.-. Vampire At Hogwarts .-.


"So we just . . . tell him?" Brandy questioned when you told her what Harry had said. You nodded.
"Alright . . . " Brandy said as she handed you parchment and a quill. You pushed it away.
"You write it."
"Why?" she asked with a perplexed look on her face. "You're the one he's infatuated
with . . ."
"Shut up . . . " you said as you snatched the quill from her. She handed you the parchment and you began to write.
'Malfoy . . .
I don't know why you think I like you. That night when I kissed you was a mistake. I was drunk and we were playing truth or dare. Ok? So get over it . . . I DON'T LIKE YOU.
"Well . . . here goes nothing," you said as you tied the letter to your owl and opened the window. You flopped down next to Brandy on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
"Penis . . . " Brandy said. You looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Vagina . . . " you replied.
"You win," Brandy replied as she stood up and headed down to the common room. You followed her and plopped down on her lap. You were both very random people.
((Random Authors Note: My friend Kayla and I randomly say body parts during awkward moments of silence. And if we're really bored we'll keep saying them . . . :P))
"Hey Brandy," Ron said as he came in with Hermione. Brandy waved and smiled.
"Hey Phoebe," he said. Instead of turning around and greeting him, you simply raised your hand in the air and flicked him off. You could hear him chuckle. "Nice to see you too . . . "
"Immature," you also heard Hermione scoff under her breath. You turned around and raised an eyebrow at her before muttering under your breath: "Know-it-all," but just loud enough for her to hear you.
Hermione crossed her arms across her chest and stomped up to her dormitory. You laughed and went to high five Brandy, but she just looked at you and shook her head.
"Oh come on Brandy. You know it's true."
"True or not, you shouldn't provoke her. One of these days she might crucio your ass and I won't be the one to stop her," you watched as Brandy stood up and walked out of the common room leaving you sitting dumbfounded.
You turned to Ron who was looking about as dumbstruck as you were.
"What's up her panties?" you asked rhetorically as you stood up.
"Well . . . " Ron began to answer but you cut him off.
"Rhetorical question Ron. I'll see you later," and you walked out the common room to find Dean.
"What's wrong with Brandy?" you asked Dean who was sitting in the library alone. He shrugged and kept reading his Herbology book, murmuring different plants as he read their uses. You shook your head and were about to leave for the Great Hall, but you saw Harry walk past the library entrance, so you quickly got up and followed him.
"Harry, darling!" you cooed as you walked behind him. He turned around quickly and when he saw you, you thought you saw his face fall from a slight smile to a frown.
"What's up?" you asked as you linked arms with him. Slowly, he shrugged you off and kept walking. What was with people being mad at you?
"Harry?" you called. He didn't stop. You jogged a few steps to catch up with him, and then you spun around and stopped in front of him, your arms outstretched to either side to stop him from going around.
"Why do you want to know? You don't care . . . " he said with a scowl on his face. You dropped your arms to your sides in defeat and stared at him in a sort of awe.
"Why wouldn't I care? You're my friend Harry!" you pleaded as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at you; his emerald green eyes penetrating you accusingly.
"A few hours ago you told me that I was annoying and that you hated me. All of a sudden you care again?" he asked. You felt slightly sick to your stomach when he told you this. When had you said those things? Was someone telling your friends that you said these things behind your back?
"Harry - " you began.
"Forget it Phoebe . . . I don't have time for this," and Harry stormed past you, brushing your shoulder, knocking you into the stone wall. You watched after him until he turned a corner and then you slid down the wall.
You cradled your head in your hands and cried. Why? You weren't sure exactly . . . but it hurt to know that your best friends really thought these things! Why would you hate Harry? You had no reason to! And Brandy! Why was she all of a sudden sticking up for Hermione? Brandy had never taken part in your little bickers with Miss Know-it-All . . . but she had never actually confronted you on it . . .
You hugged your knees to your chest and let your chin rest on your knees. You stopped crying and wiped the tears from your face. Maybe it was just best not to deal with them right now . . . give them time to cool down.
"'Ey boys! Look what the hippogriff dragged in . . . " you heard a familiar voice sneer. You looked up and glared at Zabini.
"Bug off . . . "
"Awww . . . and miss out on a good torment? I think not . . . " Blaise said as he stepped closer to you. You stood up quickly as Blaise stood in front of you . . . his group of cronies encircling the two of you.
"Back off Zabini . . . wouldn't want to get your arse whooped in front of all your friends, would you?" you jeered. Zabini gave a low growl before pulling out his wand and quickly aiming it at your head. You smirked.
"You think its funny Edmund?" he laughed. You continued to smirk at him.
"Give it your best shot," you mumbled. You could feel your fangs grazing the inside of your lower lip where you usually felt nothing.
'Come on Blaise . . . come on . . . you practically pleaded in your head. You wanted him to try and hurt you, just so you could vent all your frustration out on him.
The way Brandy told you off, the way Dean totally ignored you, and lastly . . . the way Harry pushed you away. All those things would go into the bite. Oh . . . you wanted to bite so badly . . .
Just as you opened your mouth to jump forward onto Blaise, he was crumpled on the floor. You stood over him, panting heavily when you heard someone coming up next to you.
