glared darkly at the girl.

"Why?! Why would you do such a thing to Steve-o! He's treated you way better than Bam ever could!"

Kassi, quickly explained, "The guys destroyed my bed yesterday and I only trusted Bam's bed!"

JP didn't take it. "Oh yay? Then why didn't you just make him buy you a new one?"

Kassi gave JP a look. "They destroyed my bed on purpose. Why would they buy me a new one?" JP was quiet. Kassi continued. "And besides! Bam has Missy! She's off seeing family right now and I was obviously dressed in pjs as I slept." She motioned to the clothes covering her body.

JP thought all of this over, slightly bad at the accusations she made.

"So you aren't cheating on Steve-o with Bam Bam?" Kassi shook her head. "And Bam Bam isn't cheating on Missy with you?" Kassi shook her head. "And I'm not cheating on Chris with Ryan?" Kassi didn't miss the smug grin that JP hand. She hit the blonde on the shoulder, giving her a look but both laughed in the end.

"So, what's with the haircut?"

JP grinned. "Chris had a thing for pulling it when we--"

Kassi quickly plugged her ears, not wanting to hear the rest. "Ew, gross, stop! No more, please!" The blonde laughed evilly, slapping her friend on the back as they made their way back into the house where Lisa and Frankie were, evidentally, being hit on by Novak.

"Novak!" JP shouted, causing his attention to be pulled away from the two lovely girls. "Stop hitting on my friends before I hit you."

The entire room bust out in laughter, all except Novak that is. And then Bam made the declaration of, "Let's go get some shit to eat!"

With Lisa replied with a, "Well, you can eat your shit, but I'm gonna go get me some waffles."

Ah, it was good to be back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kassi & Co.

Well, that was a lot of drama don't cha think? :P
But yeah! JP and Kassi are reunited! The filming can go on.
And what's with JP's new haircut? ;D
Well, Chris does have enough hair for the both of them...

Also, you don't have to read the following message, but I would appreciate it~:
I have a story called Met Your Match. It's a Bam story, one that I am very much in love with and I would love to have some feedback on it! Now I know most of you guys are big Bam fans... think you can handle some hot rated-X scenes and a fun&wacky plot?
Go check it out! :3