.-. Vampire At Hogwarts .-.


"To our returning students, welcome back! To our new students, welcome to Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall bellowed through the Great Hall after all the new first years were sorted.
There was a polite applause before McGonagall began.
"I do have a few things to inform you about, but let us eat first before the food gets cold!"
The plate centered perfectly before you filled with food instantaneously.
In the past 6 years, the welcoming feast had always been a huge thing for you. Excited chatter, new students, and the new classes always made it fun, but now that Dumbledore was gone, it just wasn't the same.
Finally, when everyone was done eating, Headmistress McGonagall stood up and the Great Hall fell silent.
"Again I welcome every student. As majority of you know, the Forbidden Forest is indeed forbidden. During these times it is especially not safe to be near it. Also, we have implemented a new rule here at Hogwarts. Students are now required to travel in groups of 2 or 3. Ever since last year's attack against the school, we have had to make security even tighter. Students are not allowed out of common rooms after 9. Prefects must be in their common rooms by midnight. Usually, there are different shifts, but we have new staff that will be taking on that duty. If you must be out of bed after the curfew, as in Quidditch practice, then you must have the Headmistress' permission. Is there anything else?" she asked, turning her head to the staff seated beside her. They all shook their head's mechanically.
"In that case, prefects, please escort the first years to the appropriate common rooms. 2nd -7th years please stay seated for a moment.
You plopped back down into your seat as did everyone else when she had dismissed the 1st years.
"Silence," professor McGonagall called out when the oak doors shut behind a group of Ravenclaws.
"As all of you can see, this number of students here this year is about half as many we had last year. This year at Hogwarts is going to be rough. New rules will be enforced and security is going to be strict. With Professor Dumbledore gone, many things will have to be changed. Any questions?" Professor McGonagall finish. She pointed her old, stress wrinkled fingers at the Ravenclaw table.
"Yes Mr. Arcos?"
The 6th year Ravenclaw stood up. "How are staying in groups supposed to help?"
"Death eaters won't attack groups, especially if they all know some level of magic. This is only another kind of protection for every student. Yes Ms. Edmund?"
You stood up quickly. You hated speaking in front of groups.
"How will first years protect themselves when they can't even do the simplest of magic?"
"The staff is hoping that they will quickly catch on in Defense of the Dark Arts and master the skills. Other than that, you will all have to look out for them," Professor McGonagall spoke quickly and efficiently.
Every one listened will their full attention and responded appropriately with a nod of their head. McGonagall breathed deeply.
"Any other questions?" the Great Hall stood silent. "Ok then. Please head up to your dormitories. REMEMBER GROUPS OF 2 OR 3! Prefects will be waiting near your entrances," McGonagall had to bellow over the sounds of students as they stood up from their seats and moved towards the large doors.
Brandy, Dean and you quickly got together and followed other Gryffindor's to the common room where Hermione and Ron stood waiting.
"Password is 'Godric', but it will change at midnight to 'Pygmy Puffs," Hermione rolled her eyes at the passwords, obviously Ron's idea. You gave her a nod that you had heard her and then followed behind Brandy as you went into the common room.
The room was full of people greeting friends they hadn't seen over the summer. Girls were hugging and screaming while guys simply shook hands.
"PHEEBS!" Harry yelled from across the room.
"MY LOVER!" you screamed back as you ran to him and jumped into his arms.
Harry and you definitely weren't lovers, but you were awesome friends. If you weren't with Brandy and Dean, then you hung around with Harry.
Hermione wasn't too fond of you. She thought you were immature and took unnecessary risks. Ron was cool to hang around with too.
"How was your summer?" Harry asked as he set you down on your feet and led you over to a couch.
"Dreadful!" you whined as you plopped down on Harry's lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Awww what happened?" Harry asked as he traced a pattern on your jeans with his finger. You thought about telling him about Draco, but you couldn't. Your mother had made it very clear to you that you couldn't say anything about Draco taking residency in the basement of your manor. Something to do with Death eaters and The Order.
"I didn't get to see you!"
"I told you to write me!"
"I did! Twice actuallyand both times I got a letter back saying that Harry no longer lived at Privet Drive"
"Vernon" Harry mumbled angrily. You raised an eyebrow. "My unclehe's been making Hedwig go through the downstairs window and he reads all my mail. I'll kill him"
"Don't kill him" you said dramatically.
"Why not?" he asked with a smile, his green eyes reflected the moon.
"What would Dumbledore say?" the words were out of your mouth before you could think about them. Harry's smile quickly faded and his eyes became dull. You covered your mouth with your hand. Harry looked away from you and into the fire.
"Harry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to" you whispered as you wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled into his neck. Harry didn't exactly hug you back, but he wrapped his arms around you.
"It's alright," he replied. You looked into his eyes as they seemed to shimmer with tears.
"How was your summer?" you asked trying to get is mind off the tragedies of last year.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yea well...what do you expect when you live with people who hate you and when the world's most dangerous wizard is after you?" he asked with a tired smile. You smiled back.
"I'd expect you to be brave and kick some Voldemort assas for your aunt and uncle, well"
"This was my last summer with them. I'm leaving after this year."
"I thought you had to go back just once more?"
"Just one night, but I'll be using that night to pack up all my things."
"Where will you go?"
"The Black Manor. I'll go there until I can afford my own place."
"If I'm not mistaken, you planned on not coming back this year at all" Harry pursed his lips.
"I did say that huh?" you nodded. "WellI figured that if I'm living on my own, I'll need a job. If I plan on getting a job, I need to graduate first. Besideshow would I defeat Voldemort if I haven't learned everything?" You hugged him once more.
"I'm glad you came back."
"Me too."
"Gryffindors! You heard what the Headmistress said! No one goes out after 9 o' clock. The portrait will seal itself shut after that unless you have a pass! Pygmy Puffs will rule the world at midnight!" Hermione bellowed before joining you, Harry, Dean, Brandy, and Ron over on the couches.
"Well done Hermione" Dean said as she sat down. She smiled.
"Thanks Dean," she replied as she rested her head against the back of the chair and closed her eyes.
"You do know that it's only Gryffindors in here right? You didn't need to disguise the password" you scoffed. Hermione opened her eyes and glared at you. Harry poked you in the ribs so Hermione couldn't see.
"What?" you asked turning to Harry who gave you 'the look'. "I'm just letting her know that other houses can't hear us! Besidesshe told us the new password before we came in!"
"I was just making sure everyone remembered!" she seethed. She hated being shown up, but you loved to press her buttons.
"Then remind us! You don't have to put everything into code!"
"Talk about a speech at the Welcoming Feast tonight! Right guys?" Brandy said as Hermione continued to glare at you.
"Awesome speech"
"Uh huh" everyone replied.
"You think you're so much better than everyone else! Don't you Edmund?" Hermione finally yelled.
"Now 'Miony" Harry tried to interject.
"At least I'm not a know-it all, Granger!" you screamed back. You went to stand up to face Hermione who was now standing over you, but Harry held you firmly on his lap.
"Phoebe! Stop it!" he said as you tried to wiggle from his grasp.
"Hermione, just ignore her!" Ron said as he tried to nicely pull Hermione away from you and back to her couch. She slapped his hand away.
"I hope you do get expelled this year Edmund! I won't be sorry when you do!"
"I won't be either! Then I won't have to see you anymore!" you screamed, wrenching yourself from Harry's grasp and storming up to your dorm.
"Phoebe!" Harry yelled from the bottom of the dorm.
"I'll talk to you later Harry! Night!" you yelled back angrily. You slammed your door.
This was going to be a long yea
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OMG i feel dreadful for such a horrible story