"EDMUND! ZABINI! What is the meaning of this?" Mad-Eye Moody yelled as he pulled you backwards away from Blaise by your upper arm.
You jerked free of his grip and turned back to Zabini who was slowly getting off the floor.
"SIR! She star - "
"AND YOU! ABOUT TO USE AN UNFORGIVABLE CURSE! HOW DARE YOU!?" he bellowed as he seemed to glide up to Blaise. Blaise seemed taken aback as Moody yelled at him. His usually cold brown eyes were filled with fear as Moody grabbed him by the ear and began to drag him away.
"Edmund! Follow!" he yelled over his shoulder. Blaise was stumbling over his feet as he tried to keep up with Mad-Eye as he continued to yank his ear off.
Your heart beat fast. You were so close . . . so close to the bite. Normally, you would never want someone else's blood. You actually had a special formula that you were instructed to drink every so often, otherwise you may have the urge to hunt. And when you hunted blood, the person never ended up living. To wanting Blaise's blood like that was weird . . . but it felt good to have that adrenaline high.
You followed closely behind the both of them as Moody led you around different halls, your fangs slowly retracting into your jaw painfully. Eventually, you all stood in front of the Headmistress' entrance.
"Devoted students," Mad-Eye said angrily and the eagle sprung open to reveal the spiral staircase. He pushed Blaise forward and he stumbled on the stairs, cracking his shin hard against the corner of the stair, he yelped out in pain.
You scoffed at him with a smirk playing on your face. Mad-Eye rounded on you next and pointed at the stairs while sending you a very heated look. You continued to smirk as you stepped forward onto the moving staircase, Blaise on the ground whimpering, and Moody behind you, breathing down you neck.
When you got to the top, Moody yanked Blaise of the ground by his arm and then grabbed you by the arm and roughly dragged you both into McGonagall's office without even knocking.
"Professor McGonagall!" Moody bellowed as he walked in. McGonagall looked up from her book and stared at Snape with wondering eyes.
"Professor . . . these students were fighting in the east hall. Mr. Zabini was about to use an Unforgivable curse on Ms. Edmund, but I was able to stop him. Ms. Edmund though, was about to attack Mr. Zabini," Mad-Eye took a deep breath and McGonagall set her book down on her desk and closed it, staring at Moody. "I thought the matter would be better handled by you."
McGonagall nodded and gave a simple wave to Moody. He quickly turned and left, shutting the door loudly from behind him.
"Have a seat," McGonagall said solemnly as she stood up and walked around to the front of her desk. Your heart now beat fast with anxiety. Never had you been in front of a headmaster/headmistress for almost attacking another student . . . would she expel you?
"Mr. Zabini. Is what Mr. Moody said true? Did you try to use one of the Unforgivable curses on Ms. Edmund?" Blaise sighed as he looked down at his feet; he twirled his thumbs around each other as McGonagall stared down at him.
Her silver eyes stared knowingly through their round spectacles as Blaise continued to remain silent. Finally, Blaise gave a very faint nod. Professor McGonagall gave a nod in return and then continued.
"I . . . I don't know, Madame," he mumbled.
"I am sure that you are aware of the fact that the act of using one of the Unforgivable curses is punishable by death?" McGonagall asked calmly, her arms crossed gently across his chest.
Blaise's face drained of all its color as he looked up at McGonagall with wide, horrified eyes that seemed to cry out for mercy.
"Professor," Blaise pleaded. McGonagall held up a hand to silence him. You watched as tears formed in Blaise's eyes and he began to shake.
"I am not going to report you Mr. Zabini. This is the first time I have ever talked to you about something so serious in all your years here, but . . . " McGonagall said, once again holding up a hand to silence Blaise when she saw a smile spread over his face. "But you will be expelled for three weeks."
"What do I tell my parents?" Blaise asked, folding his hands and laying them in his lap.
"I'm sure you will figure something out. Now go pack your trunk. I will be writing your parents in a while," McGonagall finished as she motioned for Blaise to leave. As quickly as he could, Blaise left the Headmistress' office for his common room.
You started to fidget, knowing that it was just you and McGonagall now. You knew she would tell your mother. You just knew it . . . and how mad she'll be, to find out you almost bit a fellow student.
"Phoebe," McGonagall spoke, pulling you from your daze. You stared into her eyes and noticed the sliver of a smile playing on her lips, but you didn't dare smile or laugh.
"Did you drink the potion you were given?" she asked. She reminded you of your doctor. 'Are you sure you took your medication?'
"I had one last week . . . " you mumbled under your breath. You were supposed to take one today, but with everything happening, you had forgotten.
"This can not and will not happen again. Understood?" she asked. You nodded feebly, you could feel her stare on you and it was driving you nuts.
"I will be writing your mother tonight. I know she will not be happy, but she must know. Go back to your dormitory and take the potion. Phoebe, if you do not, it can not only be dangerous to us, but to yourself as well," you looked at McGonagall for a moment. 'Dangerous to me?' you asked yourself, but McGonagall sat down and picked up her book and continued reading before you could ask, so you stood up and left.
"Good night," she called after you as you left the office, shutting the door behind you quietly.
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